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/ ScanX / ScanX.img / Scan-X.app / French.nibs / Scan-X.nib (.txt)
NeXT TypedStream Data  |  1992-05-22  |  20.4 KB  |  524 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. StreamTable
  3.     HashTable
  4. Object
  5. [20c]
  6. typedstream
  7. [2420c]
  8. typedstream
  9.     HashTable
  10. Object
  11. FirstResponder
  12. HeaderClass
  13. %%%%i@@
  14. firstnib
  15. checkSpelling:
  16. alignSelCenter:
  17.     unscript:
  18. pasteFont:
  19. runPageLayout:
  20. superscript:
  21. copyRuler:
  22.     copyFont:
  23. selectAll:
  24. pasteRuler:
  25. toggleRuler:
  26. showGuessPanel:
  27. printPSCode:
  28. alignSelLeft:
  29. paste:
  30. performClose:
  31. arrangeInFront:
  32. subscript:
  33. copy:
  34. alignSelRight:
  35. delete:
  36. orderFrontColorPanel:
  37. underline:
  38. performMiniaturize:
  39. BitmapScroll
  40. ScrollView
  41.     scrollnib
  42. viewZoomOut:
  43. slideColor:
  44.     viewMenu:
  45. saveEPS:
  46. frameMenu:
  47. viewZoomIn:
  48. doPrescan:
  49. pasteImage:
  50. clearImage:
  51. clearPrescan:
  52.     saveTIFF:
  53. copyImage:
  54.     cutImage:
  55. doScan:
  56.     ScanFrame
  57. Frame
  58. viewnib
  59. UPDupdateObject
  60. genericobject_nib
  61. BitmapView
  62. applyImageControl:
  63.     Subclass1
  64. Slider
  65.     slidernib
  66. ProgressBox
  67.     Subclass2
  68. menunib
  69. ScanDevice
  70. ScanApplication
  71. Application
  72.     UtilLib.h
  73. appnib
  74. numDocs
  75. fMessageTable
  76. DoPageLayout:
  77. SelectUnit:
  78. SwitchScanView:
  79. SetRes:
  80. DeliverImage:
  81. NextScanner:
  82. ScanAll:
  83. scalePanelOK:
  84. terminate:
  85. modifyPreviewMode:
  86. CheckThresh:
  87. CheckFrame:
  88. SetBatchFileType:
  89. ScanBatch:
  90. SelectRes:
  91.     ClearAll:
  92. modifyScanMode:
  93. RequestImage:
  94. ScanWindow
  95. Window
  96.     windownib
  97. PrescanFrame
  98. GrayCurveView
  99. $../../Toolkit/source/SCDscanDevice.h
  100.     fApplyBtn
  101. fSelMax
  102. fBrValue
  103. fScanBtn
  104. fUpperValue
  105. fSelMin
  106. fCross
  107.     fConValue
  108. fViewMatrix
  109. fLowerSlider
  110. fInvSwitch
  111. fOrigBtn
  112.     fBrSlider
  113. fLowerValue
  114.     fMidValue
  115. fSelMid
  116. fConSlider
  117. fSpecMatrix
  118. fAutoApplySwitch
  119.     fClickMsg
  120. fMidSlider
  121. fUpperSlider
  122. changeAutoApply:
  123. toggleSpectrum:
  124. resetOriginal:
  125. changeInversion:
  126. selectGrayValue:
  127. doScanEnhanced:
  128. changeBrightness:
  129. toggleView:
  130. changeStretch:
  131. spectrumControl:
  132. changeContrast:
  133. ProgressPanel
  134. Panel
  135. progressCancel:
  136. [18313c]
  137. typedstream
  138.     HashTable
  139. Object
  140. Bitmap
  141.     ScanXicon
  142. iii00
  143. [576c]
  144. UUUUUP
  145. UUUUU@
  146. jUUUUUP
  147. UUUUUU@
  148. UUUUU
  149. NibData
  150. @@@@s
  151. Storage
  152. {*@@}
  153. [140{*@@}]
  154. File's Owner
  155. CustomObject
  156. ScanApplication
  157. Font Manager
  158. FontManager
  159.     InfoPanel
  160. WindowTemplate
  161. iiii***@s@
  162. Panel
  163.     Responder
  164.     Helvetica
  165.     TextField
  166. Control
  167. TextFieldCell
  168. ActionCell
  169. Times-Italic0
  170. Scan-X
  171. Helvetica-BoldOblique
  172. Microcomputer U.S, Inc. 
  173.  Release 2.0 (v1.7) 
  174. Helvetica-Bold
  175. \Software for the Professional Family of HSD Line Art, Gray Scale and Color 
  176. Scanning Systems
  177. +Written by: 
