ocr: - aAAA AMZFM 01 II I D-101481 II D-409035 II D-214C20 I 02 !!! D-204C25 !! (-2014A2 II - - II - 03 II G-20CAOF II G-201483 II II F-214C10 IT LONG LIVE THE PROTRACKER!! As we all know, the former producers of Protracker, Amiga Freelancers, have stopped all activities connected to the program: They are in these days very busy with their NEW project; APOLLON, which will (in a while) be available as a - prevtew-verson. For some time, the idea was just to eliminate the whole source,and forget all about the program, because SO MANY people were complaining and bothering them with stupid and useless s ...