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- Organization: Welt am Draht
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- ## Nachricht vom 07.03.95 weitergeleitet
- ## Ersteller: Joachim Koch@242:1000/7.20
- ## Empfaenger: All
- From: koch@wad.fido.de
- Subject: Roswell Incident 1947
- Organisation: International Roswell Initiative
- ## Nachricht vom 09.02.95 weitergeleitet
- ## Ursprung : /FIDO/UFO
- ## Ersteller: Joachim Koch@2:2410/504.20
- ## Empfaenger: All
- Hello !
- This is PART 3 of the material distributed with the
- Have you received the previous parts?
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- TIME FOR THE TRUTH ABOUT ROSWELL (Written by Kent Jeffrey)
- Forty-seven years ago, an incident occurred in the southwestern
- desert of the United States that could have significant
- implications for all mankind. The incident was announced by the
- U.S. military, subsequently denied by the U.S. military, and has
- remained veiled in government secrecy ever since. Although it
- is in a category fraught with false claims and hoaxes, it is not
- a hoax or false claim, but rather a known event that is
- thoroughly documented. It is the objective here to summarize
- the details of that event, affirm the right of all people
- throughout the world to know the truth about what occurred, and
- propose a course of action that will allow that truth to emerge.
- The event took place during the first week of July 1947 and
- involved the recovery of wreckage by the military from a remote
- ranch northwest of Roswell, New Mexico. There is now
- considerable testimony from former members of the military known
- to have been involved, including two brigadier generals, that
- the recovered material was not of terrestrial origin.
- Admittedly, such a claim taxes the limits of credibility for
- discerning and rational individuals. It also tends to evoke a
- response of immediate dismissal. The preponderance of evidence,
- however, indicates the event occurred.
- On January 12, 1994, United States Congressman Steven Schiff of
- Albuquerque, New Mexico, stated to the press that he had been
- stonewalled by the Defense Department when requesting
- information regarding the 1947 Roswell event on behalf of
- constituents and witnesses. Indicating he was seeking further
- investigation into the matter, Congressman Schiff called the
- Defense Department's lack of response "astounding" and concluded
- it was apparently "another government coverup."
- Most people are not aware that there exists an event of this
- nature so well substantiated. In the next year public awareness
- of the Roswell incident should grow. A new hardcover book has
- been released, a television movie will premiere, and a serious
- documentary is forthcoming. Questions, controversy, and a
- general distrust of U.S. Government policy in this area are
- bound to increase.
- Detailed information on the recovery of the wreckage at Roswell
- and of related events is extensive. Some years ago
- investigators were able to obtain a copy of the 1947 Roswell
- Army Air Field yearbook. This enabled them to locate witnesses
- throughout the country. Newspaper accounts show that during
- late June and early July 1947, there was a wave of reports of
- "flying disks" (UFOs) throughout the United States and Canada.
- Many of those reports came from credible witnesses, including
- pilots and other trained observers.
- Sometime during the first week of July 1947, a local New Mexico
- rancher, Mac Brazel, while riding out in the morning to check
- his sheep after a night of intense thunderstorms, discovered a
- considerable amount of unusual debris. It had created a shallow
- gouge several hundred feet long and was scattered over a large
- area. Some of the debris had strange physical properties.
- After taking a few pieces to show his neighbors, Floyd and
- Loretta Proctor, Brazel drove into Roswell and contacted the
- sheriff, George Wilcox. Sheriff Wilcox notified authorities at
- Roswell Army Air Field and with the assistance of his deputies,
- proceeded to investigate the matter. Shortly after becoming
- involved, the military closed off the area for a number of days
- and retrieved the wreckage. It was initially taken to Roswell
- Army Air Field and eventually flown by B-29 and C-54 aircraft to
- Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio.
- Roswell Army Air Field was the home of the 509th Bomb Group,
- which was an elite outfit -- the only atomic group in the world.
