ocr: PAGE 1 MIDIERAFT - Proudly Presents The MIDICraft Dymamite Deums Uolume UML A umique opportumity for you to acquire MIDI drun husic Troduced and Arranged by Krunn R.Craft nnd Garrth R.Craft Ihe Aniga. fusiclans responsible for the AMAIH Special DIsks 1 and 2 and the OclaMED Prufessiunal U5.0 MIDI Tulurial Disk FIIH IIST 10 CMGL. INTI PIIIND: VIIII CAM ALIJIIRK AUmique Collection af 520 MIDI DR Music-x Sequencer Drun Patterns All: files ae in MIDI File furnal 10R Music-X furnal 1. and .Sey. NID Lach Accampanied uith ASCII text locunents Fxplaining cnch srquencer Genre/Stile nf Trun patterns Whi ...