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- Organization: Anonymous contact service
- Reply-To: an170476@anon.penet.fi
- Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 19:46:32 UTC
- Subject: Caverns, Dungeons, and Labyrinths (01/04)
- Lines: 475
- FILE NO. 007
- C A V E R N S, D U N G E O N S A N D L A B Y R I N T H S
- In this 'File' we will examine reports of ancient subterrain
- excavations, the very reality of which presupposes the existence
- of scientifically-advanced races which reigned perhaps thousands
- of years ago, excavations that had apparently been constructed
- before the deluge and, in some cases, following it. The account
- which we record below appeared in the Oct. 1947 issue of 'AMAZING
- STORIES' science fiction/science fact magazine, pp. 171-172:
- "Sirs:
- "Norman Finley, a neighbor of a good friend of mine, told me
- about an experience he had which was rather unusual. He and a
- couple of other fellows were hunting down in the Big Bend
- country. I don't know whether you are familiar with the Big Bend
- or not, but there is no more wild or desolate area in the
- country. Rugged, mountainous, cut by canyons, there are
- innumerable parts of it which have never known the foot of man.
- "It was in one of the most desirable areas that Finley and
- his companions found themselves. They had driven about ninety
- miles southwest of Marathon, Texas, a little town of about 700
- people, at the foot of the Del Norte Mountains, 4000 feet high,
- and had then gone on afoot. The dirt road just petered out and
- they couldn't get their car further. They were hunting deer but
- had no luck. Just as they were about to call it a day, Finley
- spotted a mountain lion. He snapped a shot at it and knocked it
- over. But the lion just rolled over on his feet and started to
- leave those parts.
- "Finley and the other fellows took after him, since it was
- obvious that he was wounded and not making very good time. They
- managed to keep him in sight for about a mile and were sure they
- had him when he ran into a box canyon. The lion, however,
- started up a faint trail up one side of the canyon to a small
- cave they could see about a hundred feet from the floor of the
- canyon. They followed him up this trail, but when they got to
- the cave--there was no lion!
- "The cave was one of those dished-out affairs that are so
- common in the southwest. Eroded out of the face of a cliff and
- cup-shaped. The only access to it was by that trail. But this
- cave was a bit queer. It had a sand floor and was just about big
- enough to park twenty cars in it. On the cliff edge was a low
- STONE WALL. This in itself was not too unusual, because such
- caves have sheltered Indians for thousands of years.
- "The thing that did make it unusual was that in the rear of
- it was a perfectly round hole. It was obvious that the lion had
- ducked into this.
- "They approached it rather cautiously and tossed some stones
- in it to see if they could stir him up. But there was no
- response. They could hear the stones rolling and bouncing down
- an incline and the sound just got fainter and fainter until it
- died away altogether.
- "They then approached the hole and peered down into it. It
- was perfectly round--also it was about four or five feet in
- diameter. They couldn't see very far down it, but it appeared to
- descend rather sharply and at a steady gradient. The fellows
- gathered some dry grass from the canyon floor and made some
- torches. The incline of the bore was too steep for them to climb
- down so they tossed the torches down it. They just slid down
- further and further and disappeared into the gloom. They never
- did see or hear of the lion again.
- "At first they thought they had stumbled onto some old
- Spanish mine workings. But there was no sign anywhere of a dump
- that always goes with a mine. By all rights there should have
- been some sign of the earth and rock that had come out of that
- hole--but there wasn't.
- "When they inspected the hole itself more closely, they were
- amazed at it's symmetry and at the consistency of the section of
- the bore as far as they could see down it. The fact that the
- bore was perfectly round puzzled them, too. If it was a mine
- shaft, it most certainly wouldn't have been round, but instead
- would have been flat on the bottom. The fact that the shaft
- extended straight and unwavering as a rigid pipe was cause for
- further amazement. Since the fellows had no rope with them,
- which would have been needed to descend the shaft, as well as
- lights, they scratched their heads awhile and then left.
- "Finley wanted to go back with equipment and see how far
- down the shaft went and what was at the bottom of it. But
- ranchers are busy people and he never went back. In the meantime
- he got pretty well broken up when a horse threw him and he now
- lives in Fort Worth while he has someone else to run the ranch.
- We talked rather idly about having a look at his cave someday.
