ocr: TA61 MIDIERAFT Prondliy Presents Tlic MIDICraft Volurec DND Amiue upurlamily fur AM/FM renderi lai msuir MIDT Nuxin: l'roduced and Arranged by Keunn R.Craft and Gareth R.Craft Thr Amign Musirinns rspnnsihle for thr ANAFN Special Disks 1 and 2 Aud Lin UclaMED Frufessiunal Tulurial Disk FOR JUSI 15 EMGLISII TOUNDS YOU CAN ACQUIRE NUnique Collcetion. Df 50 MIDI DA Music X Scquencer Music All files are in MIDT Flle format INR Musin-X fnenat 1 Eauli Aucumpanied wilh ASCII Lexl DuLzuments Contaiming the nrtist's song Lyrics Explaining cach srqucncer multi us runr for coch Rong nr tunr luyelher uilli ...