  178. Ronald Steinhau & Kevin Rarick
  179. 4Copyright 1990, 1991 by
  180. HSD Microcomputer U.S., Inc.
  181. Field1
  182. Field2
  183. Field3
  184. Field4
  185. VersionNumber
  186. Field
  187. Field5
  188. Field6
  189. MainMenu
  190. MenuTemplate
  191. *@*@ccc
  192. Matrix
  193. @:@iiii
  194. [10@]
  195. MenuCell
  196. ButtonCell
  197. Tableau d'information...
  198. Switch Scan View
  199. ff@@#::s
  200. submenuAction:
  201.     menuArrow
  202. Document
  203. Sauvegarder sous TIFF...
  204. Sauvegarder sous EPS...
  205. Editer
  206. Couper
  207. Copier
  208. Effacer
  209. Effacer le Pr
  210. sentation
  211. Image Processing...
  212. Format d'impression...
  213. Batch Scan...
  214. Impression en cours
  215. Services
  216. Masquer
  217. Quitter
  218. ScanWindow
  219. scanner unassigned
  220. [31@]
  221. solution
  222. Frame Info
  223.     Threshold
  224. Frame Area
  225. Button
  226. CustomView
  227. BitmapScroll
  228. lectionner
  229. popup
  230. popupH
  231. Slider
  232. SliderCell
  233. sentation
  234. Commandes du Frame
  235. moire:
  236. FormCell
  237. Gauche    
  238. Largeur
  239. Hauteur
  240. Field:
  241.  0.00 MB
  242. Etat :
  243.  empty
  244. Couleur du Frame
  245. Line art
  246. Lineart
  247. Mode :
  248.      Line art
  249.     ImageViewhG
  250. Preview~G
  251. ResBtnkG
  252. ScanBtndG
  253. ThreshSliderzG
  254. UnitBtn
  255.     ZoomInBtnrG
  256. ZoomOutBtnwG
  257. ThreshData
  258. Slider1Low
  259. Slider1High
  260. ViewBtn
  261. ScanFrameBtn
  262. ScanAreaMatrix
  263. Left    
  264. Width
  265. Height
  266. StorageForm
  267. StatusForm
  268. FrameColorSlider
  269. ResData
  270. PreviewMode
  271. ScanMode
  272. DataForm
  273. ProgressPanel
  274. Progress
  275. ProgressBox
  276. Cancel
  277. Missing Message...
  278. ProgressMsg
  279. ScalePanel
  280. Scale
  281. New Scale:
  282. returnSign
  283.     ScaleData
  284.     HelpPanel
  285. Command Click 
  286. Times-Bold
  287. Zoom in at mouse location
  288. Times-Roman
  289. Command Alternate Click
  290. Zoom out at mouse location
  291. Control Click
  292. ,Zoom in to scan resolution at mouse location
  293. Shortcuts in Scan-X
  294. MessageTable
  295. NXStringTable
  296. 200%\
  297. Zoom_Out\
  298. Zoom arri
  299. No_Autom_Docu_feeder\
  300. No automatic document feeder!L
  301. Quit_Sacn-X\
  302. JDo you really want to quit Scan-X ? Click cancel to return to application.L
  303. Scan-X_Info_Message\
  304. Scan-X Info MessageL
  305. Deliver_To\
  306. Deliver ToL
  307. Dither\
  308. Center_In_View\
  309. CentrageL
  310.     BeginFile\
  311. reading\
  312. Batch_Root_Filename\
  313. Base FilenameL
  314. Sorry\
  315. Scanner not found.L
  316. EndFile\
  317. empty\
  318. ViderL
  319. pixels\
  320. Scan-X_Alert\
  321. Scan-X AttentionL
  322. errorMsg\
  323. scan_Title\
  324. Make_sure_all_docu\
  325. XMake sure all documents are removed from the scanner bed before performing a batch scan.L
  326.     Full_Page\
  327.     Full PageL
  328.  redL
  329. Size_To_Fit\
  330. Size To FitL
  331. Set_Scale
  332. finir Echelle
  333. scan_frame\
  334. scan frame/scan error:L
  335. Zoom_In\
  336. Zoom AvantL
  337. Clear_Scanner_Bed\
  338. Clear Scanner BedL
  339. Color\
  340. CouleurL
  341. blue\
  342.  blueL
  343. ChAtSi\
  344. cChanging the attributes or size of this scan frame will clear it's contents.  Click OK to continue.L
  345. Save_As_EPS
  346. Sauvegarder sous EPS
  347. Please_Deliver\
  348.  Please deliver scanned image to L
  349. Gray-256\
  350. Gris-256L
  351. Zoom_To_Resol\
  352. Zoom 
  353. solutionL
  354. scanning\
  355. error_Postscript\
  356. Error while loading Postscript!L