- He says he knows exactly where it is and could find that box
- canyon with his eyes shut. So far we haven't done anything about
- it. But we may either this summer or next when we get time to go
- down to Big Bend.
- "Finley told me this story about a year before even you
- heard of Shaver so you can be sure he wasn't influenced by the
- 'Shaver Mystery.' In fact, I don't believe he has ever heard of
- the 'Shaver Mystery,' even to this day.
- "E. Stanton Brown., 4931 Bryce Ave., Fort Worth 7, Texas."
- Another letter, dated Jan. 1948, appeared in 'AMAZING
- STORIES' magazine also confirming that strange 'para-speleon'
- phenomena exists in the western part of Texas. However the
- artifacts described in the following letter seem to involve areas
- north of Big Bend, not far from the Guadellupe Mts. and the New
- Mexico border. Perhaps this account is a partial confirmation of
- a subterranean connection between areas BELOW the Big Bend of
- Texas and the Guadellupe range of southern New Mexico -
- northwestern Texas. Quoting from the letter:
- "Sirs:
- "Since I have been an interested reader of AMAZING STORIES
- since my high school days (1929) when A-S was a bigger magazine,
- I feel like one of the family when I read the letters in the
- discussion pages. The temptation has arisen many times to write
- a letter to you concerning some hotly discussed matter, but
- something has always prevented me from getting at it. However,
- the October Issue pushed me too far, and here goes.
- "The mysterious cave Mr. E. Stanton Brown spoke of in his
- letter is not exactly news to me. In 1938 a party of six of my
- friends and myself spent seven months in that area of Texas, and
- upper Mexico. We were testing an electronic instrument that we
- had developed, and needed lots of space and some mineral deposits
- for the various tests. So, we got rather well acquainted with
- the Big Bend country, and the Figure 2 Ranch north of there. We
- arrived there in January and camped IN THE SIERRA BLANCAS,
- storing a lot of our equipment at the town of Van Horn. By
- march we had gotten deep into the rugged country and as I recall,
- it was about the middle of March we stumbled onto this cave (or a
- twin) that Mr. Brown speaks of in his letter. Everyone was so
- dumbfounded by it that we spent the better part of the rest of
- the month in making a thorough investigation. We penetrated the
- shaft to a distance of 870 feet and at about 650 feet found some
- very finely executed writing on the right wall at eye level, IN
- WHAT RESEMBLES CUNEIFORM. At 800 feet one of the party fell over
- a cloth lying in the dust, and upon closer examination, it was
- found to be part of a blue shirt, of fairly recent manufacture;
- indicating that someone else had been this far in recent times.
- This and an empty pint whisky bottle dated 1897 was all we
- located to indicate recent occupation. Of course in a country
- where desperadoes such as Black Jack, Billy the Kid, etc., hid
- out where they could and the more solitary the better, such a
- find was not too surprising.
- "At about 780 feet the floor dips more sharply downward and
- at near 900 feet progress is very hazardous due to moisture and
- increased slant downward. We carried rocks from the opening, and
- rolled them from the point where we could no longer walk, but
- they simply faded out with a rumble after a few seconds. We
- tried rolling flaming yucca stumps to see if, perhaps, we might
- determine more about the bore further on, but this proved to be
- futile, since the stumps burned poorly at best, probably due to
- bad air. It was very stuffy and hot after the first 300 feet
- from the opening. We held a powwow to try and figure out how we
- could go further down, but the only thing would have been lots of
- lariat ropes, or a long steel cable, and neither was available
- nearer than some 50 miles.
- "If Mr. Finley had taken the time to go hunting up in the
- Figure 2 Ranch territory he might have run across another, and to
- me more interesting, cave than the Big Bend one. About 62 miles
- (north - Branton) from the town of Van Horn you go through the
- salt-flat country, where the Salt Wars of the old west occurred.
