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- _________ ________ __ __ __ ________ _______ __ __
- /\___ ___\/\______ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \/\ _ _ \/\_____ \/\ \ /\ \
- \/__/\ \__/\/______\ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \\_\\ \/_____\ \ \ \\_\ \
- \ \ \ /\ _____\\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \__/\ \/\ ____\ \ ___ \
- \ \ \ \ \ \____/_\ \ \\ \ \\_\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \___/\ \ \_/\ \
- \ \_\ \ \_\ /\_\\ \_\\ \______\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\\ \_\
- \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/______/\/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/_/ \/_/
- ---------------------------------
- Intuitracker 1.50 - 08 April 1992
- ---------------------------------
- ======================================================================
- ======================================================================
- 1.1 Features
- 1.2 "Yeah, so why is IntuiTracker better than whateverplayer?"
- 1.3 Disclaimer - legal information
- 1.4 Development info
- 1.5 Credits
- 1.6 How to contact the author
- 1.7 Revision history
- 1.8 Coming features
- 2. SETUP
- 2.1 System requirements
- 2.2 Files included
- 2.3 How to install IntuiTracker
- 2.4 Running from Shell
- 2.5 Running from Workbench
- 2.6 Easy how to use guide
- 4.1 Play
- 4.2 Stop
- 4.3 Eject
- 4.4 Play next
- 4.5 Play prev
- 4.6 Program mode
- 4.7 Randomize program
- 4.8 Clear program
- 4.9 Do auto programming
- 4.10 Toggle filter
- 4.11 About
- 4.12 Quit
- 5.1 View... settings
- 5.2 Override... settings
- 5.3 Track... settings
- 5.4 Program... settings
- 5.5 Save settings
- 6.1 Select file/directory
- 6.2 Rescan directory
- 6.3 Clear track menu
- 6.4 Selecting modules
- 7.1 Dropping icons
- 7.2 Controlling IntuiTracker from "Exchange"
- 8.1 Error returncodes
- 8.2 Warnings
- 8.3 NukeIT support
- 9.1 General information
- 9.2 How to add comments
- ======================================================================
- ======================================================================
- 1.1 Features
- -------------
- * MULTITASKS better than any other player. Does NOT use busywaits or
- rasterline counts in the replay routine.
- * NEW REPLAY ROUTINE that supports
- - SoundTracker 2.0 - 2.6
- - NoiseTracker 1.0 - 1.3 & 2.0
- - ProTracker 1.0 - 1.3b & 2.1a
- * COMPATIBLE with all screenmodes and processors
- * EASY TO USE file/directory requester via asl.library
- * ARQ requester support
- * POWERPACKER packing supported if powerpacker.library is available
- * XPK packing supported if xpk.library is available.
- * ADVANCED MENU SYSTEM. Select the modules you want to play from a
- menu, in the order you want, or select random mode.
- * SPECTRUM ANALYZER to visualize the music being played.
- * MODULE INFORMATION will be shown if you press the "Triumph" gadget.
- (see chapter 7 for more info)
- 1.2 "Yeah, so why is IntuiTracker better than whateverplayer?"
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- IntuiTracker is, as far as I know, the only module player with the
- following not-quite-so-ordinary features:
- * The first replayer ever used in a module player without busywaits.
- This of course makes IntuiTracker the fastest player available. No
- time is wasted anywhere! In fact, this is the way the ProTracker
- replayer should have been written, not to mention the first
- SoundTracker player!
- * Uses only standard system libraries
- * Does not force you to install packer libraries if you don't need
- them. If you need powerpacker, install powerpacker. If you need xpk,
- install xpk.
- * Supports -multiply- crunched XPK modules. Try using DLTA+NUKE or
- DLTA+SHRI for great results.
- * All decrunching is done is fast ram if possible.
- * Does not just allocate sound channels and sit on them. Tries to
- allocate the channels when needed instead.
- * Does not do the same with the timers needed either.
- * Guranteed to play SoundTracker, NoiseTracker AND ProTracker. Yes,
- we know there are differences, but they are taken care of.
- * Smarter module idenfication routine. 'M.K.' is not enough...
