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- Here lies a listing of the product demos we have recieved...
- Disc 3: Rocket Ranger Slideshow, see the entry in the
- slideshow section for further details.
- Available from Cinemaware rrp 29.95
- Disc 33: Not strictly an animation disc but a demo of the
- capabilities of Deluxe Video by EA. Has 5 or so
- short `films` showing what can be done quickly
- and easily. Mock film titles are included, and
- a good education film teaching pythagoras.
- Disc 44: Star Ray demo, playable to the 1st level.
- Very nice defender type clone with excellent
- graphics.Available from Logotron rrp 24.95
- *Not compatible with Issue 1.3 machines.
- Disc 81: A brilliant demo for 1meg amigas (2discs)
- Disc 82: of Digiview,Digipaint and DigiFX all by
- US based Newtek. Features amazing quality
- digitised graphics, sound & animation.
- Disc 94: A nice demo of Cinemawares KING OF CHICAGO
- the stratedgy version of the Al Capone era
- complete with all the distinctive touches,
- music,hoodlums,cars and of course the
- prohibition. As always graphics are top
- notch and include facial animation etc.
- Demo works with 512k and single drive
- although the game really needs 1meg or 2
- drives. Available now.
- Disc 98: Video 3D demo. a product demo of an extremely
- powerful and professional video titler.
- Excellent and ultra smooth effects such as 3D
- rendering and shatter effects..
- Disc 132: A demo of the Professional text editor
- available from DIGIPRO, a really powerful
- text editor. If thats what you are looking
- for then take a look at this first then
- decide. Usable upto 20K of document.
- Disc 133: Contains a playable demo of SHANGHAI by
- Activision. The chinese strategy game
- which is very playable, difficult to get
- hold of now though. People who like it
- should try the PD game, Tiles on a later
- disc - check out Games discs for details.
- Disc 138: Demos of Aegis Draw and Animator. Draw is
- a CAD package that is usable but you cant save
- anything. There are a number of aegis animator
- demos included and the lander demo is probably
- the highlight.
- Disc 145: Jet Demo. A running demo of Sublogics JET,
- a sort of sequel to Flight Simulator 2.
- Shows you and guides you through all the
- main features of the game. Try before you
- buy.. you will probably find Falcon a better
- game.Available now.
- Disc 147: Demos of Battlechess and Fusion by E.Arts.
- Battlechess is perhaps the best graphical
- version of chess yet with some superb
- animation and sound. (Although there is no
- sound in this demo). Fusion is a game that
- met a fair amount of claim. See what you
- think about this playble demo.
- 1meg required for the battlechess demo...
- Both programs available now.
- Disc 165: Crimetown Depth Demo. A demo of this cinemaware
- style game, coming soon from Mirrorsoft.
- Features some nice graphics and sound and
- animation sequences from the game.
- Disc 167: Skychase Demo. A demo version of the Image Works
- dog fighting game where you have a dog fight
- with either the computer or a human opponent.
- The graphics are very fast and smooth as shown
- here. Available now.
- Disc 181: A demo of Dragons Lair, the game that raised
- more than a few eyebrows when released.
- Needs at LEAST a meg (you only get sound with
- 1.5 meg and more). Brilliant animation
- sequences that look straight out of the
- arcade machine.Available now.
- Disc 189: A demo of Sword Of Sodan, another game that has
- recieved good reviews, just shows what can be
- done instead of poor quality game-ports.
- Massive sprites and fast gameplay are a hit in
- this true arcade style game.Available now.
- Disc 191: Product demo of Incentives 3D freescaping epic
- Driller. Guides you round the planet of which
- the game is based - the aim being to release
- gas after drilling for it. Fast,smooth graphics.
- Available now.
- Disc 192: WB1.3 Test version. Contains a few samples of
- what you could expect to find on the release
- version. 1.3 offers faster hard drive access,
- much faster printer drivers and a recoverable
- ram-disc.Available now.
- Disc 204: Buggy Commando. A playable demo rather like the
- old Moon Alert/Moon Buggy games, control your
- buggy over obstacles.Featured in The One.
- Disc 207: A product demo of Pioneer Plague, the first HAM
- game from Mandarin Software. Nice colourful
- graphics and atmospheric sound effects.