- Westward, some 8 or 9 miles from the road is the Apache Canyon
- country, and as rugged as anywhere on the face of the globe. In
- an offshoot of Apache Canyon to the south, is an almost
- impassable gash called Hell Canyon. The walls of this canyon
- rise precipitously for at least 1000 feet and top out on Apache
- Peak on one side and an old Indian ceremonial ground on the other
- side. More desolate country would be hard to imagine. Coyotes
- and mountain lions are plentiful, and panthers no novelty. I
- have seen as many as 34 deer in a herd down below on the grassy
- ledge sloping down toward the canyon floor. Of course, further
- up toward the box end of the canyon it was much too rugged for
- deer, but a few mountain sheep are seen, (it was) in the wildest
- part of the canyon that the other cave was found, in fact we
- almost fell into it. The high grass about the opening hid the
- dished out entrance.
- "We were at an elevation of approximately 7000 feet and
- going was tough, especially with a pack, and we had stopped to
- rest when one of the party remarked that it 'sounded hollow' when
- any of us talked. Of course, we all yapped away at the same time
- trying to figure if this was so, and sure enough it was. Further
- investigation located the hole some six feet to the left of where
- we had stopped. It was roughly oval in shape, some 30 by 18
- feet; and bridged in the center the short way by a natural rock
- arch heavy enough to support an elephant. In the center of the
- arch were 3 deep grooves caused we hazarded, by rope passing over
- the arch. We spent several hours in investigating the
- surrounding terrain to see if there might be any other entrances
- to the cave, but found none. It sloped sharply from the opening
- down about 200 feet, and then the bore disappeared, curving
- upward. We succeeded in getting down to the first level, by
- tying all our ropes together, and subsequently investigated a lot
- of it.
- "Threading through the soil were long stringers of quartz,
- but oddly enough at the same time there were chunks of rock as
- big as a piano that were solid masses of seashells. Quite a lot
- of pottery both broken and whole, was found. The most
- interesting thing was, however, that the farther we went the
- colder it got. Also there was a sound of either rushing wind or
- water, which got louder the lower we went. We came upon two
- human skeletons not over 500 feet from the entrance, but they
- must have been very old, as the bones crumbled at the touch.
- Everything was covered with a deep dust after passing the bend
- and no indication of any living thing having passed there was
- ever noted. It was very dark and depressing, and the chill was
- very penetrating. When you consider that the outside temperature
- was near 100 degrees, you can imagine how we were dressed. We
- had three flashlights, one a five cell, and after a while it was
- all that was left that would give a decent light. Down at what
- we estimated as 1200 feet from the opening we came smack up
- against a smooth stone wall. That was it. The end. None of us
- would admit it was natural, it was too smooth and perfect, and
- look as we would we could not find a single flaw or crack in it.
- It was of a marble-like texture and some eight or nine feet high
- in the center and around eleven wide. By placing our ears to the
- marble near there, in Marble Canyon, where marble was once taken
- out in large quantities, and so the rock was native rock, I'm
- sure. Since the remaining light was all we had except matches,
- we voted to get back to the opening as soon as possible, and
- after a hard struggle upgrade we got back to daylight and held a
- conference. We decided to bed down and talk it over further the
- next day, as it was getting late.
- "However, the next day we were inclined to look foolishly at
- each other and claim it was all our imagination thinking there
- was anything strange on the other side of the barrier, and it was
- just another one of those many caves in the country. Carlsbad is
- just 65 miles north of there, AND THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS NO DOUBT
- "We finished our experiments and left, late in July but I
- have never been able to forget the caves, and THE ODD SOUNDS ON
- THE OTHER SIDE OF THAT BARRIER. Or for that matter, the barrier
- itself, for it was too perfect to be natural, I believe. Or,
- maybe I've just read too many AMAZING STORIES,' and am inclined
- to wild ideas. As the Mexicans say, Quien sabe?
- "Some day I'm going to write you a ding-how Scientifiction
- on something-or-other, and then place it and my rejection notice
- among my souvenirs. Maybe then I can go on reading AMAZING
- STORIES in peace, without wanting to dash off a dinger.
- "K. A. Gookin., Carmel Radio & Sound Service., Box 1865.,
- Carmel, California."
- (Note: It is unlikely that the writers of the two letters
- which we have just quoted would be able to be reached at the
- addresses given. We've merely given them as they appeared in
- AMAZING STORIES magazine in the late 1940's. - Branton)
- At this point we will mention several miscellaneous items
- connected with paraspeleology, speleanthropology, subsurface
- phenomena and related subjects:
- A researcher by the name of Frank D. Adams has written on
- the result of his personal scientific experiments which may prove
- that giant cavities exist in granite at depths of more than 11
- miles, conclusions which have also been supported by Louis V.
