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/ AM/FM: Amiga Musicians' Freeware Magazine 4 / AM-FM 4.adf / text / showreport.txt.pp / showreport.txt (.png)
ANSi Art File  |  1991-11-16  |  6.5 KB  |  640x1808  |  4-bit (6 colors)
   ocr: The 5th Interikliunal 16-bit Cumpuler Shuw, 14-16 February 1992. Rejuirl. hy: Ruhhy Slhadhsafdari/Dahs Drxi iyu. At first glance the show looked really big and I was expecting to: see alot of blg conpanies, (e.g. Ocean, US Gald etc. But seems like thls and show disk was only labcls. So organiscd lcts for gct on pcople with who thc hauc rcport. just ran out of cmpty disk Tankin nl Lhr hiy sLauds, ATART had Lhr hiyyesl XLanl durl Lhankfully thcy wercn' t intcrested in showing off their built in MIDI and their sequencing programs. They uere only showing the ATAHI TT, and its lower priced fanily. ...