home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #import <mach.h>
- #import <appkit/Application.h>
- #import "GameState.h"
- @interface Balder:Application
- {
- id statusText; /* the status TextField */
- BOOL connected; /* are we currently connected? */
- id opponentName; /* our opponent's name */
- id opponentFace; /* our opponent's face */
- id publicListener; /* an InvitationListener */
- id privateListener; /* a RagnarokListener for game information */
- id privateSpeaker; /* a RagnarokSpeaker for talking to Ragnarok */
- GameState *currentState; /* the current game state */
- int ourSide; /* which side we're playing (BLACK or WHITE) */
- }
- - appDidInit:sender;
- - appWillTerminate:sender;
- // messages from our publicListener
- - (int)invitationFrom:(char *)username onHost:(char *)hostname RSVP:(port_t )rsvpPort Face:(char *)face length:(int)length;
- - (int)Game:(char *)game length:(int)length Side:(int)side YourPort:(port_t *)yourPort MyPort:(port_t )myPort MyFace:(char *)myFaceData length:(int)mflen From:(char *)username onHost:(char *)hostname;
- // messages from our privateListener
- - (int)submitMoveFrom:(int)from To:(int)to;
- - (int)submitTentativeMoveFrom:(int)from To:(int)to;
- - (int)submitNoTentativeMove;
- - (int)submitUndos:(int)howMany;
- - (int)submitResetGame;
- - (int)submitMessage:(char *)aString;
- - (int)goodbye;
- - (int)pleaseAllow:(int)tag Undo:(int)howMany;
- - (int)pleaseAllow:(int)tag StartOver:(int)ignored;
- - (int)pleaseHurryUp:(int)tag;
- - (int)allow:(int)tag;
- - (int)refuse:(int)tag;
- - (int)ok:(int)tag;
- // if we're disconnected
- - disconnect;
- // reading and writing images with TIFF reps to buffers
- - (char *)writeImageToBuf:theImage length:(int *)length;
- - readImageFromBuf:(const char *)theBuf length:(int)length;
- // announcing our decision
- - doMove:(struct move)theMove;
- // deciding what to do
- - decide:sender;
- @end