home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
NeXT TypedStream Data | 1992-05-22 | 20.2 KB | 501 lines |
- typedstream
- StreamTable
- HashTable
- Object
- [20c]
- typedstream
- [2480c]
- typedstream
- HashTable
- Object
- FirstResponder
- HeaderClass
- %%%%i@@
- firstnib
- checkSpelling:
- alignSelCenter:
- unscript:
- pasteFont:
- runPageLayout:
- superscript:
- copyRuler:
- copyFont:
- selectAll:
- pasteRuler:
- toggleRuler:
- showGuessPanel:
- printPSCode:
- alignSelLeft:
- paste:
- performClose:
- arrangeInFront:
- subscript:
- copy:
- alignSelRight:
- delete:
- orderFrontColorPanel:
- underline:
- performMiniaturize:
- BitmapScroll
- ScrollView
- scrollnib
- viewZoomOut:
- slideColor:
- viewMenu:
- saveEPS:
- frameMenu:
- viewZoomIn:
- doPrescan:
- pasteImage:
- clearImage:
- clearPrescan:
- saveTIFF:
- copyImage:
- cutImage:
- doScan:
- ScanFrame
- Frame
- viewnib
- UPDupdateObject
- genericobject_nib
- BitmapView
- applyImageControl:
- Subclass1
- Slider
- slidernib
- ProgressBox
- Subclass2
- menunib
- ScanDevice
- ScanApplication
- Application
- UtilLib.h
- appnib
- numDocs
- fMessageTable
- DoPageLayout:
- SelectUnit:
- SwitchScanView:
- SetRes:
- DeliverImage:
- NextScanner:
- ScanAll:
- scalePanelOK:
- terminate:
- modifyPreviewMode:
- CheckThresh:
- CheckFrame:
- SetBatchFileType:
- ScanBatch:
- SelectRes:
- ClearAll:
- modifyScanMode:
- RequestImage:
- ScanWindow
- Window
- windownib
- PrescanFrame
- GrayCurveView
- !../../Toolkit/src/SCDscanDevice.h
- fApplyBtn
- fSelMax
- fBrValue
- fScanBtn
- fUpperValue
- fSelMin
- fCross
- fConValue
- fViewMatrix
- fModeMatrix
- fLowerSlider
- fInvSwitch
- fOrigBtn
- fBrSlider
- fLowerValue
- fMidValue
- fSelMid
- fConSlider
- fSpecMatrix
- fAutoApplySwitch
- fClickMsg
- fStretchSwitch
- fMidSlider
- fUpperSlider
- changeAutoApply:
- changeMode:
- toggleSpectrum:
- resetOriginal:
- changeInversion:
- selectGrayValue:
- doScanEnhanced:
- toggleView:
- changeBrightness:
- changeStretch:
- spectrumControl:
- changeContrast:
- ProgressPanel
- Panel
- progressCancel:
- [18053c]
- typedstream
- HashTable
- Object
- Bitmap
- ScanXicon
- iii00
- [576c]
- NibData
- @@@@s
- Storage
- {*@@}
- [139{*@@}]
- File's Owner
- CustomObject
- ScanApplication
- Font Manager
- FontManager
- InfoPanel
- WindowTemplate
- iiii***@s@
- Panel
- Responder
- Helvetica
- TextField
- Control
- TextFieldCell
- ActionCell
- Times-Italic0
- Scan-X
- Helvetica-BoldOblique
- Microcomputer U.S, Inc.
- Release 2.0 (v1.7)
- Helvetica-Bold
- \Software for the Professional Family of HSD Line Art, Gray Scale and Color
- Scanning Systems
- +Written by:
- Ronald Steinhau & Kevin Rarick
- 4Copyright 1990, 1991 by
- HSD Microcomputer U.S., Inc.
- Field1
- Field2
- Field3
- Field4
- VersionNumber
- Field
- Field5
- Field6
- MainMenu
- MenuTemplate
- *@*@ccc
- Matrix
- @:@iiii
- [10@]
- MenuCell
- ButtonCell
- Info Panel...
- Shortcuts...
- Switch Scan View
- ff@@#::s
- submenuAction:
- menuArrow
- Document
- Save As TIFF...
- Save As EPS...
- Delete
- Clear Preview
- Image Processing...
- Page Layout...
- Batch Scan...
- Print
- Services
- ScanWindow
- scanner unassigned
- [31@]
- Resolution
- Frame Info
- Threshold
- Frame Area
- Button
- CustomView
- BitmapScroll
- Select
- popup
- popupH
- Slider
- SliderCell
- Preview
- Frame Commands
- Memory:
- FormCell
- Width
- Height
- Field:
- 0.00 MB
- Status:
- empty
- Frame Color
- Line art
- Lineart
- Mode:
- Line art
- ImageViewhG
- ResBtnkG
- ScanBtndG
- ThreshSliderzG
- UnitBtn
- ZoomInBtnrG
- ZoomOutBtnwG
- ThreshData
- Slider1Low
- Slider1High
- ViewBtn
- ScanFrameBtn
- ScanAreaMatrix
- StorageForm
- StatusForm
- FrameColorSlider
- ResData
- PreviewMode
- ScanMode
- DataForm
- ProgressPanel
- Progress
- ProgressBox
- Cancel
- Missing Message...
