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- Aural Illusion Jr - User guide
- Welcome to Ai Jr, This is a Public domain demo version of a
- commercial program available from the address at the end of this
- doc file.
- This program requires Kickstart/Workbench 2.0 or greater and 1
- Meg RAM
- The difference between this and the commercial version is the
- memory that can be accessed, Ai Jr is limited to just over 22,000
- samples per buffer, this means you have about 1 seconds worth at
- 22KHz. The commercial version allocates as much memory as it can
- find, The commercial version will be upgraded to V1.1 free of
- charge but a demo of V1.1 won't be put in the public domain. If
- anyone Has used Soundman Jr V0.9 or V1.0 ditch them as the're
- rubbish! The name change is due to trade mark problems.
- What does it do?
- Aural illusion is a 16 bit sound processor, it can load 8 and 16
- bit raw sample files and stores these in 16 bit format in memory.
- There are 16 variable effects and 12 manipulations that can be done
- to one or more samples.
- Starting Ai
- Ai Jr starts up with three windows, Two sample windows and an Edit
- window. The Edit window allows to play and edit the sample in a
- number of ways.
- The Edit window controls:-
- Cut - Removes selected section of a sample.
- Copy over - First select the range in one sample then a point in
- the other,the range will be copied over the area from
- the point.
- Copy into - Similar to copy over but this time the rest of the
- sample is moved along, not destroyed.
- Copy all - Copies the entire selected sample into the other
- window.
- Play view - Plays the current view - mono only.
- Play range - Plays the current range, in mono or stereo, If stereo
- is selected, the last range selected will be played
- from each sample.
- Play all - plays all of the sample - mono or stereo.
- NOTE : To stop a sample playing press one of the play buttons, the
- sound will then cut off but not immediately.
- Filter - Toggles the Amigas hardware audio filter, by default is
- off.
- Show Rng - Shows the current selected range.
- Show all - Shows the entire sample.
- Zoom in - Shows less of the sample.
- Zoom out - Shows more of the sample.
- Range all - selects entire sample as a range.
- Zero - Clears selected range.
- Scale % - Increases / Decreases selected area by Amount set in
- slider below.
- Sample rate - Controls playback speed of sample, defaults to
- maximum.
- Mono / Stereo - selects between mono and stereo playback.
- 8 / 16 bit - Selects between 8 and 16 bit saving / loading mode.
- Effects - Opens effects selection window.
- Manips - Opens the Manipulations window.
- Displays
- Message window - Indicates current operation, When clear this
- means it has finished operation and is waiting
- for your next command.
- Cusr 1: - Display position of cursor in sample 1.
- Cusr 2: - Display position of cursor in sample 2.
- Range: - Displays size of last range selected.
- Pull down menus
- Project
- New - Clears both samples
- Open - Loads a sample into the selected range.
- Save - Saves the current selected range.
- About - Displays info about Ai Jr
- Quit Aural Illusion - Quits program.
- Edit
- Cut - Same as on window
- Copy over - Same as on window
- Copy into - Same as on window
- Copy all - Same as on window
- Effects selection
- The effects selection window has 18 buttons, 17 of these select
- the effects and the Cancel button closes the window. Pressing one
- of the effects buttons will open a different window which allows
- you to control and execute the effect.
- In all cases Go executes the effect and Cancel closes the window.
- Reverb - Creates a reverberation effect.
- Delay - Sets reverb delay time.
- Decay - Sets initial level, best kept low.
- Passes - Number of times the reverb is repeated, a small number
- can sound unnatural.
- Reverb / Subverb - Reverb is added, Subverb is subtracted,
- subtle difference slightly longer delay with
- subverb.
- Echo - Gives a longer more pronounced effect than reverb.
- Delay - Sets delay time.
- Decay - Sets initial level, best kept low.
- Passes - Number of echoes.
- Add / Subtract - selects between added or subtracted echoes.
- Delay - Delays the sound and adds it to original.
- Depth - Level of sound, added or subtracted.
- Add / Subtract - selects between added or subtracted delay.
- Bounce - Gives a short echo type effect, sounds mechanical.
- Delay - sets delay time.
- Decay - sets initial level.
- Add / subtract - selects between added and subtracted bounce.
- Phase shift - Has a filtering sort of effect if kept low.
- Shift - Sets phase shift length.
- Passes - Number of phase shifts.
- Add / subtract - Very pronounced difference.
- Phaser - Gives phasing effect.
- Value - sets speed of phasing.
- Add /subtract - Selects added or subtracted effect.
- Flange - This is the most powerful effect with a variety of uses.
