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- -= GAMES =-
- Disc 23: EMPIRE a stratedgy game on a grand scale.
- Contains no graphics as it is a port over
- from IBMs etc and has no sound either.
- Lots of instructions, requires lots of
- time and runs through the CLI.
- Disc 24: HACK - The first version of the incredibly
- playable rpg. A bit like dungeonmaster in
- plan view. Only small icon graphics but
- the game plays very well as you pilot your
- way through the rankings and through the
- dungeon levels to find the amulet. Once
- found you then have to proceed back through
- the levels and escape. Great fun.
- Disc 44: This is a playable demo of Star Ray (the 1st
- level) a game very reminiscent to Defender.
- Ultra fast smooth scrolling and good gameplay.
- Commercial version available for 24.95 rrp
- The bootblock on this disc may be highlighted
- as SCA virus by some virus detectors, it is not
- and will not spread or cause any harm. If it
- is removed the game will not work. Will NOT work
- On Issue 1.3 machines.
- Disc 71: This disc contains a selection of games, 2
- written with Abasic (supplied as well).
- Features: Amoeba Invaders (Brilliant space
- invaders game) Tron Cycles game, Cluedo
- (great adaption of the board game),Monopoly,
- Klondike (great cards patience game) and
- Missile Command.
- Disc 83: An excellent playable PD game here, one of
- the best PD games existing! Basically resembles
- the sucessful 'Thrust' type game. You have a
- small craft which you have to move around a
- set of obstructions and collect keys in order
- to reach the next level, of which there are 17.
- Play is by keyboard but doesnt detract from a
- really addictive game which most people get
- more out of than some commercial releases.
- Disc 133: This disc contains a really good playable demo
- of Shanghai the chinese tiles/patience game.
- Also included is the user-definable COSMO
- (Asteroids) game which is very good. There are
- also some Flight Simulator 2 information files
- which add extra fun and clues to new locations.
- Disc 135: Games disc featuring Backgammon,Cosmo,Missile
- Command,Tunnel Vision,3D Breakout (needs 3d
- glasses) and Cosmo Version II.
- Disc 149: Moria - The great RPG has been speeded up and
- generally made much more playable. This is
- version III and tweaks include nice inter-level
- graphics. A must for 1meg adventure fans, this
- game is SO playable!! A little bit like Hack and
- Larn but more involved, offers HOURS of gameplay
- for 1meg users...
- Disc 159: Games Disc containing Asteriods,Backgammon,
- Egyptian Run,Gravity Wars,IFF2Pcs. Iff2pcs
- is a diy jigsaw puzzle, just add your own
- 16color iff file and hey-presto!
- Disc 173: Features Chess, Othello, an Adventure Creator,
- and Space Ace demo.. amongst other utilities.
- The Chess game is characters only but I am
- told it plays quite a strong game.. but not
- being a chess player I couldnt put that to the
- test.
- Disc 174: Contains a version of the Collosal cave
- adventure game by Crowther and Woods. Includes
- some utilities (check utilities section for
- listing of these).
- Disc 175: Larn. A great rpg in the style of Hack but with
- more features and superb gameplay. Once 'into'
- it you play for HOURS! One of our favourite PD
- discs yet. Great for RPG fans, works fine in
- 512K and is highly reccomended. Poor graphics
- no sound but really playable!
- Disc 204: Buggy Commando. A playable demo rather like the
- old Moon Alert/Moon Buggy games, control your
- buggy over obstacles.Featured in The One.
- Disc 282: Paranoid Game. Very good Pd arkanoid clone that
- even includes a screen designer. Good value for
- a Pd game. Of german origin.
- Disc 307: 3 Games by Agatron, Mad Race, Space Race and
- Light Cycles 3D (a nice version of Tron in 3D
- by Tobias Richter). Also included are a 3D
- object editor called Viking,
- IFFload and IFF-C utilities, Taskmanager,
- Selector and Blinker (a utility to flash the
- power led).
- Disc 309: The 1meg Star Trek game featured just about all
- 310: over the place. Its on 3 discs and plays close
- 311: to the St commercial version ie not brilliant
- but for Trekkies and sci-fi fans its good value.
- Remember you will need all 3 discs and this will
- set you back 6.95 Live long as prosper.
- Disc 355: A nice playable demo of Blood Money by Pysgnosis,
- one of the better shoot`em ups to appear in a
- long while (actually we werent too keen until
- we played it, its very addictive!) this demo
- allows 1 or 2 players (simultaneous) to play the
- first level. Good demo. Great Game!
- Disc 369: HACKLITE. The lastest version of Hack sent by
- Rhys of Compunet (ta!) this version sees added
- features, better speed and a new install program
- that allows easy set-up onto Hard-drives,or any
- other device you can think of! Hack is a really
- playable game, especially if you like RPG games.