- ProgressMsg
- ScalePanel
- Scale
- New Scale:
- returnSign
- ScaleData
- HelpPanel
- Command Click
- Times-Bold
- Zoom in at mouse location
- Times-Roman
- Command Alternate Click
- Zoom out at mouse location
- Control Click
- ,Zoom in to scan resolution at mouse location
- Shortcuts in Scan-X
- ImageControl
- Image Processing
- Contrast
- Spectrum Enhancement
- Display
- Brightness
- Light
- GrayCurveView
- Original
- Image
- radio
- radioH
- Graph
- Histogram
- Radio
- Scan Enhanced
- Max. Dark
- Min. Light
- Input
- Output
- Click in Display
- Stretched
- NXImage
- NXswitch
- NXswitchH
- Negative
- Apply
- Automatic
- switch
- switchH
- master
- OtherViews
- green
- PopUpList
- popUp:
- BrSlider
- ConSlider
- ConValue
- BrValue
- OrigBtn
- ViewMatrix
- Upper
- Lower
- UpData
- LowData
- ScanEnhanced
- SpectrumMatrix
- SelectMax
- SelectMin
- ClickMsg
- StretchSwitch
- InvSwitch
- ApplyBtn
- AutoApplySwitch
- ModePullUp
- ModePopUp
- MessageTable
- NXStringTable
- Zoom_Out
- Zoom OutG
- No_Autom_Docu_feeder
- No automatic document feeder!G
- Quit_Sacn-X
- JDo you really want to quit Scan-X ? Click cancel to return to application.G
- Scan-X_Info_Message
- Scan-X Info MessageG
- Deliver_To
- Deliver ToG
- Dither
- Center_In_View
- Center In ViewG
- BeginFile
- reading
- Batch_Root_Filename
- Base FilenameG
- Sorry
- Scanner not found.G
- EndFile
- empty
- pixels
- Scan-X_Alert
- Scan-X AlertG
- errorMsg
- scan_Title
- Make_sure_all_docu
- XMake sure all documents are removed from the scanner bed before performing a batch scan.G
- Full_Page
- Full PageGy
- redG
- Size_To_Fit
- Size To FitG
- Set_Scale
- Set Scale
- scan_frame
- scan frame/scan error:G
- Zoom_In
- Zoom InG
- Clear_Scanner_Bed
- Clear Scanner BedG
- Color
- blueG
- ChAtSi
- cChanging the attributes or size of this scan frame will clear it's contents. Click OK to continue.G
- Save_As_EPS
- Save As EPS
- Please_Deliver
- Please deliver scanned image to G
- Gray-256
- Zoom_To_Resol
- Zoom To Resol.G
- scanning
- error_Postscript
- Error while loading Postscript!G
- scanned
- greenG
- Delete_All_Frames
- Delete all FramesG
- Scan-X_Error
- Scan-X ErrorG
- Save_As_TIFF
- Save As TIFF
- Unsaved_frames
- gUnsaved frames will be lost. If you want to save frames, click cancel, return to application and save.G
- Scanner_not_found
- ,Scanner not found. Please check the cabling.G
- Select_a_frame2
- OSelect a frame that has been scanned or scan this frame before trying to print!G
- Unsaved
- PUnsaved frames will be lost. If you want to save frames, click cancel and save.G
- Could_not_create
- )Could not create this file. Error code = G
- Continue
- No_other_scanner
- 2No other scanner found, please check your cabling.G
- Line_art
- waiting
- waiting...GA
- no_frame
- no frameG
- empty_method
- empty method reflect...\nG
- Select_a_frame1
- <Select a frame that has been scanned before trying to print!G
- Scan-X_Warning
- Scan-X WarningG
- Delete FrameG
- BoundingBox
- BoundingBox: G
- Scan_All_Frames
- Scan all FramesG
- Deliver_To
- Deliver To
- Frame_Commands
- Terminate
- Clear_Image
- Clear ImageG
- An_Autom_Docu_Feeder
- QAn automatic document feeder is not available or is unattatched for this scanner.G
- Send_To_Back
- Send To BackG
- Search_again
- Search again
- BatchScanPanel
- Batch Scan
- Save As...
- Scanning Batch...
- ,Enter the number of documents in the batch:
- {i*@@@}
- [59{i*@@@}]
- terminate:0
- printPSCode:%h
- progressCancel:
- doPrescan:~h
- doScan:dh
- viewMenu:
- SelectUnit:
- SelectRes:k
- CheckThresh:z
- hide:.
- frameMenu:
- scalePanelOK:
- viewZoomOut:wh
- viewZoomIn:rh
- CheckFrame:
- slideColor:
- makeKeyAndOrderFront:
- SetRes:
- resetOriginal:
- changeBrightness:
- changeContrast:
- toggleView:
- spectrumControl:
- applyImageControl:
- toggleSpectrum:
- selectGrayValue:
- changeAutoApply:
- doScanEnhanced:
- modifyPreviewMode:
- modifyScanMode:
- changeInversion:
- changeStretch:
- cutImage:
- copyImage:
- clearImage:
- saveTIFF:
- saveEPS:
- clearPrescan:
- DoPageLayout:!
- ScanBatch:
- SetBatchFileType:
- numDocs
- SwitchScanView:
- changeMode:
- fMessageTable