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- ***********************************************************************
- * *
- * S220to8SVX Version 1.4 is a freeware program *
- * *
- * Copyright (c) 1991 Dieter Bruns *
- * *
- * You need arp.library *
- * and files created by *
- * my program Roland_S-220 *
- * *
- * ( NO commercial use without written permission of the author ) *
- * *
- ***********************************************************************
- What does this software ?
- -------------------------
- Samples of Roland S-220/S-10/MKS-100 are converted to
- "8SVX" IFF 8-Bit Sampled Voice.
- Usage of S-220_to_8SVX :
- ------------------------
- Arp.library must be in drawer libs.
- You can start the program from CLI or Workbench.
- Gadget Load and convert:
- ________________________
- Specify a file created with Roland_S-220. If your choice
- is not an Roland file a requester will appear.
- When the file is successfully loaded the sampledata are
- converted to 8-Bit.
- Gadget Save as 8SVX:
- ____________________
- The ARP-Filerequester appears with name
- of SAMPLING STRUCTURE plus extension .8SVX
- Following header will be created :
- FORM xx.xx.xx.xx ;len of FORM
- xx.xx.xx.xx ; oneShotHiSamples(depends on STRUCTURE)
- xx.xx.xx.xx ; samplesPerHiCycle(depends on REC KEY & SAMPLING RATE)
- xx.xx.01.00 ; 15 or 30 kHz 1 Octave no compression
- ; max. volume
- xxxxxxxxxxx ; name of STRUCTURE
- (c)
- xxxxxxxxxxx ; "for converter software: Dieter Bruns 1989",00
- xxxxxxxxxxx ; "Sampling Hardware ROLAND",00,00
- BODY xx.xx.xx.xx ; bodylen (depends on STRUCTURE and manipulation of
- : samplingrate (30 to 15 kHZ))
- :
- Gadget 30 <> 15 kHz:
- ________________________
- If a Roland-file with SAMPLING-RATE of 30 kHz was converted,
- you can switch between samplingrate of 15kHz and 30kHz.
- This is necessary, if you want use the data as musical instrument.
- (max. sampling-rate of AMIGA is for PAL systems 28.867 kHz).
- Gadget Change Volume
- --------------------
- A requester appears with several gadgets. By using these gadgets,
- you set the percentage of the original volume.
- A percentage of 100% will not change the volume. The new level
- will be processed with the original data.
- Gadget Original Volume
- ----------------------
- This gadget allows you to undo any volume operation. The same effect
- you will get with a change volume of 100.
- Set startpoint and endpoint of sample
- -------------------------------------
- First, you can set these points with the string-, plus- and minus-
- gadgets.
- Second, hit the gadgets over the display of the sample and move
- the mouse.
- Play sample
- -----------
- If you hit and release the right mousebutton, the sample will be played.
- If you hit the right nousebutton during the sound is played, the sample
- will be played again.
- During the play COLOR03 is red. So you can recognize whether Sound-DMA
- is active or not.
- address :
- Dieter Bruns Dieter Bruns
- Lilienweg 131 or Rebenring 63/0521
- W-2725 Hemsbuende W-3300 Braunschweig
- Tel.: 04266-677 Tel.: 0531-344416