- King, a mathematician who calculated that, at normal
- temperatures, a cavity would exist at a depth of between 17.2 and
- 20.9 miles. The authors' findings are also supported by the
- recently discovered "16 Rouse Belts" which give planes of
- fracture penetrating the globe.
- Dr. Ron Anjard, in an article in the Summer, 1978 issue of
- PURSUIT Magazine, claimed personal knowledge of 44 underground
- cities beneath the surface of North America, six of which are
- alleged to be on the West Coast. His information allegedly comes
- from anonymous American Indian sources. When we relate this to
- the large number of migration legends (to and from cavern realms)
- which exist among the native Amerindians, then we may conclude
- that certain tribes still retain intimate knowledge of
- underground civilizations related to them via distant ancestral
- links. Some of the elders of these different tribes, others have
- suggested, may in fact maintain present contact with several of
- these cavern civilizations. There are some indications that some
- such 'tribes' literally moved underground as a result of the
- encroaching Anglosaxon civilization upon the America's. Similar
- allegations are made in relation to South and Central America as
- well.
- Interviews with survivors of a mine explosion in Dec. 26,
- 1945, known as the "Belva Mine Disaster", appeared in the Dec.
- 1981 - Jan. 1982 issues of newspapers in Pineville, Kentucky and
- elsewhere. The interviews revealed that some of the trapped men
- saw a "door" in one of the walls open, and a man dressed like a
- "lumberjack" emerged from a well-lighted room. After assuring
- the men that they would be rescued, the strange visitor returned
- to the room and closed the door. These "lumberjack-like"
- entities have been described by miners on other parts of the
- country and in other nations as well. There seems to be some
- confusion as to whether they are physical or paraphysical
- entities. A somewhat similar incident allegedly took place
- several years ago near Shipton, Pennsylvania. Of the three
- victims of this particular mine disaster, only two were rescued.
- However both described a similar para-physical encounter with
- strange 'men' who entered the caverns and gave light to the two
- trapped miners and told them that they would be rescued. They
- were uncertain whether the entities were humans or supernatural
- beings however, as much of their collective "hallucination"
- contained both physical as well as supernatural elements. The
- bluish "light" which illuminated the room, they said, was real,
- but other holographic-like visuals that appeared on the walls,
- when touched by their hands, either disappeared or revealed solid
- rock behind.
- R. L. Blain-Sanders, in an article titled 'TUNNELS AND
- CAVERNS BENEATH NEW YORK CITY,' which appeared in the Fall, 1981
- issue of SHAVERTRON, described the author's knowledge of a large
- triangular system of tunnels utilized by a 'Masonic lodge', deep
- below the surface of New York City. Could this have any
- connection to the other 'rumors' to the effect that cavernous
- regions exist below Manhattan? For instance, in 1962 Con Edison,
- while drilling a test hole in the north of East River Park, New
- York City, broke through to open space about 200 feet below.
- Also, there are the allegations of Morris Doreal that the Church
- of St. John the Divine in New York was built over ancient tunnels
- leading to a dome-shaped city abandoned by antediluvian
- 'Atlanteans' and later, apparently, re-established by post-
- deluvians. Then we have the accounts of thousands of people who
- have literally and mysteriously disappeared off the face of the
- earth in and around New York City.
- Raymond Bond, in an article titled 'SUBTERRANEAN SAUCERS -
- 1980 (Brooklyn, N.Y.), described caves within Mt. Sombrero in the
- Tampica area of Mexico, from which sounds resembling those made
- by 'hydroelectric generating equipment' can be heard. Also,
- inhabitants of the interior of Mt. Kilimanjaro were also
- described. Kilimanjaro is one of the highest peaks in Africa.
- Bob Borino, in his article, 'UFO BASES FOUND IN ANTARCTICA'
- (Globe, Jan. 18, 1983) quotes from certain scientists who believe
- that a subterranean UFO Base is located beneath the strange
- 'Polynya Sea' in the Antarctica's Weddell Sea region.
