ocr: 00 DO NOT LOOK - READ - - 024/081 Christmas 1992 - For the first time: ABNURAALIA 01 Born the 4th of July Hacno 2181 D2 ABNORHALIA 1359 03 Plus and Minus Macno 2597 04 The Secret of Universe Macno 4803 05 Green eyes lacno 4143 06 Android visions Macno 3255 07 Atoms Macno 2006 08 The, clones' Machine DDT/HBT 11867 09 Earth 2145 Macno 3183 10 The Conclave of Magic Merlyn/Ihe Magic Guild 10618 11 Merlyn's dream Macno 8034 12 The edge of Confusion Macno 4421 13 Cars Macno 2857 14 Good bye immortals Macno 3559 15 In My, mind (*) Soul 2338 16 From the window (*) Macno 5395 17 NORMALIA ET VARIA Abnor ...