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- Message-ID: <40a_9503210239@wad.fido.de>
- Organization: Welt am Draht
- Lines: 188
- Subject: Roswell Incident 1947
- From: koch@wad.fido.de
- Organization: International Roswell Initiative
- Hello !
- This is PART 7 of the material distributed with the ROSWELL-
- DECLARATION. Have you received the previous parts?
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ROSWELL - UPDATE DECEMBER 1994 (Written by Joachim Koch)
- The ROSWELL-INITIATIVE is an attempt of rational thinking people
- to find answers in a matter which others regard as irrational:
- about UFOs, the secrecy of the Government and especially about
- the ROSWELL-INCIDENT of 1947. Since the Roswell-Initiative
- started in May 1994 worldwide, it has become one of the most
- important efforts in the area of serious UFO research ever since.
- The founders of the Initiative proudly present support of a very
- special kind. It is a letter of Robert Wood, Ph.D., which was
- originally dedicated to all members of the Society for
- Scientific Exploration (SSE). In this letter Dr. Wood encouraged
- the member of the SSE to sign the Roswell-Declaration. The
- letter now is part of the material which is distributed with the
- Declaration. The SSE is an organization of more than 400 highly
- qualified scientists. Dr. Wood is physicist, member of the board
- of directors of the SSE and recently retired from his occupation
- at McDonnell Douglas Corporation.
- The central document of the Roswell-Initiative is the
- "Roswell-Declaration". It represents an appeal for an Executive
- Order to end the secrecy held by the Government on information
- regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence. The
- Declaration is not a document of a personal view or belief. It
- is an active support of an Executive Order to change the law.
- The Initiative has grown into a major grassroots movement.
- Thousands of signed Roswell-Declarations, those of hundreds of
- scientists included, have been sent to the addresses which are
- given below. On a special day later this year the Declarations
- will be delivered to the members of Congress and to the
- President.
- To maintain the credibility of the Initiative is of highest
- importance. Many who support it are scientist, engineers and
- members of other professions in highly sensible positions. They
- are no new-age enthusiasts or religious fanatics.
- In the United States the Roswell-Case more and more comes to
- awareness of many people. Kevin D. Randle and Donald R.Schmitt
- published their second book on the matter "The Truth About The
- UFO Crash At Roswell" (ISBN 0-87131-761-3). The movie entitled
- "Roswell" had premiere in 'Showtime'. The U.S. Government
- Accounting Office (GAO) continues the research. This is very
- important and encouraging for the procedure of an appeal in
- Congress. Additionally the Roswell-Declaration was presented in
- many television and radio talkshows. So Kevin Randle had the
- opportunity to mention the Roswell-Declaration in the 'Larry
- King Show' on October 1st 1994. Together with Stanton Friedman,
- Dr. Steven Greer and a local researcher he was invited to attend
- the show which was broadcasted from a place in the desert not
- far away from the enigmatic "area 51". So between 20 to 40
- millions of Americans might have seen this.
- Another important event was the interpretation and publishing of
- the whole Declaration in the October issue of 'OMNI' magazine.
- The Roswell-Initiative is supported in many parts of the world.
- The Declaration was translated in many languages and many copies
- have been signed so far. There is special support in Germany and
- Great Britain where television shows are in preparation. John
- Holman, a well known British researcher, distributed the
- Declaration in front of the British Parliament in London. In
- Russia the former official Government newspaper, ISWESTIA,
- published and article about the Declaration and the Incident of
- 1947 to its 1.2 million readers on September 14 and 15, 1994.
- The newsletter of the Italian UFO research organization,
- C.I.S.U., will publish the Declaration soon, the Danish 'Nyt
- Aspekt' magazine published an article and the Declaration in
- November 1994. In Germany, several magazines, especially the
- 'UFO-KURIER', published many material. Now we here in Germany
- are up to start a major campaign towards the mainstream media.
- Recently, the 'Newsweek Magazine' called it a "preemptive strike",
- the U.S. Air Force published a 23 page report with a huge amount
- of appendixes, claiming the debris of Roswell have been the
- remnants of a MOGUL balloon. Project MOGUL was a secret program
- at that time to measure atmospheric radioactivity originating
- from Soviet nuclear tests. Researchers are analyzing this report
- and preliminary results show that the Air Force seemed to fail
- to solve the Roswell-Incident. There are several inconsistencies
- concerning the time and number of MOGUL balloon launches and it
- is nearly clear that the debris of McBrazel's ranch was not of a
- MOGUL balloon as well as the debris shown on the well known
- photographs is not of such a balloon, too.
- This new Air Force report has special importance because after
- the initial "crashed disk" press release and the subsequent
- "weather balloon" press release, which represents the greatest
- fiasco in military press information policy, the Air Force
- always claimed not to have any information about the incident.
- Now, after 47 years of absolute silence sudden activities
- emerge. They have sent out "researchers" to look for
- "witnesses". To make it very clear: the institution that helped
- to hide away all the material about Roswell and which has all
- information in its files, is sending out agents to interview
- witnesses - in 1994. The investigations for this Air Force report
- neither have been objective nor complete.
- Many of the key witnesses, as there are General Arthur Exon,
- Glenn Dennis and Dr. Jesse Marcel jr., whose testimony would have
- contradicted the Air Force, have not been interviewed.
- Furthermore, only to support their own theory, the Air Force
- "researchers" suddenly calls in question the credibility and
- competency of lieutenant colonel Jesse Marcel sr. and General
- William Blanchard who both are no more with us and cannot defend
- themselves anymore.
- One thing is clear: never before the public pressure concerning
- Roswell never was stronger than today thanks to the great and
- worldwide increasing support of the Roswell-Declaration. This
- pressure caused some nervousness in the Air Force, so one can be
- optimistic concerning the future of a solution of the Roswell
- Incident. Who in the Air Force has thought to get rid of a
- troublesome problem should become set right. Researchers as Stanton
- Friedman, Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt will unmask the Air
- Force report as what it is: a new cover-up.
- As it is explained in the basic paper of the Roswell material
- "Time For The Truth About Roswell", it would be possible to
- unclassify any withheld information - provided they exist - without
- violating the national security. A policy of frankness in this matter would
- fit the principles of democracy much more than it is the case
- with the present Government policy.
- If, as it is indicated with the Roswell Incident, information
- concerning the existence of intelligent life other than ours in
- the universe is withheld from the peoples of the world,
- this would represent a grievous abuse of power by those who have
- to decide about the national security of the United States. It
- obviously would represent a form of censorship in a nonmilitary
- subject, a subject concerning our own perspective of the place
- of mankind in the universe.
- Help to bring this historic initiative to success and sign the
- Roswell-Declaration.
- --------------------------------------------------
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Please send signed Declarations to either organization:
- MUFON; 103 Oldtowne Road; Seguin, TX 78155. U.S.A.
- CUFOS; 2457 W. Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60659, U.S.A.
- FUFOR; Post Office Box 277, Mt.Rainier, Maryland 20712, U.S.A.
- Or to:
- Kent Jeffrey, 37 Porteous Ave., Fairfax, CA 94930, U.S.A.
- Joachim Koch, Stadtrandstr. 550 g, 13589 Berlin, Germany
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ***Further material (updates etc.) will be presented in ascending
- numerical order***
- Signed Declarations should be sent to:
- Viele Gruesse
- Joachim
- IN: koch@wad.fido.de