- * Great looking graphics in high res modes! :-)
- * Actually uses menus in a sensible way.
- 1.2 Disclaimer - legal information
- -----------------------------------
- Intuitracker 1.50 and this documentation file are provided "as is"
- without warranty of any kind. Further, Nils Corneliusen does not
- warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or
- the results of use, of Intuitracker 1.50 or this documentation file in
- terms of correctness or otherwise. All risks due to the performance
- or results of the use of Intuitracker 1.50 and this documentation are
- assumed by you.
- Intuitracker 1.50 is freely distributable provided no fee other than a
- moderate fee for disk copying charges is made for its acquirement. It
- may be distributed across any electronic network, provided no fee is
- charged specifically for it's download. A broad-based download fee is
- acceptable provided it is charged universally for all such file
- downloads. All associated files included with the distribution
- archive of Intuitracker 1.50 are to remain intact and unaltered. BBS
- listing notices and the like may be included in the archive provided
- no alterations are made to the actual distribution files themselves.
- This program, and all accompanying files are not public domain. They
- are copyright material and may not be used for commercial purposes
- without permission from the author. In most circumstances such
- permission will be granted, but the author must be contacted before
- any distribution with a commercial product.
- Intuitracker 1.50 is not shareware, as no donation or usage fee is
- required. However, any donations are always appreciated, and can only
- encourage further development of the program. This is an ongoing
- project, and will continue to be so as long as interest in it is
- shown.
- 1.4 Development info
- ---------------------
- This program was developed by:
- Nils Corneliusen - main code
- Darkman/Triumph
- Olav Kalgraf - replay routine
- Warp/Triumph
- Carl Henrik Aaby - IntuiTracker intro
- Smeagol/Triumph (available on the release disk)
- Programs and equipment used:
- CygnusEd 2.12 - main editor
- Devpac 3.02 - coding
- Enforcer - debugging
- Sushi - "
- Mungwall - "
- Source size: approx 220k with comments
- The program is based on Intuitracker 1.28 by Jan Ivar Bruarøy
- (Wiseguy/Triumph) and PowerPlay 2.32 by Øyvind Falch (Falch/Triumph).
- 1.5 Credits
- ------------
- We wish to thank the following persons for their help and support:
- Jan Ivar Bruarøy - for the original replay source
- Wiseguy/Triumph
- Øyvind Falch - for the PowerPlay source
- Falch/Triumph
- Pierre Andersen - for his *GREAT* board!
- Crowley/Triumph
- Kim Andre Boye - for the icon
- And the betatesters:
- Mats Hansen Jan Roger Wilkens Kent Bakke
- Ivar Hagen Eivind Eklund Kim Andre Boye
- Lars Haugseth Christian Moen Carl Jørgen Gade
- 1.6 How to contact the author
- ------------------------------
- I welcome bugreports and comments about Intuitracker and the
- documentation. You can reach me by the following means:
- Snail mail: Nils Corneliusen
- Heyerdahls vei 17
- 0386 OSLO
- Norway
- (valid until Summer 93)
- Internet: nilsco@ifi.uio.no
- IRC: IntuiMan on #amiga
- BBS: INTERFERENCE BBS, +46 525 13139/13091/13092/13094/13095
- (in Sweden - username DARKMAN TRIUMPH)
- 1.7 Revision history
- ---------------------
- Release 1.28 - November 1990 by Jan Ivar Bruarøy
- Release 1.50 - January 1993 by Nils Corneliusen & Co.
- - 100% recoded from scratch
- - everything is better and all known bugs nonexistent :-)
- - Videotoaster 24-bit spectroscope support
- 1.8 Coming features
- --------------------
- IntuiTracker is a program under constant development and the following
- features will be added in the next release:
- * replayer.library for increased tracker support
- * half height mode
- * extended Shell support
- * Arexx support
- * CD style directory organization
- ======================================================================
- 2. SETUP
- ======================================================================
- 2.1 System requirements
- -----------------------
- Intuitracker 1.50 has the following requirements to run:
- - Kickstart release 37.175 or higher
- - 512k chip ram, preferrably some REAL fast ram
- - a stereo set attached to your Amiga
- If you want IntuiTracker 1.50 to look nice, be sure to use a screen-
- mode higher than 400 pixels! All gadgets etc. were designed for
- these modes. Of course, this gives the author a chance to boast about
- his equipment: Amiga 4000/040/10mb attached to a Denon PMA 1560 with
- 2xCerwin Vega DC-15 loudspeakers :-).
