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- 3D REALMS ENTERTAINMENT ORDER/FAX SHEET (Fax number: 214-278-4670)
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- *** Mark all games you wish to order ***
- [ ] Terminal Velocity, CD-ROM Version (includes cinematics, etc.) ($39.95)
- [ ] Terminal Velocity, Disk Version - Full game with 27 levels ($29.95)
- (Important: The disk version does not include cinematics and
- the high-res textures.)
- [ ] Terminal Velocity Strategy Guide -- About 200 packed pages! ($14.95)
- (The Strategy Guide will be available only after July 20, 1995.)
- GRAPHICS: [ ] SVGA [ ] VGA [ ] EGA [ ] Other:__________________________
- COMPUTER: [ ] P6/686 [ ] PENTIUM/586 [ ] 486 [ ] Other:________________
- SOUND CARD: [ ] Sound Blaster & Pro [ ] SB 16 [ ] SB AWE 32 [ ] Ad Lib
- [ ] PAS 16 [ ] GUS [ ] None [ ] Other:_____________________
- --- continued ---
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- 3D REALMS ENTERTAINMENT ORDER/FAX SHEET (Fax number: 214-278-4670)
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- Name (please print)________________________________________________________
- Address ___________________________________________________________________
- Address ___________________________________________________________________
- City _______________________ St./Prov. _________________ ZIP/Code _________
- Country (if not USA) ____________________ Phone/Fax _______________________
- SHIPPING [ ] USA: $5. Each additional item (including books) add $1.
- CHARGES: [ ] Canada & Mexico: $6. Each additional item add $1.
- [ ] All other countries: $8. Each extra game add $2.
- Total payment: $______________ (TX residents MUST add correct sales tax.)
- Note: Payment must be in U.S. dollars and drawn against a U.S. bank.
- Please do not send cash!
- Payment: [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] Discover
- [ ] Check [ ] Money Order
- Card number: ______________________________________________________________
- Expiration date: _____/_____ (MM/YY) Signature: __________________________
- Mail to: 3D Realms Order: 1-800-3DREALMS (1-800-337-3256)
- P.O. Box 496419 Phone: (214) 278-5655 (Foreign orders)
- Garland, TX 75049-6389 Visa, M/Card, Discover, Amex welcome!
- Thank you for your order! Make checks payable to "3D Realms". Allow up to
- two weeks for delivery. All prices subject to change without notice.
- All items subject to availability.
- Where do you get or buy 3D Realms shareware games (check favorite two only)?
- [ ] 3D Realms' home BBS: The Software Creations BBS
- [ ] CompuServe
- [ ] America Online
- [ ] Other BBS -- Please write name:
- [ ] Shareware catalog -- Please write name:
- [ ] Work, a friend or a relative
- [ ] Retail store, off a rack, in a box or other simple packaging
- [ ] CD-ROM disk
- [ ] Other:_______________________________________________________________
- What do you like/dislike about 3D Realms, our games, business with us, etc.?
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- Thank you!