- Disc 370: Anyone for Tennis?? This 1meg Tennis game allows
- two people to battle it out on centre court
- using their joysticks.
- This german shareware program was sent by a
- friend of ours, Guido who writes for a
- German PD magazine. Hi guido - hope the music
- was ok!
- Disc 402: Nice playable uridium-style sort of game. Written
- by a german chap. Nice music. Thanks to Guido for
- sending it!
- Disc 430: A full adventure game by Jim MacBryne -
- The Golden Fleece, an epic adventure and it has
- a real good parser (that means you can type
- take everything except the vaseline and rubber
- hose) - Jim Reckons its as good as anything by
- INFOC*M - why not try it out? Thanks must go
- to Jim for submitting it to us!
- Disc 445: Castle Of Doom! An adventure game with graphics
- more suitable for the beginner. Simple parser
- and fairly easy going.
- Disc 454: Various Games. Includes a really playable of the
- Arcade game "Qix", Blue-Moon which is a card
- patience game, Orbit 3D gravitational shoot em
- up! (??), Wordsearch - gives you random word
- puzzles to attempt.Asteroids - updated version
- with better graphics than the older version.
- Filling up the space is the marvelous Tree Frog
- animation as featured in The One last month.
- (Plus an unlimited supply of plump flies for
- your frog to happily munch on).
- Disc 483: A demo of the game Xenon 2, contains half of the
- first level and should be enough to convince
- ANYONE of the sheer quality of this game!
- Due in September rrp 24.95! Bomb the bass music
- included in this demo!
- Disc 492: A great little game from the German PD sent to me
- by Guido Coenen. It involves taking your man
- (werner) around the screen to collect his beer!
- [Already I like this game] You havent got it easy
- as some guys are chasing you and also you have
- to avoid and maneouvre around falling rocks in
- true bolderdash style. Great for PD!
- Disc 497: Heres a demo to make your trigger finger itch!
- This is a product demo of "Battle Squadron"
- which is the follow up to Hybris. Featuring
- full Pal scrolling, twin player simultaneous
- action, added horizontal scrolling (as in the
- game sidewinder). Great sound, great graphics
- and probably the most arcade lookalike yet to
- appear. Time to oil your joystick methinks...
- Disc 498: Another product demo (by the way we will deduct
- a pound off a purchase of the game if you have
- previously had the demo!). This is a demo of
- Ancos playable `Rally Cross` - a 4 player
- super sprint clone that includes new tracks and
- night driving by headlights. Looks VERY good.
- Disc 514: Space Ace Demo.
- Readysoft`s follow up to the amazing Dragons Lair
- (remember THE demo 181?) is here and it looks even
- better than the first! Nearly half a minute of top
- notch, near faultless animation from the game.
- PLUS Readysoft have excelled themselves in the
- compression department as they have managed to
- squeeze a whole host of samples in aswell,
- including the unforgetable "I`ve only been
- kidnapped by aliens, thats all!"
- One meg owners get a continous loop of the full
- demo, Half meg owners can choose between the first
- and second parts.
- Disc 517: Pictionary Demo from Domark. The Game of quick
- draw makes it onto the Amiga. And heres the demo,
- not playable, just sit back and watch.
- Disc 522: Interphase Demo. Imageworks latest looks like
- being one of, if not, THE best 3D games yet seen
- on an Amiga. Superb graphics and speed, and a
- decent plot to boot. A sort of strategy come
- action game that should please most games
- players out there. Heres a chance to see before
- you buy.
- Disc 525: Ghostbusters 2 Playable demo. Play one level from
- Activisions megabucks film license. The game is
- out now so if your interested, try the demo first!
- Disc 527: MoonWalker Demo. Jacko hits your Amiga! Actually
- this isn`t that bad. A few pieces of animation
- from US Gold`s game of the film of the record
- of the operation of the strange mind. The best bit
- being the grand finale, featuring the infamous
- spin. ** 1 Meg only **
- Disc 528: Dragons Breath Demo. The intro and a few stills
- from Palace`s "RolePlaying/Strategy Game of 1990"
- , Anyone who saw the Work in progress feature on
- this game in The One recently would`ve seen the
- amazing graphics, now`s your chance to see them
- for "real" on screen. The whole thing is backed
- by some very nice atmospheric music.
- Disc 529: Lets go TOOBIN`, preview of Domarks conversion of
- Atari`s Mega Arcade game, race down the river
- in an inflated innertube, avoiding various
- nasties along the way. Again, this isn`t playable
- just sit back and watch.
- Disc 530: Cinemaware Basketball Slideshow. 8 Pictures from
- Cinemawares forthcoming simulation. More great
- graphics from one of the leading Amiga Developers
- The game will be coming out sometime in 1990 via
- Mirrorsoft, and if this demo is anything to go by
- , it should be pretty amazing! Just to prove 17Bit
- are THE leading PD suppliers we actually received
- this demo BEFORE Mirrorsoft even knew one existed!
