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- TITLE AM/FM - Amiga Musicians Freeware Magazine
- TITLE Issue #1
- ITEM Editorial
- PPMore sys:text/Editorial.txt.pp
- ITEM General AM/FM Info
- PPMore sys:text/Generalinfo.txt.pp
- ITEM Copyright Notice
- PPMore sys:text/Copyright.txt
- ITEM Advertisements
- PPMore sys:text/ads.pp
- WITEM Tutorial: Roland D-70 Live tips
- PPMore sys:text/D70Live.txt.pp
- WITEM Tutorial: About the MED tutorial starting from next issue
- PPMore sys:text/medtut0.txt.pp
- WITEM This issue's Tech Corner: Serial & MIDI
- PPMore sys:text/TechCorner.pp
- ITEM 16-bit Amiga sampling - at last!
- PPMore sys:text/16bit.txt.pp
- ITEM Review: MED v3.11
- PPMore sys:text/MED.txt.pp
- ITEM Amiga-only music on this disk
- PPMore sys:text/Aboutmusic.txt.pp
- ITEM Gossip: Did you know that...
- PPMore sys:text/Gossip.txt.pp
- ITEM Review: E-MU Proformance 1
- PPMore sys:text/Proform.txt.pp
- ITEM Utilities on this issue
- PPMore sys:text/utilities.txt.pp
- WMENU The Music Section
- Music
- WMENU The Utilities Section
- Utilities
- SUBM Utilities
- TITLE AM/FM - Amiga Musicians Freeware Magazine
- TITLE Issue #1
- TITLE The Utilities Section
- WITEM GLIB - Sound storage system for a number of synthesizers!
- sys:utilities/GLIB
- WITEM GLIB Documentation
- PPMore sys:utilities/glib.doc.pp
- WITEM ProTimer - Calculates playing time of Noise/ProTracker modules!
- PPMore sys:utilities/Protimer.use
- WITEM ProTimer Documentation
- PPMore sys:utilities/protimer.doc.pp
- WITEM MidiAnalyzer - Handy to check your equipment!
- sys:utilities/Midianalyser
- WITEM MidiAnalyzer Documentation
- PPMore sys:utilities/midianalyser.doc
- WITEM SuperEcho - Generates live audio effects with a sampler!
- sys:utilities/Superecho
- WITEM SuperEcho Documentation
- PPMore sys:utilities/superecho.doc.pp
- SUBM Music
- TITLE AM/FM - Amiga Musicians Freeware Magazine
- TITLE Issue #1
- TITLE The Music Section
- WITEM About the music section and the music here - READ THIS FIRST!
- PPMore sys:text/Aboutmusic.txt.pp
- WITEM About the MIDI music on this disk
- PPMore sys:text/MIDIfiles.txt.pp
- TITLE This issue's Amiga-only / background music
- WITEM "Radha Soami" - by David Elfstrom
- Run Noiseplayer >nil: -m3 sys:music/mod.radhasoami.pp
- WITEM "Sunrise" - by Peter Salomonsen
- Run Noiseplayer >nil: -m3 sys:music/mod.sunrise.pp
- WITEM "Green Pullover" - by Tor-Egil Braseth
- Run Noiseplayer >nil: -m3 sys:music/mod.green.pp
- WITEM "Horror!" - by Bjorn A. Lynne
- Run Noiseplayer >nil: -m3 sys:music/mod.horror!.pp