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- Here are details of the purely animation based discs,
- please note a large proportion do need 1meg so be sure
- to read all the notes about a particular demo.. all
- 1meg discs are also listed elsewhere.
- Disc 6: Probe Demo. Perhaps one of the most popular
- discs ever to be placed in the public-domain.
- (Certainly one of the most popular of our
- discs). This shows an imaginary sequence
- recorded from a space craft as it journeys into
- an uncharted region and onto a strange planet
- where there have been reports of life. An
- entertaining and interesting use of digitised
- black & white graphics and created with
- The Director. No sound.
- Disc 7: RGB/FOCUS. There are another two demos created
- with The Director on this disc, one of them RGB
- requires 1MEG to run and is a competition
- winner. RGB is a humourous animation of the
- effects of the user from using a VDU.. strange
- and very clever use of digitised graphics.
- Focus is another strange demo that applies an
- imaginary scientific rule to random numbers with
- some weird results...
- Disc 11: CAT/BARON/WIREFRAME animations. Another classic
- animation in the form of the Sullivan/Bluth CAT!
- An excellent digitised cat in a frame runs along
- as the frame rotates around 360degrees.
- (Actually one meg is required for a full spin
- but the effect is still good in half meg!)
- Also on the disc is a demo for Videoscape of a
- Biplane flying in and out of the screen in 3D.
- Also included is a very nice vector graphics
- demo that is only a few K in size and is REAL
- TIME (ie the vectors are calculated and drawn
- 50 times every second).
- Disc 16: Sculpt 3D Animations, perhaps one of THE classic
- PD discs containing one of the most popular and
- often used animations; Khanakas. These
- animations all work on a standard 512K machine
- and are excellent. There are three animations:
- KHANAKAS - a superb HAM animation of Newtons
- Cradle (the executive toy with the balls on
- strings that proves the Kinetic theory [all the
- rage about 10yrs ago]).ROCKING CHAIR - another
- excellent HAM animation of guess what...yup! a
- rocking chair! F15: a wire frame animation
- of a fighter plane, unfortunatly just in wire
- frames.
- Disc 17: Sculpt 3D Animations, four excellent animations
- in a similar mould to the ones above. BIRD: a
- gorgeous bird ray traced in all its glory in the
- the action of flapping its wings. BIRDS: One of
- our favourite animations showing a large AMIGA
- in solid 3d lettering with 3 birds circling
- around.(Complete with sound).BOING: A simple but
- nice animation of a bouncing amiga ball in HAM
- mode of course! BOINGORBIT:An imaginary spaceship
- in orbit around a planet which is an Amiga ball
- (the red/white chequered ball which seems to have
- been adopted by the Amiga fraternity as a symbol
- of Amiga).All animations work fine on a standard
- 512K system.
- Disc 29: An animation created with Videoscape 3D, this
- features an imaginary machine type thing with
- lots of moving parts (including the obligatory
- amiga ball) and is very nice.Requires 1meg to see
- the full animation.
- Disc 30: Another Videoscape animation which is very
- strange - its shows three Unicycles being bounced
- off a ball. Again very good but you will need a
- megabyte to see the full animation cycle.
- Disc 31: The famous car demo which apparantley forms
- some kind of reference to the inside dealings of
- companies in the states. Another 1meg affair
- (inc some music) it features an innocent unicycle
- just trying to cross the road but it gets run
- over by a speeding supercar and bounces off the
- road... hmmm I wonder who the car is supposed to
- represent...
- Disc 33: Not strictly an animation disc but a demo of the
- capabilities of Deluxe Video by EA. Has 5 or so
- short `films` showing what can be done quickly
- and easily. Mock film titles are included, and
- a good education film teaching pythagoras.
- Disc 63: A mixed-bag of graphical goodies ranging from the
- classics like JUGGLER and ROBO animation that
- really got people gibbering and squirming all
- those years ago. Includes Blitter Demo (nice),
- Boing, Sproing, Colorful, Zoing, Drive Music
- (make your disk-drive sing!), Fractals, Robo,
- Juggler and the rather nice Nemesis planet demo.
- Disc 70: A nice disc containing 4 classic demos,
- including The Thames TV Animation, HB Hill,
- The Boing Machine and Marketroid.