- Delay - Amount of shift.
- Level - Number of shifts.
- Depth - Number of repeat phases.
- Phase - Speed of phases.
- Add / Subtract - On more than one pass this can have quite a
- difference.
- Straight / reverse - Straight is best for pure tones, whereas
- reverse best on recorded samples.
- Chorus - Gives impression of many sounds.
- Spread - Amount copies are spread out.
- Delay - Phasing speed.
- Add / subtract - Added or subtracted effect.
- Distortion - Distorts sound.
- Level - Level of distortion shift.
- Depth - Level of distortion added back.
- Upper - Upper half of sample effected only.
- Lower - Lower half of sample effected only.
- Both - Both halves of sample effected.
- Add / subtract - Added or subtracted effect.
- Contort - Computerised distortion.
- Level - level of Contortion / Distortion.
- F-Distort - (Fast distort) Faster version of normal distortion.
- Contort - Replaces distorted values with other values.
- Resonant - Gives resonant type of sound.
- Length - Length of delay.
- Passes - Number of times effect is repeated.
- Add / subtract - Added or subtracted, gives different sound.
- Feedback - similar to resonant but stronger.
- Length - Length of delay.
- Passes - Number of times effect is repeated.
- Add / subtract - Added or subtracted, gives different sound.
- Resample - Shortens or lengthens sound.
- Value - Size change 100 = double size when increasing. = half
- size when decreasing.
- Increase / decrease - selects between increasing or decreasing
- size.
- Detune - Shortens or lengthens sound and adds to original.
- Value - Size change 100 = double size when increasing. = half
- size when decreasing.
- Depth - Amount added back.
- Increase / decrease - selects between increasing or decreasing
- size.
- Add / subtract - Added or subtracted.
- Make stereo - Copies range to other sample with delay, when played
- in stereo will sound stereo.
- Depth - Amount effecting other side.
- Add - Add to other sample.
- Overwrite - Overwrite other sample.
- Enhance - Enhances treble response of sample.
- Depth - Level of enhancement, best kept low.
- Add / subtract - Adding adds treble, subtracting removes it.
- Presets - These are preset phase shift effects which have different
- filtering type actions.
- Bass - Enhances lowbass response.
- Tin - Makes sound tinney.
- Tube - Makes sample sound as if it were in a tube.
- Add / Subtract - Changing to subtract gives the opposite of the
- effect.
- The Manipulations window
- This window contains 12 manipulations which can be done to the
- sample/s. Some of these require two inputs, if you wish to say
- AND a drum with a string sound with the result overwriting the
- string here's what to do:-
- First click the pointer at the beginning of the drum sound. Then
- select the String sound as a range, this range must be in the
- other sample. Click AND. The result will be put in the current
- range, you can hear this by pressing Play Rng.
- Manipulations
- Invert - Turns sample inside-out.
- Half wave - Zeros all data below the center line.
- Full wave - Flips all below the center line upward.
- Flip - Flips entire sample upside down.
- The Following all require two inputs.
- Add - Adds two samples.
- Subtract - Subtracts one sample from the other.
- Multiply - Multiplies two samples.
- Divide - Divides one sample by the other.
- AND - ANDs two samples.
- OR - ORs two samples.
- XOR - Exclusively ORs two samples.
- GREAT - Finds Greatest of two samples.
- ----- Aural illusion V1.0 - the Commercial version -----
- A commercial version of this program is available with no memory
- limitation. It requires Kickstart/Workbench 2.04 or greater and
- 1 Meg RAM, but more is recommended. Ai will allocate Fast RAM if
- available.
- Aural illusion costs £40 inclusive and is available now from the
- address below, it is accompanied by a printed manual. An upgrade to
- V1.1 will be sent out to all users when finished.
- ----- Aural illusion V1.1 - Free upgrade -----
- Loads and saves in the following formats:-
- AVR 16 bit
- AIFF 16 bit
- RAW 8 bit
- RAW 16 bit
- Built in Synthesizer with:-
- 4 Wave stores.
- Envelope controls.
- 8 basic waves.
- Samples useable as waves.
- Wave Morphing
- Plus:-
- Loop controls
- More Effects
- More Manipulations
- More memory available for Hard disc users.
- Aural illusion is available from:-
- Blachford Technology
- 77 Southwell Road,
- Bangor,
- Co.Down,
- Northern Ireland,
- BT20 3AE
- Please allow 28 days for delivey (maximum)
- Aural illusion Jr was wirtten using SAS/C V6.2
- GUI code generated by GadToolsBox V2.0