\fs28 \pard \s4 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b run\b0 Makes the NSSpellServer start listening for spell-checking requests. This method should not return\
\fi-6552 \s5 \li7030 \fi-6553 \fi-5796 \i0 \b caseSensitive:\b0 (BOOL)\i flag\i0 Returns whether \i word\i0 is in any open user dictionary; the search is case-sensitive if \i flag\i0 is YES.\
\pard \s8 \li100 \fi0 \ri1007 \ql \f0 \b \fs16 \
\fs28 Methods Implemented by the Delegate \
\fs16 \
\fs28 \pard \s4 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (NSRange)\b spellServer:\b0 (NSSpellServer *)\i sender\i0 Search for a mispelled word in \i stringToCheck\i0 , using\
\fi-6552 \s5 \li7030 \fi-6553 \fi-5796 \b findMisspelledWordInString: \b0 \i language\i0 , and marking the first\b \b0 misspelled word found \
(NSString *)\i stringToCheck \i0 by returning its range within the string object. In \
\b language:\b0 (NSString *)\i language\i0 \i wordCount\i0 return by reference the number of words\
\b wordCount:\b0 (int *)\i wordCount\i0 from the beginning of the string object until the \
\b countOnly:\b0 (BOOL)\i countOnly\i0 misspelled word (or the end-of-string). If \i countOnly\i0 is YES, just count the words in the string object; do not spell-check. Send \b isWordInUserDictionaries:caseSensitive:\b0 to the spelling server to determine if \i word\i0 exists in the user\'27s language dictionaries.\
\s4 \li7029 \fi-5794 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (NSArray *)\b spellServer:\b0 (NSSpellServer *)\i sender\i0 Search for alternatives to the misspelled \i word\i0 in\
\fi-6552 \s5 \li7030 \fi-6553 \fi-5796 \b suggestGuessesForWord:\b0 (NSString *)\i word\i0 \i language\i0 . Return guesses as an array of string objects.\
\b inLanguage:\b0 (NSString *)\i language\i0 \
\s4 \li7029 \fi-5794 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b spellServer:\b0 (NSSpellServer *)\i sender\i0 Notifies the delegate of a \i word\i0 added to the user\'27s hidden\
\s4 \li7029 \fi-5794 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b spellServer:\b0 (NSSpellServer *)\i sender\i0 Notifies the delagte of a \i word\i0 removed from the user\'27s\