ocr: LETTERS TII AMrin, NIMH ma-tnl intn, and SONC gencrally Intcresting nCus for us huso's! Dear AM/FM, can you tell me Jou to print. the text riles Tron AMVFM. Ican do itby londing into auord processor and then cancelling the escape codes. but I HEI indeal (hard mrk Ean mIl. rumm_urinl Lhre dixk dirra:lary frin any disk, 1s therc any way froN Workbench .0? Thank you, Stephen Faucett. Kent. England Dcar Stephen, Tu prinl Lle riles frun AN/FM. press Shifl-All-U wimen yuAu dre. luukiny al the rlitiet This ix alsai sslaled inthe "HRL.P"-NETHHI uhinh isdisplaurd itpu prcss HELP whilc reading an articl ...