- Malcolm W. Browne, in his article 'UNDERGROUND TUNNELS
- 1967, p.2) tells of over 60 miles of ancient tunnel systems of
- unknown origin and purpose which have been discovered beneath the
- town of Eger, Hungary, some of which have collapsed. The
- civilization which built the tunnels must have been fairly
- advanced in engineering and science in order to create such a
- subterranean system.
- Karl Brugger, in his book 'THE CHRONICLE OF AKAKOR' (Boohi
- Tree Books., Delacorte Press., N.Y., 230 pp), gives the history--
- as given to the author by one of their chiefs--of the Ugha
- Mongulala tribesman, whose ancestors were allegedly part of a
- vast empire which covered South America in ancient times. Some
- of these ancient people, the chief claimed, left the planet in
- aerial vessels to explore other parts of the solar system and
- beyond, leaving behind vast subterranean cities beneath the Andes
- mountains and western Brazil. In 1971, due to the constant
- encroachment of white settlers or invaders into their territory,
- 30,000 survivors of the Ugha Mongulala allegedly escaped to this
- ancient system of underground cities, consisting of 13 separate
- subterranean complexes all connected by tunnels, one of which is
- said to extend to Lima, and others of which are located
- throughout the Andes Mountain range of Peru.
- Michael Burke, in his article 'GREEN THING SPARKS RUMORS'
- (THE VALLEY NEWS DISPATCH, New Kensington, Tarentum and
- Vandergrift, PA., Mar. 5, 1981 issue) described a small creature,
- allegedly 'half humanoid - half dinosaur' which was seen emerging
- from a sewer tunnel in New Kensington. A group of children
- chased the infant or young dinosauroid creature, one of them
- momentarily grabbing it at which point it let out a squealing or
- screeching sound, and then slipped from his hands and escaped
- back into the sewer tunnel. This incident took place some miles
- west of Dixonville, PA., where in 1944 several miners were killed
- or turned up missing as a result of encounters with 'alien'
- creatures in one particular mineshaft there. Any connection?
- SAGA Magazine's 'UFO ANNUAL - 1980', P.4, under the heading
- 'CAVE MARTIANS', described a bizarre encounter with subterranean
- creatures which seemed to have consisted of some type of
- automaton-like forms, perhaps on a reconnaissance mission from an
- underground civilization. The story involved a tunnel near
- Xucurus, Argentina(?), some 90 miles from Buenos Aires. The
- tunnel was discovered by agriculturalist Gerardo Cordeire, and
- found to contain nine connecting passages and strange
- inscriptions on the walls. From it's entrance "men nine feet
- tall, green, with antennas on their heads, and square legs" were
- seen to emerge, and which, according to HUNDREDS of witnesses
- from the town and nearby locals, resembled enormous "portable
- radios."
- Dr. Earlyne Chaney, in an article titled 'ODYSSEY INTO
- EGYPT', in her occult-oriented magazine VOICE OF ASTARA (May,
- 1982) tells of a discovery she and researcher Bill Cox was shown
- in Egypt. These were two tunnels, neither of which had been
- fully explored. One was in the temple of Edfu between Luxor and
- Cairo in the ruins of El Tuna Gabel; and the other near Zozer's
- Step Pyramid at Cairo near Memphis-Saqqarah, within the tomb of
- the Bull, called "Serapium". The Egyptian government sealed both
- tunnels because of fears of certain archaeologists who alleged
- that they "lead too deeply down into the depths of the earth,"
- and because they found the earth to be "honeycombed with passages
- leading off into other depths," and the possibility of explorers
- becoming lost. If such labyrinths do exist, then it may explain
- one story which alleged that men dressed like "ancient Egyptians"
- have been seen deep in unexplored tunnels near Cairo, as well as
- possible confirmation of the story which appeared in Nevada
- Aerial Research's 'LEADING EDGE' Publication to the effect that
- the U.S.(?) Government secretly maintains a huge base within a
- cavern of tremendous size (several miles in diameter) beneath the
- desert sands of Egypt. Could this tie in with the vaque
- references to a subterranean society(s) referred to by certain
- people 'in the know' which is/are known as the 'Phoenix Empire'
- and/or the 'Gizeh People'?
- Articles in the WASHINGTON STAR-NEWS, July 25, 1973 and Aug.