- 2.2 Files included
- ------------------
- The files included in this archive should be:
- Intuitracker 31204 bytes
- Intuitracker.info 1119 bytes
- Intuitracker.doc 27154 bytes - this file
- Intuitracker.doc.info 779 bytes
- If any of these files are missing or the filesizes are different, call
- Interference BBS to obtain the latest version.
- If you want to play powerpacked modules, put powerpacker.library in
- the libs: directory. IntuiTracker also supports xpk crunched modules
- if you have installed the xpk libraries.
- 2.3 How to install IntuiTracker
- --------------------------------
- To install IntuiTracker, just put it whereever you want. Drag the
- icon into a drawer, or use the shell copy command. IntuiTracker does
- not mind :-).
- 2.4 Running from Shell
- -----------------------
- If you use IntuiTracker from Shell, you can specify a directory path
- (+ filename) as an argument. If you do so, the directory specified
- will automatically be scanned for modules and the module will be
- loaded. This will override the default directory setting saved in the
- config file.
- 2.5 Running from Workbench
- ---------------------------
- Running IntuiTracker from Workbench gives you a lot of additional
- options. The following tool types are allowed:
- Name Description Default
- System:
- -------
- TOOLPRI=n sets start priority 0
- STARTPRI=n starting order for WBStartup drawer
- DONOTWAIT tells WB not to wait for exit in WBStartup
- WAIT=n seconds to wait before scanning default dir 0
- Commodity:
- ----------
- IntuiTracker:
- -------------
- DIRNAME=dir sets default module directory ST-00:Modules
- LOCKFILTER= equals Prefs/Override filter YES
- FORCEVB= equals Prefs/Force VB timing NO
- AUTOSCAN= equals Prefs/Track/Auto rescan YES
- MODONLY= equals Prefs/Track/Mod files only YES
- MODREPEAT= equals Prefs/Track/Repeat track NO
- AUTOPROGRAM= equals Prefs/Program/Automatic mode YES
- PROGREPEAT= equals Prefs/Program/Repeat program NO
- MAXMOD=n max number of modules in menu (0-56) 23
- To add a tool type, select the IntuiTracker icon and choose
- 'Information' from the WB Icon menu. The rest should be self
- explanatory.
- Note that tool types are always scanned AFTER the settings file is
- read. WB tool types therefore override saved settings.
- 2.6 Easy how to use guide
- --------------------------
- The first time you start IntuiTracker, a warning requester will
- appear, stating that it is unable to read the config file. This is
- not dangerous! If no config file is found, all settings will be set
- to their default values.
- Next, check the "Track" menu to see if there are any modules there.
- The default mod dir is RAM:, so you probably want to change it.
- Select "Track/Select file/directory", and pick the directory where you
- keep your modules. If you don't like the size of the file requester,
- just change it.
- The new directory will now be scanned. If you still don't get any
- modules, try turning Prefs/Track/Mod files only off. Then use
- Track/Rescan... to re-read the directory.
- Now the track menu should be full of entries. Just select one and off
- you go! After the module has finished playing, the next one will be
- loaded automatically if Prefs/Track/Repeat track is turned off.
- To save your new configuration, select Prefs/Save settings.
- Could it be simpler? That is why we call it IntuiTracker!
- ======================================================================
- ======================================================================
- The Intuitracker window should look something like this:
- ______________________________
- |9|____10_________________|11|
- | | |
- | | |
- |1| 14 | <- Spectrum analyzer
- |2| |
- | | |
- |_|__________________________|
- 1|2_|3_|4_|5_|6_|7_|8_|13____| <- Control panel
- ^- Volume control
- If the spectrum analyzer is not enabled in View settings, the Volume
- control will be placed horizontally:
- ______________________________
- |9|____10_________________|11|
- | |____________12____________| <- Volume control
- 1|2_|3_|4_|5_|6_|7_|8_|13____| <- Control panel
- (Well, stop complaining about those stupid drawings, and look for
- yourself!)