- On the morning of July 8, 1947, Colonel William Blanchard,
- Commander of the 509th Bomb Group, issued a press release
- stating that the wreckage of a "crashed disk" (UFO) had been
- recovered. The press release was transmitted over the wire
- services in time to make headlines in over thirty U.S. afternoon
- newspapers that same day.
- Within hours, a second press release was issued from the office
- of General Roger Ramey, Commander of the Eighth Air Force at
- Fort Worth Army Air Field in Texas, 400 miles from the crash
- site. It rescinded the first press release and, in effect,
- claimed that Colonel Blanchard and the officers of the 509th
- Bomb Group at Roswell had made an unbelievably foolish mistake
- and somehow incorrectly identified a weather balloon and its
- radar reflector as the wreckage of a "crashed disk."
- One of those two press releases had to be untrue. There is now
- solid testimony from numerous credible military and civilian
- witnesses who were directly involved, that the "crashed disk"
- press release issued by Colonel William Blanchard of the 509th
- Bomb Group from Roswell was true and that the subsequent
- "weather balloon" press release from Eighth Air Force
- Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas, was a hastily contrived cover
- story.
- Those who knew and worked with William Blanchard say he was a
- solid, no-nonsense, businesslike individual, and not someone who
- would make a fool of himself and the Air Force by ordering a
- press release about something as out of the ordinary and
- dramatic as the event at Roswell without being certain he was
- correct. In other words, if Blanchard issued a press release
- saying there was a crashed disk, there was a crashed disk.
- Colonel William Blanchard would later go on to become a
- four-star general and Vice Chief of Staff of the United States
- Air Force.
- The first witness located by investigators who was willing to
- testify and allow his name to be used was retired Lieutenant
- Colonel Jesse Marcel, the intelligence officer of the 509th Bomb
- Group at Roswell. He was a highly competent individual and one
- of the first two military officers at the actual crash site. In
- a 1979 videotaped interview, Jesse Marcel stated, "...it was not
- a weather balloon, nor was it an airplane or a missile." As to
- the exotic properties of some of the material, he stated, "It
- would not burn...that stuff weighs nothing, it's so thin, it
- isn't any thicker than the tinfoil in a pack of cigarettes. So,
- I tried to bend the stuff. It wouldn't bend. We even tried
- making a dent in it with a sixteen-pound sledge hammer. And
- there was still no dent in it."
- It is inconceivable that a man of Jesse Marcel's qualifications
- and experience, the intelligence officer of the only atomic-bomb
- group in the world, would have mistaken any kind of conventional
- wreckage, much less the remains of a weather balloon and its
- radar reflector, for that of a craft or vehicle that in his
- words was "not of this earth." Even if he had initially made
- such a gross misidentification, he would certainly have been
- able to see his mistake later after it had been brought to his
- attention. When returning to the base, he stopped by his house
- with a few pieces of the unusual wreckage to show his wife and
- eleven-year-old son. One piece, a small section of I-beam, had
- strange hieroglyphic like symbols on its surface. His son, Dr.
- Jesse Marcel, Jr., now a practicing medical doctor and qualified
- National Guard helicopter pilot and flight surgeon, remembers
- the incident well. He has been able to produce detailed
- drawings of some of the symbols. During his career, Jesse
- Marcel Sr., went on to other important assignments, including
- the preparation of a report on the first Soviet nuclear
- detonation, which went directly to President Truman.
- The late General Thomas DuBose was a colonel and General Ramey's
- chief of staff at Eighth Air Force Headquarters in Forth Worth,
- Texas, in 1947. Before his death in 1992, General DuBose
- testified that he himself had taken the telephone call from
- General Clements McMullen at Andrews Army Air Field in
- Washington, D.C., ordering the coverup. The instructions were
- for General Ramey to concoct a "cover story" to "get the press
- off our backs."
- Retired General Arthur E. Exon was stationed at Wright Field in
- Dayton, Ohio, as a lieutenant colonel in July of 1947 during the
- time the wreckage from Roswell was brought in. In a 1990
- interview, General Exon said of the testing, "Everything from
- chemical analysis, stress tests, compression tests, flexing. It
- was brought into our material evaluation labs. (Some of it)
- could be easily ripped or changed...there were other parts of it
- that were very thin but awfully strong and couldn't be dented
- with heavy hammers...." Of the men that did the testing, he
- said, "...the overall consensus was that the pieces were from
- space."