- Disc 78: More videoscape animations; F15 - 2 jets that
- circle and fly out of the screen. GTV1 and
- GTV2 are animations based around the Granada
- Tv Logo and are nicely done. Spacecraft -
- a spacecraft that flies and rotates, nice.
- Trek - the enterprise flies past at great
- speed. For more really great star trek
- animations check out the discs by Tobias Richter
- Disc 81: Newtek Demo. One of the now classic amiga demos
- Disc 82: produced by Newtek, producers of Digipaint and
- Digiview as well as DigiFX. This one requires
- 2 discs and 1meg of memory. A slideshow/product
- demo/animation all rolled into one. Features
- great music and even better graphics.
- Disc 84: 2 nice animations, the first is of a man made
- out of a coke can who revolves. Its a HAM
- animation with clever reflection effects and
- the illusion that it is metal is very good.
- The smurf animation features a smurf (what else)
- walking along with the camera panning around it.
- Disc 85: 2 sick pieces of animation on here.The now
- famous exploding head demo (ugh!) and another
- of a bloke chopping some poor chaps arm off.
- For some reason these are really popular,
- says something about todays society methinks.
- Made us lot laugh anyway...
- Disc 95: The TAA Ball animation. Gorgeous animation of 3
- spheres that rotate on a mirrored plate. Works
- in 512K and is really nice. One of the better
- 512K animations available. Excellent shading of
- the balls and how the reflections are
- calculated. Does not work on 1.3 issue machines.
- Disc 98: Video 3D demo. a product demo of an extremely
- powerful and professional video titler.
- Excellent and ultra smooth effects such as 3D
- rendering and shatter effects..
- Disc 138: Disc contains animations created with Aegis
- animator. Includes a jet animation and a
- lander demo. Disc also includes a workable
- demo of Aegis Draw, a CAD program.
- Disc 148: Brilliant 1meg/1meg+ animation of a digitised
- knight. Set to music. One of the best animations
- yet on the Amiga. Superb! Full screen knight
- appears out of a book and waves his sword about!
- Doesnt sound very good I know but the graphics
- are really good!
- Disc 165: Some nice graphics and animation make up a nice
- product demo of Mirrorsofts Italian title,
- Crimetown Depth. Nice sequences of what promises
- to be an interesting game.
- Disc 181: Fantastic cartoon quality animation sequences in
- the 1meg demo for the game Dragons Lair, which
- is available NOW and spans no fewer than SIX
- discs! Great demo! Sound with 1.5meg and upwards
- Disc 208: A rolling demo of Deluxe Photolab, featuring
- 209: some excellent graphics and acts as a superb
- tutorial/introduction to the program. Requires
- 1meg to run. Similar format to the Dpaint 3
- program which I deem to be a better program
- although theres no HAM mode on Dpaint III.
- Disc 220: The amazing Walker Demo! This is the 2 disc
- 221: 2megabyte version (a 1meg version can be found
- on disc 262). This shows an incredibly detailed
- and well animated AT-AT vehicle walking by the
- side of a B2000, looking round and shooting
- complete with sound FX, has to be one of the
- best demos available for the Amiga.
- Created by Bill Williams of Imaginetics.
- Disc 236: Bunsen Burner. A videoscape animation created by
- P.Warnes (a member of 17Bit) for us.Nice use of
- Dpaint and Videoscape and is a tongue in cheek
- stab at Interceptor I think... The main
- animation shows an F15 flying through a ravine
- and having a close shave with another. Nicely
- put together. Requires 1megabyte to run.
- Disc 240: Excellent Luxor Teenager animation, a sequel
- to the award winning animation on a mainframe.
- It is based on the antics of 2 angle-poise
- lamps, a large one and a mischeavious smaller
- one who is playing with a ball.
- Produced with Sculpt 4d. Very good HAM graphics,
- very smooth moving. Requires 1megabyte to run.
- Disc 253: Walker Demo II Trailer. 2meg version.
- 254: The excellent intro for Walker Demo II, note
- that although this is a trailer it is a full
- demo! There is a 1meg version also available
- on Disc 255. This demo was on show just about
- everywhere at the last CBM show and depicts an
- AT-AT attacking downtown Chicago.. and a
- helicopter makes a brave stand..