- Available now! Try it out before buying...
- Disc 208: A rolling demo of Deluxe Photolab, featuring
- 209: some excellent graphics and acts as a superb
- tutorial/introduction to the program. Requires
- 1meg to run. Similar format to the Dpaint 3
- program which I deem to be a better program
- although theres no HAM mode on Dpaint III.
- Disc 215: A product demo of the original and playable
- 'Bombuzal' by Imageworks. Nice little strategy,
- puzzle game.
- Disc 227: A thorough demo put together by Digita to
- demonstrate their suite of application programs,
- Home Accounts, DG Calc,Mailshot and Mailshot Plus.
- Theres an explanation of each program and a cut
- down version for you to try out with save options
- removed (so you cant use it!)
- Disc 290: Zoetrope Demo disc. A new animation package using
- yet another format (RIF) that allows you to use
- anim files from just about any machine/format
- including cyber studio ones from the ST and .anim
- amiga files. Included on the disc are five
- animations the best of which is the Skeleton
- doing the backflip. Also includes Zoedemo 1
- (a cutey creature that wobbles and falls over),
- Dinonew a simple animation, Li`l Guy - another
- cutey guy.
- Backflip (need 1meg for the whole flip!) and
- Zoesparklet - 3D text animation. Zoetrope is
- available from ISM, Grove House, Ventor Road,
- Apseheath, Isle Of Wight PO36 OJT contact
- Paul Booth for full details.
- Disc 299: Slipstream `Product` Demo.. not one of Microdeals
- better efforts but we included it in the hope
- that if you see this you may know about the game,
- a superb example of Try before you buy...
- if you dont, dont say you didnt have a chance
- this time...
- Disc 317: Design 3D Demo. A nice full-screen demo of the
- new CAD package. Looks very easy to use and is
- an excellent demo as it shows you quite a few
- examples as well as exactly how something is
- created (all mouse movements have been recorded
- and playedback). Includes the facility to create
- animation files, copes with 16 colours, light
- shading etc. Full commercial package is
- available NOW.
- Disc 354: A product demo of C-Light the Ray-Tracing/3D
- package which came out earlier this year.
- Contains 3 demos, a Star Trek enterprise animation
- a weird landscape one and a strange blind
- animation. Needs 1meg and apparantley it allows
- you to animate in real-time.(!) 1meg req.
- Disc 355: A nice playable demo of Blood Money by Pysgnosis,
- one of the better shoot`em ups to appear in a
- long while (actually we werent too keen until
- we played it, its very addictive!) this demo
- allows 1 or 2 players (simultaneous) to play the
- first level. Good demo. Great Game!
- Disc 356: Dpaint III demo, a two disc affair showing the
- 357: reasons why it is the best art/animation package
- around! You`ll need 1meg to see it though, and
- to use the program which is available NOW.
- Shows what can be achieved and how the various
- additional features work. Includes some nice
- animation sequences.
- Disc 358: A nice presentation by Ron Fonteine that shows you
- three forthcoming Psygnosis games Blood Money,
- Aquaventura and Chariot. Bloody Money is already
- out and looking superb the other two are due
- shortly.
- Disc 383: A running demo of Wicked from Activision, this
- game is getting high ratings, try before you buy.
- Disc 400: Product Demos, 4 demos of forthcoming titles,
- Raider (a bit like gravvatack disc 83),Datastorm
- (a brilliant defender clone by SODAN), Vortex
- (a strange game!) and Sequencer - a sound
- sampling utility. Datastorm looks the most
- promising of these.. try now..
- Disc 400: 4 Product Demos of forthcoming titles, Raider,
- Datastorm, Vortex and a Sound-Sampler. Datastorm
- looks particularly excellent!
- Disc 413: A product Demo of Navy Moves. Try before you
- buy...
- Disc 421: Adrian Pursers Ray-Trace Graphics. Adrian has
- developed his own ray-trace techniqes and he is
- currently writing the front-end and editor for
- his program. His actual maths code etc is done
- and here are some early results which are very
- good. Adrian promises much more complex graphics
- and effects in the near future.
- Disc 431: A demo of POWERDROME by E.Arts. Try before you
- buy! Shows you the major features of this
- playable futuristic racing game.