- 1. Speed control (+/-)
- ----------------------
- These two small gadgets lets you change the playback speed. If speed
- changes appear in the module, this setting will lose its effect.
- 2. Play previous module |<
- --------------------------
- Jumps to the previous module in order if a program is active.
- 3. Rewind <<
- ------------
- Jumps one pattern back.
- 4. Play/pause |>
- ----------------
- Starts playing the loaded module. If pressed a second time, the
- module will pause. Press it a third time to continue playing.
- 5. Forward >>
- -------------
- Jumps one pattern forward.
- 6. Play next module >|
- ----------------------
- Jumps to then next module in order if a program is active.
- 7. Eject ^
- ----------
- Removes the current module from memory.
- _
- 8. Stop |_|
- -----------
- Stops playing the current module.
- 9. Close button
- ---------------
- Quits IntuiTracker.
- 10. Title bar
- -------------
- Shows numbers of patterns, the currently played pattern and module
- name.
- 11. Window to front/back
- ------------------------
- Well, who knows? Try it!
- 12. Volume control
- ------------------
- Controls the volume level.
- 13. TRIUMPH button
- ------------------
- If no module is loaded, the "about" requester will be shown.
- Otherwise, Intuitracker tries to find some # info in the instrument
- names and view it. If no info is found, an error message will appear.
- For more information, read part x of this documentation.
- 14. Spectrum analyzer window
- ----------------------------
- Yep, the amazing IntuiTracker spectrum analyzer.
- ======================================================================
- ======================================================================
- 4.1 Play (AMIGA-P)
- -------------------
- Starts playing the module. If a module is already playing, the module
- is paused. See gadget 4.
- 4.2 Stop (AMIGA-S)
- -------------------
- Stops playing the module.
- 4.3 Eject (AMIGA-X)
- --------------------
- Removes the current module from memory.
- 4.4 Play next (AMIGA-.)
- ------------------------
- Jumps to the next module in order if a program is active.
- 4.5 Play prev (AMIGA-,)
- ------------------------
- Jumps to the previous module in order if a program is active.
- 4.6 Program mode (AMIGA-L)
- ---------------------------
- When Program mode is enabled, all modules selected will be put in the
- program buffer. The 20 first selected will be assigned a hotkey each.
- When you are finished, reselect this item and the program will start
- playing from entry 1.
- 4.7 Randomize program (AMIGA-R)
- --------------------------------
- If you have program active, selecting this item will randomize the
- order in which they are played.
- 4.8 Clear program (AMIGA-C)
- ----------------------------
- Clears the active program.
- 4.9 Do auto programming (AMIGA-D)
- ----------------------------------
- Automatically programs all modules in the current directory in
- alphabetical order.
- 4.10 Toggle filter (AMIGA-Z)
- ----------------------------
- Toggles the audio filter.
- 4.11 About (AMIGA-?)
- --------------------
- Shows info about IntuiTracker in a window.
- 4.12 Quit (AMIGA-Q)
- -------------------
- Quits IntuiTracker.
- ======================================================================
- ======================================================================
- ---------------------
- 5.1.1 None
- ----------
- Turns off all view settings.
- 5.1.2 Volume control
- --------------------
- Toggles the volume control.
- 5.1.3 Spectrum analyzer
- -----------------------
- Toggles the spectrum analyzer display.
- 5.1.4 Control panel
- -------------------
- Toggles the control panel.
- -------------------------
- 5.2.1 Override filter
- ---------------------
- Implies that IntuiTracker won't change the filter mode even if it is
- requested in the module. Note that IntuiTracker has no control over
- what other programs do with the filter, so if the filter is ON when it
- should be off, use the Control/Toggle filter option.
- 5.2.2 Force VB timing
- ---------------------
- Forces VB timing. Some modules may need this to play correctly. The
- VB timing is actually faked using the CIA timer, so it will still
- sound correctly in other screenmodes.
