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- Any discs with any information that could be of help to the
- user are listed here...
- Disc 34: Basic Disc 1, Contains Amiga basic and 14
- programs; Balldrop, castle, Switchbox,Tug O war,
- Crazy 8`s, Fooz Football, Lotto, Nutware,
- Polyhedron, Puzzle, Random 100, Random 1000,
- Rectan. All run from workbench. Disc Autoboots.
- Disc 35: Basic Disc 2,dozens of ABASIC (early version of
- basic as supplied with first Amigas) programs
- and Abasic itself. Programs:3dsolids,addbook,
- alg1,algebra,amgseq,amiga-copy,band,basic,bounce
- box,brickout,cancav,cancav1,canvas,cardfi,
- charstrip,circle,colourcircles,cubes,cutpaste,
- date,dog star,dragon,draw,triangle,eliza,
- eezspeek,ezterm,fillibuster,fractal,fractal7,
- fractalrep,fscape,gomuku,gstest,haiku,hal9000,
- halley,hauntedM,hidden,join,jpad,loz,mandel,
- menu,minipaint,mouse,pena,pinwheel,qbox,
- random-circles,rgb,rgbmenu,rickstest,ror,
- rord,sabotage,salestalk,shades,shuttle,
- sketchpad,sp,spaceart,speak,speech,speecheasy,
- spell,spelling,sphere,spiral,striper,superpad,
- talk,terminal,termtest,tom,tom2,topography,
- triangle,uratmxeno1,xmodem.
- Disc 36: Basic Disc 3,more ABASIC programs. This
- version of basic supports line numbers and is
- more or less compatible with other basics so
- you might be able to convert old programs
- easily.Programs:anim,arrow,band,bounce,box,
- brick,checks,colours,crayons,cutpaste,
- daddywar,demo,draw,fscape,getkeys,hoverer,
- invader,megabucks,menu,mortgage,mouse,music,
- optica,paint,screentool,shades,shuttle,
- spelling,sshaper,talk,tom.
- Disc 37: Basic Disc 4, more ABASIC programs: 2boxquick,
- 32hip,biga5,col,cone4,demo,fr,frac,hiquix,
- Monopoly,wave,win1,win2,triquix,sly5,rqix,
- mouth. All work via the autobooting disc.
- Help included on the disc.
- These discs can be used to gain help on writing
- your own routines etc as most have comments
- within the programs so you can follow what is
- happening.
- Disc 39: Contains some information on creating icons and
- making large icons with Dpaint etc. The ICONLAB
- program on Update 5 is also of use here. This
- disc also contains some examples of animated
- icons etc.
- Disc 61: Lists many C routines and Assembler routines
- for the manipulation of IFF data in music and
- graphics and documents on the subject.
- Examples are included and the disc is Non-
- Autobooting. Originally in the FISH software
- collection.
- Disc 80: Not really information as such but contains a
- few examples of the types of programs you could
- expect to find in the 17bit PD library.
- Six pieces of music,space invaders, a clock and
- animation are the main features.
- Disc 131: Contains a reasonable amount of info for MIDI
- especially the CZ series of synths. Also
- included is an iff file of a midi interface
- for an A1000.
- Disc 133: PD Sample disc with many features (see General
- programs area for full details). Contains more
- information about FS2 and includes some files
- enabling you to make the most out of this
- classic simulator.
- Disc 192: Test version of Workbench 1.3 shows you the kind
- of thing to expect on the final version which is
- available now including an excellent book...