- Disc 432: Another Product Demo, this time from Palace
- as Delphines Castle Warrior makes its debut.
- Large colorful graphics in a Dragons lair type
- of Scenario.
- Disc 442: *** WITHDRAWN ***
- Disc 458: IT CAME FROM THE DESERT! Yes! Its crawled out from
- Cinemaware and is attacking your screens. A great
- product demo for the already famous unreleased
- game - IT Came from the Desert! Based on all the
- classic 50's bug movies get this and find out
- what all the fuss is about. Spectacular sound and
- animation plus of course a superb intro sequence.
- IT should be available before Xmas 89... 29.95
- courtesy of Mirrorsoft. * 1MEG ONLY ! * (Sorry!)
- Disc 467: A Product Demo of Gemini Wings, a game by Virgin.
- Based on the arcade game. Try it before buying!
- Disc 481: A product demo of Mindscapes 'Fiendish Freddies
- Big Top Of Fun!' - the circus game where you have
- to complete events whilst avoiding the menacing
- antics of Freddy. This demo has a small amount of
- animation and a slideshow of stills from the
- game. The game is due out in september rrp 29.95
- and on three discs...
- Disc 483: A demo of the game Xenon 2, contains half of the
- first level and should be enough to convince
- ANYONE of the sheer quality of this game!
- (Great music too) Due in September 24.95rrp
- Disc 484: A demo of a music program by Intelligent music.
- As far as I can tell all features bar the save
- option are present and it works with/without
- Midi. Due to me being rather musically incapable
- I cannot go on about its features.. But if you`ve
- heard about it and want a demo.. here it is..
- Disc 486: A product demo of BEAST by Psygnosis.. probably
- the most technically clever game yet on the
- Amiga.. this is a real beast.. 13level parallax
- scrolling, 128 colours on screen, 50 frames per
- second scrolling and animation, 900K of music,
- 2.5meg of graphics, 4meg of data, hundreds of
- monsters... slick presentation.. in fact it looks
- like something out of an arcade! Check out this
- demo.. the game is going to be 34.95rrp so you
- might as well make sure you know what its going
- to be like!
- Disc 488: A demo of a game announced AGES ago! Remember
- Mars Cops? No? Dont blame you! Anyway years
- have past and finally the game is due soon.
- This demo shows what it will be like and it does
- feature some nice graphics done by Ian Harling
- (who did the graphics for Oceans Last Patrol).
- but the game looks a little like 3D asteroids
- so try this demo if you fancy the game.
- Disc 497: Heres a demo to make your trigger finger itch!
- This is a product demo of "Battle Squadron"
- which is the follow up to Hybris. Featuring
- full Pal scrolling, twin player simultaneous
- action, added horizontal scrolling (as in the
- game sidewinder). Great sound, great graphics
- and probably the most arcade lookalike yet to
- appear. Time to oil your joystick methinks...
- Disc 498: Another product demo (by the way we will deduct
- a pound off a purchase of the game if you have
- previously had the demo!). This is a demo of
- Ancos playable `Rally Cross` - a 4 player
- super sprint clone that includes new tracks and
- night driving by headlights. Looks VERY good.
- Disc 514: Space Ace Demo.
- Readysoft`s follow up to the amazing Dragons Lair
- (remember THE demo 181?) is here and it looks even
- better than the first! Nearly half a minute of top
- notch, near faultless animation from the game.
- PLUS Readysoft have excelled themselves in the
- compression department as they have managed to
- squeeze a whole host of samples in aswell,
- including the unforgetable "I`ve only been
- kidnapped by aliens, thats all!"
- One meg owners get a continous loop of the full
- demo, Half meg owners can choose between the first
- and second parts.
- Disc 522: Interphase Demo. Imageworks latest looks like
- being one of, if not, THE best 3D games yet seen
- on an Amiga. Superb graphics and speed, and a
- decent plot to boot. A sort of strategy come
- action game that should please most games
- players out there. Heres a chance to see before
- you buy.
- Disc 525: Ghostbusters 2 Playable demo. Play one level from
- Activisions megabucks film license. The game is
- out now so if your interested, try the demo first!