- ----------------------
- 5.3.1 Track/Set max number of tracks (AMIGA-M)
- ----------------------------------------------
- Allows you to change the max number of entries in the track menu.
- This option is by default set to 23. If you want more modules to
- appear in the menu, change this setting to something that suits you.
- The maximum possible entries are 56.
- 5.3.2 Track/Auto scan at startup
- --------------------------------
- If this option is selected and the configuration is saved, the current
- module directory will be automatically scanned next time you start
- IntuiTracker.
- 5.3.3 Track/MOD files only
- --------------------------
- Will only show files matching MOD.* in Single file select or in Track
- select. If turned on after a Track directory is read, you must use
- Track/Rescan menu to update it.
- 5.3.4 Track/Repeat track
- ------------------------
- If turned on, the track will be played forever and new modules will
- not be loaded when the current one is finished.
- ------------------------
- 5.4.1 Automatic mode
- --------------------
- If this option is turned on, automatic programming will be auto-
- matically done when a new directory is scanned.
- 5.4.2 Repeat/wrap
- -----------------
- Implies that the program will automatically restart when finished
- playing through the list. Also lets you use the PREV/NEXT gadgets to
- wrap the program.
- 5.5 Save settings (Amiga-W)
- ----------------------------
- Saves all prefs settings in S:IT.config. This file is automatically
- loaded every time you start IntuiTracker.
- ======================================================================
- ======================================================================
- 6.1 Select file/directory (Amiga-O)
- ------------------------------------
- Opens up a standard requester asking for a filename or directory. If
- you select a file, that file will be loaded and played. If the
- directory is different from last time, the new directory will be
- scanned for modules and the track menu will be updated.
- 6.2 Rescan directory (Amiga-D)
- -------------------------------
- Updates the track menu. Use this option if you have copied or deleted
- files in the module directory.
- 6.3 Clear track menu
- ---------------------
- Clears the track menu and the active program (if any).
- 6.4 Selecting modules
- ----------------------
- Below "Clear track menu" there should be a lot of module names. If
- you want to hear one of them, just select it. If the selected module
- is in the program list, the program pointer will be moved. Note that
- you can use the hotkeys to select one of the 20 first programmed at
- any time.
- ======================================================================
- ======================================================================
- 7.1 Dropping icons
- -------------------
- IntuiTracker lets you drop icons into the window. If a file is
- dropped, it is loaded and played. After playing is finished,
- IntuiTracker will continue to play the old program.
- If you drop a drawer or disk into the window, the default directory
- will be changed to that dir. The directory is then scanned and the
- first module starts playing.
- Note that dropping multiple icons into the window will have no effect,
- since IntuiTracker can't assume that all the modules are from the same
- directory.
- 7.2 Controlling IntuiTracker from "Exchange"
- ---------------------------------------------
- IntuiTracker has some limited commodity support. If you select Intui-
- Tracker in the Exchange program, the only sensible option to select is
- "Remove". None of the other will have any effect.
- ======================================================================
- ======================================================================
- 8.1 Error returncodes
- ----------------------
- All errors are fatal and will quit IntuiTracker after cleaning up
- properly. The error codes stated will be returned to the Shell.
- 111: Error opening commodity (System problems)
- 112: Error opening commodity (Unknown version)
- 113: Error adding message ports
- 121: Error opening IntuiTracker window
- 131: Error allocating data section (public)
- 132: Error allocating bitmaps (chip)
- 133: Error allocating bitmaps (public)
- 134: Error allocating menu structure (public)
- 141: Error opening dos.library any
- 142: Error opening intuition.library v37
- 143: Error opening graphics.library v37
- 144: Error opening gadtools.library v37
- 145: Error opening asl.library v37
- 146: Error opening workbench.library v37
- 147: Error opening commodities.library v37
- 148: Error opening icon.library v37
- 199: Wrong kickstart version (v37.175 or newer needed)
- 8.2 Warnings
- -------------
- General warnings (non fatal errors) that appear while running
- IntuiTracker. These will always appear in a requester.
