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- Whats in here? All the discs with sampled music etc on...
- Disc 8: Holsten Pils advert, features a sequence of
- sound samples from the Western advert with loony
- Griff Rhys-Jones. Also a selection of stills
- digitised with Digiview.
- Disc 9: Yello Mix, an excellent digitised sample with
- music by Yello. Excellent quality and one of the
- early high quality samples to appear on the Amiga.
- Sampled by The Mixers.
- Disc 28: Pop music demo, 4 good samples of Madonna,
- Pet Shop Boys, Curiosity killed the Cat and Mel
- and Kim.Includes digitised colour graphics of
- the artists.
- Disc 45: Whos BAD? Wacko Jacko is and he`s here on disc
- 45.. Jacko fans are treated to this digitised
- version of his `classic` track.
- Disc 46: Walk This Way is digitised and remixed on this
- sample disc. Good heavy metal and a rap sort of
- thing that was popular in the charts and
- heralded a new style of music.
- Disc 47: Blowfly. Dunno where this piece of digitised
- music appeared from but its weird! Certainly not
- one for the kiddies and this carries an 18 cert.
- Disc 48: Grandmix. A very nice music `mix` with a great
- intro of a robot introducing the music.
- Good stuff.
- Disc 50: Genesis - The Land Of Confusion. Another lengthy
- digitised sample and Lp cover drawn with Dpaint.
- Good for fans sick of the rap type demos.
- Disc 60: Flesh for Fantasy, no not one for men only as
- the title might suggest but two digitised songs
- Flesh For Fantasy and Never Went Down.
- Disc 64: One of the all time top discs which hardly ever
- fails to amuse. Its a digitised sample of an
- imaginary advert for toilet paper...
- Contains language some people could find
- offensive.
- Disc 65: One of the ALF remixes. (Alf is a tv program
- about a strange alien - apparantley a cult but
- we're not keen). Anyway this consists of various
- clips of the film put together as a rap/mix
- all digitised of course.
- Disc 79: Humourous demo of an advertisement for
- merseyside. Sampled by HCC of Liverpool.
- Disc 88: Equinoxe. A nice digitised sample of Jean Michel
- Jarres classic album.
- Disc 91: Fletch Mix. Another rap/music mix featuring all
- kinds of music and bits. All sampled and well
- put together for fans of this type of music.
- Disc 92: The Model. A digitised rendition of Kraftworks
- popular song complete with a digitised piccy of
- Sam Fox who is by coincidence (or was) a model.
- Disc 97: Loadsamoney! Digitised section of the popular
- song recorded by Harry Enfield.
- Disc 100: First of the Delerious demos. Features samples
- Disc 101: and clips of Eddie Murphys stageshow. Note:
- the disc contains adult material and is not
- reccomended for children. Cert X. Very funny.
- Disc 103: The Wall. A nice sample of Pink Floyds classic
- 'Another Brick In The Wall'. Good stuff, well
- being a fan I would say that...
- Disc 105: Fletch2 a digitised assortment of snatches of
- hit records and effects linked together.
- Includes a wide variety of strange effects and
- samples.
- Disc 109: Although the Ian & Mic demo is graphics based
- there is also a wide variety of Digitised music
- included, most of it good quality.
- Disc 110: Digitised version of one of the Pet Shop Boys
- early hits, Suburbia.
- Disc 116: Pin-up Sam Fox digitised in all her splendour
- and heres her hit 'Do You Wanna Please Me'
- well im not gonna stick my neck out and say
- anything... 'nuff said.
- Disc 118: ALF2 following the success of the first one the
- sequel is much the same, digitised chunks of
- the 'popular' Tv show which is fast becoming
- a cult only us lot arent that keen on it..
- Disc 119: Sabrina fans will find a chunk of her first hit
- 'Boys Boys Boys' on here as well as a few pics
- of her featuring the two reasons why she shot
- to fame...
- Disc 121: The Xmas song! (With X being the operative
- Disc 122: letter! Really funny but again its not one for
- the kids... Cert X. Both discs needed for all
- the song.
- Disc 123: The Robot Song. Another digitised soundtrack,
- this time of a song, sung by... you guessed it!
- Robots.
- Disc 136: More digitised takes from Eddie Murphys
- Disc 137: Delerious film, again not for kiddies! Cert X
- Disc 150: The Miller Lite TV ad, digitised with DigiView
- and sampled with Prosound as soon as the advert
- appeared on Tv. The song 'He aint heavy hes my
- brother' then became a cult. Featured in the
- One magazine, this disc is a small slide of
- stills from the ad and of course the song
- digitised in all its splendour!
- Disc 153: The Gator Mix! Another collection of samples
- and effects put togther into a music-mix.
- Very good actually.
- Disc 162: Dutch Music Demo. A nice digitised sound disc
- received from Evert Meulie in Holland.
- A product of a dutch amiga users group.Good.
- Disc 205: The Monty Python sketch, one of the best of all
- 206: time has 4 blokes discussing just how hard up
- each of them were, getting exaggerated to extreme
- proportions.Very funny.
- Disc 210: A digitised rendition of Bruce Willis`s attempt
- 211: at the old classic `Under The Boardwalk`.
- Disc 217: A disc featuring David Bowies classic `Fashion`
- digitised and put together by Dale and Andy
- from Norfolk.
- Disc 228: The first KML demo by Steve Snake featuring
- excellent quality long sampled sound.. Features
- his Slither demo with music from Platoon and a
- Loadsamoney sample that leads to a 3min 45secs
- sample of a Mark Shreve Instrumental.