- but does it succeed? Find out in Walker Demo II!!
- Disc 255: The 1meg version of the above.. in fact you
- dont really lose a great deal, a few sound
- effects and approx 5-6 seconds of animation
- including the helicopter bit. Still a fantastic
- demo and definatly one for the collectors.
- Disc 262: Walker Demo 1meg versiom. The original version
- where the AT-AT walks by the side of a B2000.
- Great demo and definatly one for your collection
- contrary to rumours there are no plans
- for a 512K version.. sorry!
- Disc 263: Mix Disc! Contains a very nice Walking legs
- animation as well as 2 pieces of music (alf
- tune and Push/Shove), and three intros by TLB
- (12K vector scroll), Subway demo and a
- Kefrens/7up demo.
- Disc 290: Zoetrope Demo disc. A new animation package
- using yet another format (RIF) that allows you
- to use anim files from just about any machine/
- format including cyber studio ones from the ST
- and .anim amiga files. Included on the disc
- are five animations the best of which is the
- Skeleton doing the backflip.
- Also includes Zoedemo 1 (a cutey creature that
- wobbles and falls over), Dinonew a simple
- animation, Li`l Guy - another cutey guy.
- Backflip (need 1meg for the whole flip!) and
- Zoesparklet - 3D text animation. Zoetrope is
- available from ISM, Grove House, Ventor Road,
- Apseheath, Isle Of Wight PO36 OJT contact
- Paul Booth for full details.
- Disc 305: Yet another one of Tobias`s excellent Animations
- this time of a tank from Tron getting crushed
- by a deactivator (well thats what I think they
- are called!). Good - 1meg only though!
- Disc 306: Agatron animation disc containing The Jet demo
- with objects by Allen Hastings and animation
- by Tobias Richter - shows an F15 flying from
- the sky and landing on a runway. This needs
- 1megabyte. Also included is an excellent
- Reliant (Star Trek) animation and a Nelson
- (another Star Trek craft) animation.
- All produced using Videoscape by Aegis.
- Disc 308: More Agatron animations by Tobias Richter this
- time, we have two very nice robot animations,
- a spaceship animation and Workbee. 1megabyte
- reccomended but not needed (only to see the
- last bit of the spaceship animation).
- Disc 317: Design 3D Demo. A nice full-screen demo of
- the new CAD package. Looks very easy to use
- and is an excellent demo as it shows you quite
- a few examples as well as exactly how something
- is created (all mouse movements have been
- recorded and playedback). Includes the facility
- to create animation files, copes with 16 colours,
- light shading etc.
- Full commercial package is available NOW.
- Disc 326: Agatron Animation demo disc, created by Tobias
- Richter using Videoscape 3D. This disc is a
- 1meg affair and shows a Star Wars X-Wing fighter
- coming into view and spinning around.
- Disc 327: Three Agatron animations, again courtesy of
- Tobias Richter,Workbee - shows a small Star-Trek
- craft flying into a reliant craft, this needs
- 1meg. Also on the disc are two animations of a
- lotus zooming down a road and a jet flying
- over a road then a lotus zooming past. All
- created using Aegis`s Videoscape package.
- Disc 328: Two Agatron animations by Tobias Richter, Space
- - a massive spaceship that comes from space with
- all its bits spinning and rotating and then the
- perspective changes and it disapears into space
- again. Tron2 - A deactivator tank from Tron
- (the movie) gets crushed. 1Meg needed.
- Disc 329: The widely known Dry-Dock Star-Trek animation
- that has been featured in loads of magazines
- now and was on view at the show. Again its by
- Star Trek fan Tobias Richter and again using
- Videoscape. Of course you do need 1meg for it.
- Disc 330: More Agatron animations, featuring the Agatron
- logo and an excellent 1meg animation - showing
- tie-fighters and X-wing fighters from Star Wars
- flying through space and lots of them too!
- Surprise, its by Tobias Richter and yes
- it was created on Videoscape 3D.