- The testimony of Mr. Glenn Dennis leaves little doubt about the
- nature of what was recovered in 1947. Glenn Dennis still lives
- in the Roswell, New Mexico, area and is a respected businessman
- and member of the community. He is down-to-earth and
- straightforward. In 1947 Glenn Dennis was a young mortician
- working for the Ballard Funeral Home, which had a contract to
- provide mortuary and ambulance services for Roswell Army Air
- Field.
- Prior to learning about the recovery of the unusual wreckage at
- Roswell, he received several telephone calls one afternoon from
- the mortuary officer at the air field. He was asked about the
- availability of small, hermetically sealed caskets and
- questioned about how to preserve bodies that had been exposed to
- the elements for several days. There was concern about possibly
- altering the chemical composition of the tissue.
- Later that evening, as a result of unrelated events, he made a
- trip to the base hospital. Outside the back entrance he
- observed two military ambulances with open rear doors, from
- which large pieces of wreckage protruded, including one with a
- row of unusual symbols on its surface. Once inside, he
- encountered a young nurse whom he knew. At that same instant,
- he was noticed by military police, who physically threatened him
- and forcibly escorted him from the building.
- He met with the nurse the next day, and she explained what had
- been going on at the hospital. She was a very religious person
- and was upset to the point of being in a state of shock. She
- described how she had been called in to assist two doctors who
- were doing autopsies on several small nonhuman bodies. She
- described the terrible smell, how one body was in good shape and
- the others mangled, and the differences between their anatomy
- and human anatomy. She also drew a diagram on a napkin showing
- an outline of their features. That meeting was to be their last
- -- she was transferred to England a few days later.
- Today, the nurse would be sixty-nine years old. Investigators
- are attempting to locate her. Five nurses are pictured in the
- 1947 Roswell Army Air Field yearbook. The files of all five are
- strangely missing from military records.
- The main part of the craft apparently came down some distance
- from the "debris field" at the Brazel ranch. Researchers were
- only recently able to confirm this second site because few
- people knew about it. According to witness testimony, this is
- also the site where the bodies were found. Most of the
- witnesses to this site have not, in fear of government reprisal,
- allowed their names to be used. A prestigious law firm has
- recently been retained to provide legal counsel to any such
- witnesses who might consider going public with their testimony.
- Attorneys from the firm have already met with several Roswell
- witnesses.
- In addition to Glenn Dennis, other witnesses were physically
- threatened or intimidated. According to members of Sheriff
- Wilcox's family, he was told by the military, in the presence of
- his wife, that he and his entire family would be killed if he
- ever spoke about what he had seen. The rancher who originally
- discovered the wreckage, Mac Brazel, was sequestered by the
- military for almost a week and sworn to secrecy. He never spoke
- about the incident again, even to his family. In the months
- following the incident, his son, Bill Brazel, found and
- collected a few "scraps" of material, which he kept in a cigar
- box. The material was eventually confiscated by the military.
- ======= >>>To be continued in PART 4. Stay tuned!=======>>>=======>>>
- _________________________________________________________________
- Signed declarations can be sent to:
- MUFON; 103 Oldtowne Road; Seguin, TX 78155. U.S.A.
- CUFOS; 2457 W. Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60659, U.S.A.
- FUFOR; Post Office Box 277, Mt.Rainier, Maryland 20712, U.S.A.
- Kent Jeffrey, 37 Porteous Ave., Fairfax, CA 94930, U.S.A.
- Joachim Koch, Stadtrandstr. 550 g, 13589 Berlin, Germany
- _________________________________________________________________
- ***Please look for the following message "ROSWELL-DECLARATION Part 4***
- Viele Gruesse
- Joachim
- IN: koch@wad.fido.de