- Disc 229: Another demo by Steve-Snake of KML this time
- featuring a Lenny Henry sample and Afterburner
- music sampled from the arcade machine that
- accompanies his Afterblitter demo that has a
- matrix of balls spinning around, arcade
- style again from the Afterburner original.
- Disc 230: KML`s Revolution demo featuring 3 parts,
- including 2 great pieces of quality sampled
- J.M.Jarre music, Zoolook and Oxygene.
- A version of London Kid is also part of the
- package. Nice graphics accompany the demo too.
- Disc 231: KML`s Derek & Clive demo featuring the wacky
- 232: Dudley Moore and Peter Cook in a decidedly
- funny,disgusting and crazy dialogue. Great
- quality and seems to go on for ages..
- Also included is a digitised rendition of the
- Equalizer TV Theme.Warning! This disc contains
- language some people would find offensive...
- Disc 266: 8th Wonder digitised sample. Sampled and compiled
- by Jools! (J.M.Wright a member of 17bit).
- Disc 267: Its No Secret! Kylie Minogue hits the Amiga,
- 268: sample by Jools. Works best with 2 drives...
- Disc 270: Locomotion! Yes Kylies here again!!
- Mores the pity...
- ah well, sampled by Jools, froth and gibbering
- supplied by Snake..
- Disc 272: Dragons Lair Music Demo. A nice sample containing
- the voice over from the 1.5 meg version and some
- great music that goes on for quite a while.
- Great quality sampled music.
- Disc 285: The now famous (or should that be infamous?) Kylie
- 286: demo by Steve 'Minogue' Snake. Everybody seems to
- hate it but secretley they like it... what a two
- faced lot you are.. very well put togther and
- for the Kylie fans amongst you its the bees-knees.
- Two 960K discs of samples and digitised graphics,
- various songs from Kylies albums but they all
- seem to sound the same to me... ie. c...
- nope I wont say it...
- Disc 287: KML Strike yet again with... wait for it...
- 10 Digi pics of Annie and chums from Neighbours
- with 10 secret passwords to hear 10 samples..
- when you hear `em you`ll realise why they are
- hidden... Also included is Steves upgrade of
- his Afterblitter demo where he now spins 144
- balls around in his logo rather than the
- previously modest 64. More good stuff from Steve..
- Disc 289: Micromix Demo. Those of you who saw or heard
- the St version can now relax as its here on the
- Amiga. Microdeal say its been done with AMAS but
- we know different as its the exact same samples
- as the ST.. tut tut the first ported demo!!
- haha but never mind as its still a very good sound
- program/demo for the Amiga.. a great mix including
- various snatches of Star-Trek, Buggerall Money,
- Chart Stuff and S-Express etc.
- Disc 351: Made In Heaven - The 12" Mix by Kylie Minogue..
- 352: sampled by.. guess who... yeah.. KML..(Steve
- 6min-sample Snake) has done it again and has
- managed to cram 6 minutes of sample onto 2
- discs.. how? ask Steve... because he wont tell
- us..(the Tinker)
- Disc 367: The Adams Family Demo! 1meg needed for this 1
- disc demo with a great sample (the theme tune)
- and black & white digitised shots of the whole
- Family. Very nice.
- Disc 381: A KML demo with a difference..
- 382: whats the difference?
- i) Does it contain a massive sample? Yes...
- ii) Does it contain a scrolly? Yes...
- iii) Digitised Pics? Yes...
- iv) Girly Singer based? Yes...
- v) Must be Kylie then? Nope... (uh? KML no Kylie
- eh?)
- vi) Whats Steve Snake playing at?
- Well he didnt do it...
- vii) The difference is ARRY the other half of KML!
- Yes `Arrys first KML demo brings Debbie Gibsons
- Electric Youth to life on two discs complete with
- digi-pics, its the full 5 minute version two..
- good quality samples plus some piccies on disc B.
- You do need both discs but 2 drives are not
- essential.
- Disc 384: The follow up to the popular Helloween demo by
- 385: Futuresoft, this features a song called Quiet
- Riot and a brilliant whining guitar solo.
- You will need both discs.
- Disc 394: The Safe Sex Demo! One we had a while ago but it
- was corrupt so never made it into the library.
- This is (depsite the title) a humourous mix of
- commentry and samples/music that goes on
- about Ronald Reagan/Nancy`s opinions of Sex..
- not rude but quite funny.
- Disc 514: Space Ace Demo.
- Readysoft`s follow up to the amazing Dragons Lair
- (remember THE demo 181?) is here and it looks even
- better than the first! Nearly half a minute of top
- notch, near faultless animation from the game.
- PLUS Readysoft have excelled themselves in the
- compression department as they have managed to
- squeeze a whole host of samples in aswell,
- including the unforgetable "I`ve only been
- kidnapped by aliens, thats all!"
- One meg owners get a continous loop of the full
- demo, Half meg owners can choose between the first
- and second parts.
- Disc 523: Why Don`t You Stay..? Anyone who has seen Dirty
- Dancing will recognise this one. A brilliant
- sample of the song by some Motown group or other.
- (Sorry but noone in the office can remember their
- name!) Anyway, no graphics on this one just the
- WHOLE song in all its glory..
- Disc 527: MoonWalker Demo. Jacko hits your Amiga! Actually
- this isn`t that bad. A few pieces of animation
- from US Gold`s game of the film of the record
- of the operation of the strange mind.Also features
- various samples from a few of Jackos records.
- The best bit being the grand finale, featuring
- the infamous spin. ** 1 Meg only **