- Disc 331: Another two very nice animations courtesy of
- Tobias Richter and Videoscape 3D. This time of
- a Klingon cruiser flying and firing its way
- through space.(1meg) Also a reliant Star Trek
- craft hovering through space and flying away.
- Disc 332: More (yes more!) Agatron animations by Tobias
- Richter this time of the space shuttle orbiting,
- 3 Klingons and a Knox ship revolving. 1meg
- reccomended for these (as ever).
- Disc 333: A massive Star-Wars animation that is so big
- that it needs to be run from CLI (no space for
- commands on the disc), you will need a showanim
- command (on all the Agatron discs) and to read
- the `read.me` on the disc for full instructions,
- if you have 1meg and 2 drives then its really
- quite simple to get the animation going. But at
- the moment it will not auto-run. We did this
- rather than put it out on 2 discs.
- Disc 334: Another huge Star-Wars animation that is very
- spectacular and another of Tobias`s Videoscape
- creations. Like 333 you will need to follow
- the on-disc instructions.1meg req.
- Disc 371: Another Agatron Animation this time created
- with Dpaint III, its a 2D animation showing how
- you could present something using the package.
- Not quite as stunning as Tobias`s 3D Videoscape
- stuff but good none-the-less. Of course its
- about Star-Trek!
- Disc 372: Another of Tobias Richters Star Trek creations,
- this features a Reliant and an Enterprise in
- combat. The enterprise moves slowly above and
- behind and shoots the reliant, rocking it...
- Very nicely done, huge 3D graphics, smooth
- action. (1meg!) Also on the disc is a robot
- animation where the robot is walking along.
- Disc 373: More Tobias Richter animations created with
- Videoscape, the first is a fairly basic 2D
- animation of 2 Star-Trek craft passing each
- other in space. Also on the disc is a very good
- animation of a craft flying toward a planet..
- the camera angle swings round bringing the
- craft into view - very neatly and cleverly
- done - requires 1meg of course!
- Disc 374: Yet more animations from Tobias Richter, this
- time theres not a Star-Trek animation to be
- seen! The first one is a billiard/pool table
- an shows an animated sequence, again its well
- done. Also are two animations of a road, where a
- lotus and an F-15 fly down (nice). 1meg needed
- for the billiard demo.
- Disc 406: The FROG Animation, many may have had this on
- the cover disc of Amiga format but this disc
- has extra sound effects and features for 1meg
- owners such as the daft speech done by me,
- and a few digitised effects. Music is
- Never Ending Story courtesy of Allister.
- Disc 416: The Agatron HUEY Helicopter animation, very nice
- uses Videoscape to create shadows as well.
- 1meg required - of course it is by Tobias Richter.
- Disc 423: 512K users have been somewhat left out in the
- cold as far as decent animations have been
- concerned so to make amends here are some!
- Featuring five animations including two very
- nice Star Trek Ones, now 512K users can live
- long and prosper! Animations by Tobias Richter.
- Disc 456: 4 nice animations on here, and for a change they
- all work fine in 512K! They are 'TreeFrog' by
- H Kane, Hammer by M Illingworth, Window by
- Cape and Walking Man by S Segal. All very nice
- 2 ray-traced and 2 animations (.anim files).
- Disc 463: Ghostpool and Amigadrip animations. Two really
- good animations here, the first is a 3d pool
- animation done in HAM and mimics a ghost
- playing pool. The second is a water drip that
- lands in a barrel - very nice ripple effect!
- Needless to say, its 1meg only.
- Disc 464: The extremely nice CX-1 animation featuring a
- spaceship flying around a glass ball. Very
- smooth, excellent HAM animation created with
- Sculpt 3D. 1meg only again.
- Disc 465: An excellent and very original animation by
- Dr Gandalf(!) featuring a small collection of
- stamps and a magnifying glass. Quite a long
- animation and extremely clever. 1meg only
- Disc 474: Hmm! Heres a rather splendid animation for all
- the 1meg owners... it is an animation of 2
- girlies taking a shower.. yes ok thats a bit
- sexist.. sorry! Form an orderly queue here!
- 17Bit apologise for the inclusion of this disc.*
- *Well, not really.
