ocr: AM/FM Menu V2.01 by Teijo Kinnunen Quit AM/FM <ISSUE #12> AMIGA MUSICIANS FREEWARE MAGAZINE deneral irticles and Extra Goodies! FREE!! Excellent New Sounds for your Ensonig SQ-1, SQ-2, SQ-R, SQ-R+ Decimal <--> Hexadec imal Conversion Table Review: Pete Gleadalls Samplography "I fear for the future of Music" by Dave Cassidy Team-17 / AMFM Music Competition! (AL5O announced in AM/FM #11) Using AMFC with Sid 2 Letters to the Editor The latest Synth/Keyboard news Commodore's Big Music Cock-up AM/FM Special Disks #4 and #5! Deluxe Music v2.0 Coming K PARENT MENU KK MAIN MENU