- Note that warnings returned from the XPK library are not listed here.
- Can't find file
- ---------------
- The file has probably been deleted since your last rescan. Do another
- rescan to update the track menu.
- Not enough memory
- -----------------
- You don't have enough memory to either load or decrunch the module.
- Try freeing up some memory, like deleting something on the ram disk,
- quitting AdPro etc.
- Load error
- ----------
- Something went wrong during loading. The most likely cause is a read
- error.
- Module is password protected
- ----------------------------
- The module has been encrypted with powerpacker and cannot be
- decrunched, since IntuiTracker 1.50 does not support encrypted
- modules. This is very likely to change in the future (ie. when I am
- so bored that I want to write ANOTHER stupid requester routine).
- Unable to save S:IT.config
- --------------------------
- The old config file is probably protected from deletion and can't be
- removed. Do a "PROTECT S:IT.config +d" to fix it.
- Powerpacker.library unavailable
- -------------------------------
- You have tried to load a powerpacked module, but IntuiTracker could
- not find powerpacker.library or the version is too old. Copy power-
- packer.library version 35 or newer to libs: and retry.
- Can't allocate audio.device
- ---------------------------
- Some other program is already using the audio device. Exit that
- program and try again. Notice that PowerPlayer always allocates the
- audio channels at startup, even if it doesn't need them.
- Can't allocate CIA timer
- ------------------------
- Both the A and B timers in CIAB are currently in use. Try quitting a
- program which uses those timers, f ex ProTracker or Civilization.
- Invalid directory
- -----------------
- The directory you have selected is invalid. It has probably been
- renamed, deleted or moved somewhere else. Select "Tracks/Select
- file..." again and try another dir.
- File is not a supported module type
- -----------------------------------
- The file is not a module, trust us. If you insist that this is
- module, try loading it into ProTracker and save it before trying it in
- IntuiTracker again.
- ======================================================================
- ======================================================================
- 9.1 General information
- ------------------------
- This standard was designed to be able to read module comments easily.
- Normally, the author usually renames the instruments and places info
- about himself there. However, this can be quite confuzing to read or
- find. Some players (like ProPlay) lets you display all instrument
- names, but it somehow defeats the idea.
- The principle is: If there's something there that's meant to be read,
- it should be marked in a special way.
- The following method of reading module info has been incorporated in
- all versions of IntuiTracker, and others like Module Master 2,
- EdPlayer and ST-player also have support for it.
- It's up to you to use this method. If you don't like it, fine, don't
- use it.
- 9.2 How to add comments
- ------------------------
- To add a message to your module, add a '#' in front of the instrument
- name.
- An example:
- modname: 'freeride 2'
- instr 1: 'st-00:blaaeh'
- instr 2: '#Clyde of Triumph.'
- instr 2: '#Have a nice day.'
- instr 3: '#Triumph 1992'
- instr 4: 'st-01:ringpiano'
- instr 5: '#4000 rules!'
- (...)
- Adds up to the following:
- "Clyde of Triumph.
- Have a nice day.
- Triumph 1992
- 4000 rules! "
- Of course, this looks much better in the requester.
- ---
- Said while developing IntuiTracker:
- "%=£%=)£%!!!!! FU*K!!!!! SH*T!!!! NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH! GFLJ$EIGOW!!!
- %)(/£FJHESØH(/%$%=(/£! HAAAAAAAAAAASTUR!!!!!"
- - Darkman in the summer '92 when the harddisk crashed. Guess
- who had no backup?
- "Sure, no problem, I'll have it finished before christmas."
- - Darkman in November '92
- "The WHAT? Oh, it's quite stupid really. Carl can do that!"
- - Warp on the modchecking routine
- "It worked on my old 3000! Why won't it work on your 500?"
- - Darkman on 68000 compatibility
- "Hmm, must be a hardware fault of some kind."
- - Darkman on 500/68000 compatibility again
- "Sure, no problem, I'll release it on The Gathering '93."
- - Darkman in March '93
- "Which Christmas did you say?"
- - Crowley (Sysop on Interference) on the IntuiTracker release date
- Cthulhu in '96!