- Disc 485: Heres a very nice animation "The Education of
- Cool Cougar" by Gene Brawn featuring Bucky
- Rabbit and Cool Cougar - who attempts to catch
- Bucky in this cartoon animation layed onto a
- digitised backdrop. 1meg only! Created with the
- Director scripting program.(once again)
- Disc 500: Two as yet unseen (as far as we know!) animations
- produced by a German chap called Michael Klein.
- Includes a fabulous Magician animation and a
- Jogger animation. Both have been created in 4096
- colours with Sculpt Animate 3D. 1meg required.
- Disc 513: The Gymnast Animation. (1 meg only)
- Another brilliant Sculpt-Animate 3D animation.
- Features a Gymnast on the bar, spinning away
- before leaping of to a perfect landing. A must
- for any 1 meg owners out there.
- Disc 514: Space Ace Demo.
- Readysoft`s follow up to the amazing Dragons Lair
- (remember THE demo 181?) is here and it looks even
- better than the first! Nearly half a minute of top
- notch, near faultless animation from the game.
- PLUS Readysoft have excelled themselves in the
- compression department as they have managed to
- squeeze a whole host of samples in aswell,
- including the unforgetable "I`ve only been
- kidnapped by aliens, thats all!"
- One meg owners get a continous loop of the full
- demo, Half meg owners can choose between the first
- and second parts.
- Disc 515: Dionysus` PUGGS IN SPACE Animation. As featured in
- The One mag. Brilliant Demo from the Liverpool
- based proggrammers. Features Puggs an ugly red
- alien on a trip to earth. See him fall from his
- ship, get run over, get crushed by a falling
- helicopter and dance to Michael Jacko...& more..
- Great Graphics, Great Music, Great Animation What
- more could you want?
- Disc 518: ** 2 Meg Animation **
- Disc 519: These 2 discs require 2 meg (or more) of memory
- and a hard drive is reccomended. The anim is split
- into two parts and must be JOINed together first
- before running. A basic knowledge of CLI is
- needed. (although anyone with 2 megs of memory
- should have more than a basic knowledge!!)
- This is the Mission Anim, a fighter plane flies
- down on a mission to destroy a .... toilet!
- Great animation for all of those lucky enough to
- have the memory.
- Disc 520: ** 2 Meg Animation **
- Disc 521: These 2 discs require 2 meg (or more) of memory
- and a hard drive is reccomended. The anim is split
- into two parts and must be JOINed together first
- before running. A basic knowledge of CLI is
- needed. (although anyone with 2 megs of memory
- should have more than a basic knowledge!!)
- This is the Head anim. Watch as the poor fellow
- removes his head and kicks it back into place!!
- Another classic animation, but anyone with less
- than 2 megs can "koff ome!" (Silly Phrase common
- amongst the 17Bit workforce!!!)
- Disc 527: MoonWalker Demo. Jacko hits your Amiga! Actually
- this isn`t that bad. A few pieces of animation
- from US Gold`s game of the film of the record
- of the operation of the strange mind. The best bit
- being the grand finale, featuring the infamous
- spin. ** 1 Meg only **
- Disk 541: Agatron Animation Disk 22. Another Star Trek anim
- from the ultimate trekkie: Tobias Richter,
- The animation, called Approaching, features the
- main ship spinning and moving out of the screen,
- while the other ships continue their happy life
- of flying around! Another 1 meg only animation
- that continues the high standard of Tobias`
- work.
- Also on the disk is Binary Flight - A scrolling
- wireframe landscape.
- Disk 542: Agatron Animation Disk 23. Fleetmaneuver.
- BRILLIANT!!! This One meg Star Trek animation
- features several ships on a "fleet maneuver"
- flying around each other on-screen. Another
- first class anim for all you Trekkies/ animfans/
- onemegowners out there!!
- Disk 543: Agatron Animation Disk 24. Kuli. Shock Horror! A
- Tobias Richter anim that doesn`t involve Star
- Trek!! This is an excellent original animation of
- a pen writing TEVOX on the screen, the letters
- then shrink and spin out into the distance.
- Ping-Pong, 2 Star Trek ships fly back and forth
- across the screen.