- Disc 527: MoonWalker Demo. Jacko hits your Amiga! Actually
- this isn`t that bad. A few pieces of animation
- from US Gold`s game of the film of the record
- of the operation of the strange mind. The best bit
- being the grand finale, featuring the infamous
- spin. ** 1 Meg only **
- Disc 528: Dragons Breath Demo. The intro and a few stills
- from Palace`s "RolePlaying/Strategy Game of 1990"
- , Anyone who saw the Work in progress feature on
- this game in The One recently would`ve seen the
- amazing graphics, now`s your chance to see them
- for "real" on screen. The whole thing is backed
- by some very nice atmospheric music.
- Disc 529: Lets go TOOBIN`, preview of Domarks conversion of
- Atari`s Mega Arcade game, race down the river
- in an inflated innertube, avoiding various
- nasties along the way. Again, this isn`t playable
- just sit back and watch.
- Disc 530: Cinemaware Basketball Slideshow. 8 Pictures from
- Cinemawares forthcoming simulation. More great
- graphics from one of the leading Amiga Developers
- The game will be coming out sometime in 1990 via
- Mirrorsoft, and if this demo is anything to go by
- , it should be pretty amazing! Just to prove 17Bit
- are THE leading PD suppliers we actually received
- this demo BEFORE Mirrorsoft even knew one existed!
- How`s that for speed??!!
- Disc 532: This is the demo of French Software House
- Delphine`s new Adventure come Action game
- Future Wars - Time Travellers. Shows the intro
- to the game before cycling through a few scenes
- from the game which is similar to the Sierra
- style of adventures. If this demo is anything
- to go by all adventurers are in for a real treat
- when the game is released....
- Disc 539: Clownamania Demo from Starbyte. 3D Platform type
- game that casts you as a clumsy clown!!
- Not Playable, just a rolling demo.
- Disk 555: X-OUT from Rainbow Arts. Playable demo of the soon
- to be released shoot em up from the German based
- company. This first level plays very well and the
- game should be something to look out for! It's a
- sort of underwater R-Type with loads of extra
- weapons to blast all the nasty baddies!!
- Disk 563: After the War - See before you buy autorunning
- demo of Dinamics latest, a sort of Beat em,
- shoot em or generally do-anything-as-long-as-you
- kill-em UP! Not playable, just sit back and watch..
- Disk 566: Odds 'n' Sods - A couple of Product demos and
- some music on here; we have demos of the
- excellent drivin' game DRIVIN' FORCE from DMS.
- Also a demo (in the form of a mini slideshow
- with soundFX) of Gainstars forthcoming
- Adventure Dragon Quest - Looks very good, and
- recently got 82% in CU.
- Disk 594: Elvira (Mistress Of The Dark) DEMO. Running demo
- of the forthcoming Horrorsoft game featuring Miss
- Elvira and her "assets" (ehem). This game is going
- to be a sort of Adventure/RPG type game where the
- aim is to rescue Said temptress from her
- capturers,the graphics look extremely impressive
- and in parts are quite gruesome (so don't watch if
- you are squeemish!) also has some sampled
- atmospheric spot effects and a tadge of Sampled
- speech from Elvira herself, though it sounds as
- though she is doing her Shy Postman impression and
- none of us can actually make out what she says...
- This is a very good demo and fans of this type of
- game should be well impressed.
- Disk 600: AMOS DEMO. Stunning demo of Mandarins forthcoming
- Game Creator. This disk is a brilliant example of
- what to expect when AMOS is finally released in
- May. Shows moving, animated sprites and bobs.
- Brilliant scrolling routines (Amazing IFF piccy
- scrolling!) And all from BASIC! Should set the
- Amiga world alight when it is released. Heres a
- great chance to whet your appetite! Anyone with
- any level of interest in proggramming should check
- this out! IT'S BRILLIANT!!
- Disk 615: Castle Master Slideshow. 15 stills from the
- forthcoming Incentive/Domark game. The latest game
- to feature Incentives 3D routines known as
- Freescape - here's a chance for you to see what
- the game looks like before you part with any cash!
- Disk 621: E-Motion - Playable demo of U.S. Golds "soon-to
- -be-released" strategy puzzle game. 4 levels are
- on here for you to test out. Looks very good
- indeed, ideal for those of you who like to use
- your old grey matter rather than just sit down
- and blast!