- 15, 1973, tell of the discovery of an unexplored network of
- ancient, artificial tunnels during construction of a parking lot
- in Crofton, Maryland. Subsequent construction covered the tunnel
- entrances before the system could be completely investigated.
- Leon Davidson, in an early issue of 'FLYING SAUCERS'
- Magazine, spoke of a large network of "underground tunnels in the
- California desert, at Camp Irwin, near Barstow." This may tie-in
- with an item related by a Los Angeles municipal water director,
- as related in an early issue of Richard Toronto's SHAVERTRON
- letter-zine, stating that this water director knew of 5 large
- underground rivers which ran beneath the Mojave desert, and that
- die-traces showed that at least one of these emptied into the
- Pacific ocean through openings in the continental slopes (One
- source stated that such a river exited in the Gulf of California.
- Other sources speak of a "Kokoweef" river-system which is alleged
- to lie below Kokoweef peak just east of FORT Irwin, which looked-
- -according to it's alleged discoverer, a Mr. Earl Dorr, and a few
- "Indians" who also claimed to have been in it--like a "Grand
- Canyon" underground. It allegedly consists of a river chasm
- generally 500 ft. wide and over a thousand feet high-deep, sided
- by steep tiered-shelved underground cliffs, huge stalactites and
- cataracts. Also, the alluvial sands on the 'beaches' along the
- river, which allegedly hold a large percentage of gold dust, are
- said to be several feet deep. The entrance to this cavern was
- allegedly dynamited shut by Mr. Dorr to protect anyone else from
- getting to "his" gold. There is in fact evidence that Dorr did
- dynamite shut the lower level of 'Kin Sabe' cave in Kokoweef
- Peak, and there are present-day attempts to break through into
- this underground system. The water of the river allegedly rose
- and fell with the tides, suggesting that a very large body of
- water might exist upstream, that is if Dorr's account as well as
- the accounts of the Indians were not fabricated). The municipal
- water director, according to the SHAVERTRON article, spoke with a
- man who claimed that he was hired several years ago by the
- government to look for water sources for Ft. Irwin. He alleged
- to have explored an old mine in the area and found that deep
- down, the shaft intersected with an ancient earth fault or chasm-
- like cave which continued horizontally for a considerable
- distance. This government employee followed the chasm and
- allegedly emerged onto the bank of a huge underground river-cave
- over a quarter of a mile wide! The tremendous water flow--
- possibly originating from the waters that apparently disappear
- beneath the Great Basin, the Nevada and Mojave deserts?--could
- have 'fed' the water needs of all of Southern California.
- Paul Doerr (not to be confused with Mr. DORR referred to
- above), in issue number 6 of his Newsletter 'UNKNOWN', related
- the tradition concerning a race of human giants which, according
- to stories in the Carolinas islands and especially Papua,
- allegedly went underground in ancient times. Once inhabitants of
- a lost island-continent called "Chamat," they will, according to
- legend, one day emerge. This legend is wide-spread throughout
- Malaysia, which incidentally contains the largest "officially
- recognized" cavern chamber, the "Sarowak Chamber" on the island
- of Borneo in the Malaysian islands. It is said to be 230 ft.
- wide by 980 ft. long and nowhere less than 270 ft. high, large
- enough to easily hold within itself the two previous contenders
- for the world's largest OFFICIAL chamber - Carlsbad's "Big Room"
- in New Mexico and the "Salle de la Verna" in the Pierre Saint-
- Martin caverns in France. Yankee stadium could fit in one end of
- the Sarowak chamber with room to spare! The same issue of
- 'UNKNOWN' also reports on the discovery of massive caverns in
- Toulumne Co., California, by three Oakland miners. The caverns
- were so extensive that a man would have to "take grub for a week,
- and plan to explore for a month."
- The 'BOOK OF DYZAN', which has been translated from ancient
- manuscripts, tells of intellectually sophisticated humans from
- an ancient earth-born society who abandoned the surface of the
- earth, "depriving the impure human race of their knowledge," and
- leaving in flying craft to rejoin their land "of iron and metal."
- 'FAR OUT' Magazine's April, 1982 issue carried an article
- tells of a huge man-made opening in the ocean floor between
- Panama and the Galapagos Islands, which scientists say receives a
- constant flow of ocean water which is being sucked through the
- hole and into the crust beneath the ocean floor.
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