\fs28 \pard \s4 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 + (void)\b setMenuZone:\b0 (NSZone *)\i zone\i0 Sets the zone from which NSMenus should be allocated.\
\fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 + (NSZone *)\b menuZone\b0 Returns the zone from which NSMenus should be allocated, creating one if necessary.\
\fs28 \pard \s4 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (id)\b addItemWithTitle:\b0 (NSString *)\i aString\i0 Adds a new item with title \i aString\i0 , action \i aSelector\i0 , and \
\fi-6552 \s5 \li7030 \fi-6553 \fi-5796 \b action:\b0 (SEL)\i aSelector\i0 key equivalent \i charCode\i0 to the end of the NSMenu. \
\b keyEquivalent:\b0 (NSString *)\i charCode\i0 Returns the new NSMenuCell.\
\s4 \li7029 \fi-5794 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (id)\b insertItemWithTitle:\b0 (NSString *)\i aString\i0 Adds a new item at \i index\i0 having the title \i aString\i0 , action \
\fs28 \pard \s4 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (NSMenu *)\b attachedMenu\b0 Returns the NSMenu attached to the receiver or \b nil\b0 if there\'27s no such object.\
\fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (BOOL)\b isAttached\b0 Returns YES if the receiver is attached to another menu and NO otherwise.\
\fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (BOOL)\b isTornOff\b0 Returns NO if the receiver is attached to another menu (or if it\'27s the main menu) and YES otherwise.\
\fs28 \pard \s4 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (BOOL)\b autoenablesItems\b0 Returns whether the NSMenu enables and disables its NSMenuCells. (See the NSMenuActionResponder informal protocol.)\
\fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b setAutoenablesItems:\b0 (BOOL)\i flag\i0 Sets whether the NSMenu enables and disables its NSMenuCells. (See the NSMenuActionResponder informal protocol.)\