- Disk 559: Cue Fanfare... Anyone remember disks 81 & 82? The
- brilliant NewTek demo, well here we have the
- amazing follow up and it's even BETTER than its
- predecessor! This One meg only 2 disk demo
- features some unbelievable examples of the kind of
- thing you can produce using Newteks range of soft
- ware and Hardware. Theres some great little
- animations with synchronised sampled sounds &
- effects and the first public showing (we think) of
- Newteks DynamicHi-Res standard, a 4096 colour
- piccy in Hi Resolution and its gobsmacking! The
- whole demo takes a while to load and get going but
- once the action starts you'll be glued to the
- screen!
- Disk 560: Disk 2 of the Newtek Demo, dont forget you need 1
- meg AND 2 drives to view this stonker of a demo!
- Disk 561: Electronic Arts Deluxe Video 3 demo. Features
- some great effects such as wipes, fades, and
- digitised animations! All put together in a
- very proffesional manner! Aswell as being of
- interest to home-video users who may be
- considering buying the final version this also
- serves as a pretty neat example of the Amigas
- capabilities!
- Disk 562: Disk 2 of the DeluxeVideo3 demo, requires the
- previous disk, One megabyte (or more) and 2 disk
- drives to run!
- Disk 572: VideoClips, done specially for 17Bit by our good
- mate the Cheapo Geordie (AKA Steve Heley), 4
- digitised sequences (in B&W) from: Erasure (The
- Innocents), Beverley Hills Cop 2 (Playboy Mansion)
- Kylie Minogue (Videos 2) and last but definately
- NOT least a rather tasty looking girl from the
- only TV program to beat Magiver in the Unbelieve-
- abilty stakes, BAYWATCH!! All the action is backed
- by a HCC Erasure Remix. Works fine on half meg
- machines. Thanks to Cheapo for sending it in!
- (famous at last, eh Stevey!!)
- Disk 583: The Busy Bee Animation, featured in the library a
- while back but had to be withdrawn 'cause of a
- irrepairable disk error, well thanks to an
- anonymous member we have this brilliant animation
- back in the library, for those of you who haven't
- heard about it, this animation features a Sculpt3D
- designed Bee flying around (super-smoothly) the
- screen, hurridly beating it's wings. An amazing
- animation for all you one meg owners out there.
- Also on the disk is the tree frog anim.
- Disk 591: THE RUN! (Agatron Animation disk 25) An ABSOLUTE
- MUST FOR ONE MEG OWNERS!!! This superb animation
- has a "Out Run" style view point and features, in
- FULL 3D, a cop car chasing a red lotus down the
- road, both cars weave in and out of the other
- oncoming cars (which are also animated!) Tobias
- Richter has excelled himself with this one, the
- attention to detail is superb, the flashing lights,
- brake lights, spinning wheels, shadows, the lines
- on the road, EVERYTHING! One of the best, original
- animations we've seen in a long time... If only
- racing games were as good as this...
- Disk 592: Agatron Animations 27 - 3 More Animations from the
- master of Videoscape - Tobias Richter!
- BUCH - A very smooth animation of a book opening
- it's covers, very nice!!
- PYLON 1 & PYLON 2 - 2 more Star Trek animations
- featuring various Trekky objects flying around!
- More good stuff for all you One meg owners out
- there! Fans of Star Trek and Tobias Richter may be
- interested in the Star Trek game Tobias has written
- - see disks 595 and 596 for more info!
- Disk 593: Agatron Animations - Disconnect, a very good Star
- Trek animation featuring various Start Trek ships
- flying round the screen in their own manner.
- It's alive - a line drawing of the enterprise comes
- alive and flys away from the paper! More great anims
- for all you trekkies out there!
- Disk 604: "RubADubDub" X rated disk featuring 5 bouncy, bubbly,
- voluptious ladies doing things they normally only
- do in private but this time they did it for a famous
- Adult Video and were transferred to the Amiga for
- your enjoyment... The whole thing was grabbed using
- a Real time frame grabber then animated using Deluxe
- Paint3. Obviously the subject matter may be offensive
- to some (especially our female members) so if you're
- unsure don't buy! Then again if you're into this sort
- of thing this ones a MUST!! Many thanks to Gary Tinsley
- for sending it in to us!
- Works fine on half meg machines!!