  357. Select\
  358. scanned\
  359. green\
  360.  vertL
  361. Delete_All_Frames\
  362. Delete all FramesL
  363. Scan-X_Error\
  364. Scan-X ErrorL
  365. Save_As_TIFF
  366. Sauvegarder sous TIFF
  367. Unsaved_frames\
  368. gUnsaved frames will be lost.  If you want to save frames, click cancel, return to application and save.L
  369. Scanner_not_found\
  370. ,Scanner not found. Please check the cabling.L
  371. Select_a_frame2\
  372. OSelect a frame that has been scanned or scan this frame before trying to print!L
  373. Unsaved\
  374. PUnsaved frames will be lost.  If you want to save frames, click cancel and save.L
  375. Could_not_create\
  376. )Could not create this file. Error code = L
  377. Continue\
  378. No_other_scanner\
  379. 2No other scanner found, please check your cabling.L
  380. inch\
  381. Line_art\
  382. waiting\
  383. waiting...LF\
  384. AnnulerL
  385. no_frame\
  386. no frameL
  387. empty_method\
  388. empty method reflect...\nL
  389. Select_a_frame1\
  390. <Select a frame that has been scanned before trying to print!L
  391. Scan-X_Warning\
  392. Scan-X WarningL
  393. Delete\
  394. Delete FrameL
  395. BoundingBox\
  396. BoundingBox: L
  397. Scan_All_Frames\
  398. Scan all FramesL
  399. Quit\
  400. Deliver_To
  401. Deliver To
  402. Frame_Commands\
  403.     Terminate\
  404. Gray\
  405. GrisL
  406. 400%\
  407. Clear_Image\
  408. Clear ImageL
  409. An_Autom_Docu_Feeder\
  410. QAn automatic document feeder is not available or is unattatched for this scanner.L
  411. Send_To_Back\
  412. Second planL
  413. Search_again\
  414. Search again
  415. BatchScanPanel
  416. Batch Scan
  417. radio
  418. radioH
  419. Radio
  420. Sauvegarder Sous...
  421. Scanning Batch...
  422. Valider Combien du
  423. document
  424. ImageControl
  425. Image Processing
  426. Contrast
  427. Spectrum Enhancement
  428.     Affichage
  429. Luminosit
  430. Clair
  431. GrayCurveView
  432. Original
  433. Image
  434.     Graphique
  435.     Histogram
  436. Scan Enhanced
  437.  Max.
  438. Clair Min.
  439. Sortie
  440. Clic en Display
  441.     Stretched
  442. NXImage
  443. NXswitch
  444.     NXswitchH
  445. Negative
  446.     Appliquer
  447. Automatique
  448.     Automatic
  449. switch
  450. switchH
  451. master
  452. OtherViews
  453. rouge
  454.     PopUpList
  455. popUp:
  456. BrSlider
  457.     ConSlider
  458. ConValue
  459. BrValue
  460. OrigBtn
  461. ViewMatrix
  462. Upper
  463. Lower
  464. UpData
  465. LowData
  466. ScanEnhanced
  467. SpectrumMatrix
  468.     SelectMax
  469.     SelectMin
  470. ClickMsg
  471. StretchSwitch
  472.     InvSwitch
  473. ApplyBtn
  474. AutoApplySwitch
  475. ModePullUp
  476.     ModePopUp
  477. {i*@@@}
  478. [59{i*@@@}]
  479. terminate:0
  480. printPSCode:%h
  481. progressCancel:
  482. doPrescan:~h
  483. doScan:dh
  484.     viewMenu:
  485. SelectUnit:
  486. SelectRes:k
  487. CheckThresh:z
  488. hide:.
  489. frameMenu:
  490. scalePanelOK:
  491. viewZoomOut:wh
  492. viewZoomIn:rh
  493. CheckFrame:
  494. slideColor:
  495. SetRes:
  496. modifyPreviewMode:
  497. modifyScanMode:
  498.     cutImage:
  499. copyImage:
  500. clearImage:
  501. fMessageTable
  502.     saveTIFF:
  503. saveEPS:
  504. clearPrescan:
  505. makeKeyAndOrderFront:
  506. DoPageLayout:!
  507. ScanBatch:
  508. SetBatchFileType:
  509. numDocs
  510. SwitchScanView:
  511. resetOriginal:
  512. changeBrightness:
  513. changeContrast:
  514. toggleView:
  515. spectrumControl:
  516. applyImageControl:
  517. toggleSpectrum:
  518. selectGrayValue:
  519. changeAutoApply:
  520. doScanEnhanced:
  521. changeInversion:
  522. changeStretch:
  523. changeMode: