\fs28 \pard \s4 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 + (id)\b alloc\b0 Returns a new, uninitialized instance of the receiving class.\
\fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 + (id)\b allocWithZone:\b0 (NSZone *)\i zone\i0 Returns a new, uninitialized instance of the receiving class in \i zone\i0 .\
\fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b dealloc\b0 Deallocates the memory occupied by the receiver. \
\fs28 \pard \s4 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 + (Class)\b class\b0 Returns \b self\b0 . Since this is a class method, it returns the class object.\
\fi-6552 \s5 \li7030 \fi-6553 \fi-5796 \i0 Implemented by subclasses to return an object that contains a description of the \i aSelector\i0 method, or \b nil\b0 if the \i aSelector\i0 method can\'27t be found. The NSProxy implementation of this method raises an NSInvalidArgumentException exception.\
\pard \s8 \li100 \fi0 \ri1007 \ql \f0 \b \fs16 \
\fs28 Describing Objects\
\fs16 \
\fs28 \pard \s4 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (NSString *)\b description\b0 Prints the name of receiver\'27s class and the hexadecimal value of the its \b id\b0 .\
\fi-6552 \fi-6552 \i0 \fi-6552 Implemented by subclasses to forward messages to other objects. The NSProxy implementation of this method raises an NSInvalidArgumentException exception. \