ocr: INDEX - INDE> AGGREEIONO Slaves of the one with horns (2/2) 071 PesulencerurglPrTepeys 084 The infernal names 072 185a0r90e@ulNretgleus 085 Definition of a Splatter-novie 073 Chimera on concert; Necrophobic 086 List over horror/splatter-nouies 074 Demotape reviews 087 Horror List part 1 075 Dissection TThe Somberlain 388 CADAVEA 15 DEAD? 076 Enslaved: Enslaved review 089 Funcore -A delight to the ear, 090 Isengard Vinterskygge 091 Verbalslaughter Review Zombie' '90 of Ticks -Extreme (Brian Pestilence Yuznat) 092 093 Satanism -Reaction 077 Hellbound-review 094 Why is god 50 goode? 078 Kool soun ...