- How`s that for speed??!!
- Disc 532: Future Wars Demo - Delphine Software. Very good
- new demo of Delphines latest Graphic adventure/
- action game. Shows the intro and then cycles
- through a few scenes from the game.
- Looks tres bon (as the Frenchies would say).
- Disc 539: Clownamania Demo from Starbyte. 3D Platform type
- game that casts you as a clumsy clown!!
- Not Playable, just a rolling demo.
- Disk 555: X-OUT from Rainbow Arts. Playable demo of the soon
- to be released shoot em up from the German based
- company. This first level plays very well and the
- game should be something to look out for! It's a
- sort of underwater R-Type with loads of extra
- weapons to blast all the nasty baddies!!
- Disk 556: The Holy Grail, by Jim MacBrayne. The follow up to
- The Golden Fleece (Disk 430). Good text only
- adventure that has you on a quest for..well the
- Holy Grail! Excellent parser and very well
- presented a MUST for all adventure fans every
- where! Please note this game requires ONE MEG!
- Disk 563: After the War - See before you buy autorunning
- demo of Dinamics latest, a sort of Beat em,
- shoot em or generally do-anything-as-long-as-you
- kill-em UP! Not playable, just sit back and watch..
- Disk 566: Odds 'n' Sods - A couple of Product demos and some
- music on here; we have demos of the excellent
- drivin' game DRIVIN' FORCE from DMS. Also a demo
- (in the form of a mini slideshow with soundFX) of
- Gainstars forthcoming Adventure Dragon Quest -
- Looks very good, and recently got 82% in CU. We
- also have 3 excellent pieces of Music, un-
- fortunately the original disk they were supplied
- on was corrupt so I do not know who wrote them!
- Needless to say they are very good indeed! In fact
- I would class the second one as my favourite piece
- of amiga music EVER! Very funky, very 70's very...
- original, especially for the Amiga!
- Disk 594: Elvira (Mistress Of The Dark) DEMO. Running demo of
- the forthcoming Horrorsoft game featuring Miss
- Elvira and her "assets" (ehem). This game is going
- to be a sort of Adventure/RPG type game where the
- aim is to rescue Said temptress from her capturers,
- the graphics look extremely impressive and in parts
- are quite gruesome (so don't watch if you are
- squeemish!) also has some sampled atmnospheric spot
- effects and a tadge of Sampled speech from Elvira
- herself, though it sounds as though she is doing
- her Shy Postman impression and none of us can
- actually make out what she says... This is a very
- good demo and fans of this type of game should be
- well impressed.
- Disk 595: THE STAR TREK GAME! Brilliant 2 disk game from the
- ultimate trekkie Thobias Richter, designer of all
- the AGATRON Start Trek animations, and part of the
- team that brought us Oil Imperium, Thobias has now
- released his latest game into the Public Domain.
- Featuring Brilliant (as you'd expect) graphics and
- sampled sound this has you on a journey where no
- man has ventured before, a journey into space (The
- final frontier etc etc) where you must carry out a
- series of missions, search out various planets,
- avoid the enemies ships, Captain your ship and
- ensure the safe keeping of your staff. The whole
- thing is very well put together, but the instructions
- are in German so it may take a while for you to sort
- things out. Works fine in half-meg, but one meg owners
- get added extra sound effects.
- Disk 600: AMOS DEMO. Stunning demo of Mandarins forthcoming
- Game Creator. This disk is a brilliant example of
- what to expect when AMOS is finally released in
- May. Shows moving, animated sprites and bobs.
- Brilliant scrolling routines (Amazing IFF piccy
- scrolling!) And all from BASIC! Should set the
- Amiga world alight when it is released. Heres a
- great chance to whet your appetite! Anyone with
- any level of interest in proggramming should check
- this out! IT'S BRILLIANT!!
- Disk 607: St Bash!! - Great PD space invaders type shoot-em-up
- from a 17Bit member in Germany (unfortunately you
- didn't sign your name on the letter, so whoever you
- are THANKS!) the aim is to blast your way through
- 520 levels of St related sprites (spinning ST logos
- etc), and there are several various levels of play
- so you can make the game as easy or as difficult
- as you want. With all the available options and
- great playability this will keep you amused for
- quite a while and should keep your kids quiet for
- an hour or two!! Better than Amoeba Invaders??
- Well, I'll let you make the decision........
- Disk 615: Castle Master Slideshow. 15 stills from the
- forthcoming Incentive/Domark game. The latest game
- to feature Incentives 3D routines known as
- Freescape - here's a chance for you to see what
- the game looks like before you part with any cash!
- Disk 621: E-Motion - Playable demo of U.S. Golds "soon-to
- -be-released" strategy puzzle game. 4 levels are
- on here for you to test out. Looks very good
- indeed, ideal for those of you who like to use
- your old grey matter rather than just sit down
- and blast!