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- {\rtf0\ansi\paperw16228 \paperh18648 \margl-907 \margr0 \margt0 \margb0 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;\f1\froman Times;\f2\fmodern Courier;\f3\ftech Symbol;\f4\froman Palatino;}
- {\stylesheet{\s0 \li100 \fi0 \ri1007 \ql 1Head;}
- {\s1 \li100 \fi0 \ri0 \ql ChapterNum;}
- {\s2 \li0 \fi0 \ri1007 \ql ChapterTitle;}
- {\s3 \li100 \fi0 \ri1007 \ql ClassName;}
- {\s4 \li2872 \fi-2771 \ri1007 \ql \tx2872 ConformsTo;}
- {\s5 \li2872 \fi-2771 \ri1007 \ql DeclaredIn;}
- {\s6 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 Description;}
- {\s7 \li7030 \fi-5796 \ri1007 \ql DescriptionPart;}
- {\s8 \li0 \fi0 \ri0 \ql \tx-25 \tx8290 \tx9172 Footer;}
- {\s9 \li2872 \fi-2771 \ri1007 \ql \tx2872 InheritsFrom;}
- {\s10 \li100 \fi0 \ri1007 \ql Summary;}
- }
- \li0 \fi0 \ri0 \ql \sb0 \f1 \fs24
- (Preliminary Documentation) Copyright \f3 \'e3\f1 1994 by NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.\
- \
- \s0 \li100 \fi0 \ri0 \ql \f0 \b \fs84 \fs16 \
- \fs84 1\
- \fs16 \
- \
- \
- \fs84 \s2 \li0 \fi756 \fi0 \ri1007 \f1 \b0 \i \fs88 \fs16 \fs88 Application Kit\
- \fs16 \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \fs88 \s0 \li100 \fi-756 \fi0 \f0 \b \i0 \fs52 \fs16 \fs52 Classes\
- \fs16 \
- \
- \fs52 \s3 \fs36 \fs16 \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \fs36 NSActionCell \
- \pard \s9 \li2872 \fi-2771 \ri1007 \ql \tx2872 \f1 \b0 \fs28 \fs16 \
- \
- \
- \fs28 \f0 \b \fs28 Inherits From: \b0 \fs28 \f1 NSCell : NSObject \
- \fs16 \
- \fs28 \s5 \fs16 \fs28 \f0 \b \fs28 Declared In: \b0 \fs28 \f1 appkit/NSActionCell.h \
- \fs16 \
- \fs28 \pard \s10 \li100 \fi0 \ri1007 \ql \f0 \b \fs28 \fs16 \
- \
- \fs28 Configuring an NSActionCell \
- \fs16 \
- \fs28 \pard \s6 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b setEnabled:\b0 (BOOL)\i flag\i0 Sets whether the NSActionCell reacts to mouse and keyboard events. \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b setBezeled:\b0 (BOOL)\i flag\i0 Adds or removes the NSActionCell\'27s bezel. \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b setBordered:\b0 (BOOL)\i flag\i0 Adds or removes the NSActionCell\'27s border. \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b setAlignment:\b0 (NSTextAlignment)\i mode\i0 Sets the NSActionCell\'27s text alignment to \i mode\i0 . \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b setFloatingPointFormat:\b0 (BOOL)\i autoRange\i0 \
- \fi-6552 \s7 \li7030 \fi-6553 \fi-5796 \b left:\b0 (unsigned int)\i leftDigits\i0 Sets the NSActionCell\'27s floating point format. \
- \b right:\b0 (unsigned int)\i rightDigits\
- \s6 \li7029 \fi-5794 \fi-6552 \i0 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b setFont:\b0 (NSFont *)\i fontObject\i0 Sets the NSActionCell\'27s font to \i fontObject\i0 . \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b setImage:\b0 (NSImage *)\i image\i0 Sets the NSActionCell\'27s icon to \i image.\
- \fi-6552 \pard \s10 \li100 \fi0 \ri1007 \ql \f0 \b \i0 \fs16 \
- \
- \
- \fs28 Manipulating NSActionCell Values \
- \fs16 \
- \fs28 \pard \s6 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (double)\b doubleValue\b0 Returns the NSActionCell\'27s contents as a \b double\b0 . \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (float)\b floatValue\b0 Returns the NSActionCell\'27s contents as a \b float\b0 . \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (int)\b intValue\b0 Returns the NSActionCell\'27s contents as an \b int\b0 . \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b setStringValue:\b0 (NSString *)\i aString\i0 Sets the NSActionCell\'27s contents to a copy of \i aString\i0 . \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (NSString *)\b stringValue\b0 Returns the NSActionCell\'27s contents as a string.\
- \fi-6552 \pard \s10 \li100 \fi0 \ri1007 \ql \f0 \b \fs16 \
- \
- \
- \fs28 Displaying \
- \fs16 \
- \fs28 \pard \s6 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b drawWithFrame:\b0 (NSRect)\i cellFrame\i0 Draws the NSActionCell in the rectangle \i cellFrame\i0 of \
- \fi-6552 \s7 \li7030 \fi-6553 \fi-5796 \b inView:\b0 (NSView *)\i controlView\i0 \i controlView\i0 . \
- \s6 \li7029 \fi-5794 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (NSControl *)\b controlView\b0 Returns the control in which the NSActionCell was first drawn. \
- \fi-6552 \pard \s10 \li100 \fi0 \ri1007 \ql \f0 \b \fs16 \
- \
- \
- \fs28 Target and Action \
- \fs16 \
- \fs28 \pard \s6 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b setAction:\b0 (SEL)\i aSelector\i0 Sets the NSActionCell\'27s action method to \i aSelector\i0 . \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (SEL)\b action\b0 Returns the NSActionCell\'27s action method. \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b setTarget:\b0 (id)\i anObject\i0 Sets the NSActionCell\'27s target object to \i anObject\i0 . \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (id)\b target\b0 Returns the NSActionCell\'27s target object. \
- \fi-6552 \pard \s10 \li100 \fi0 \ri1007 \ql \f0 \b \fs16 \
- \
- \
- \fs28 Assigning a Tag \
- \fs16 \
- \fs28 \pard \s6 \li7029 \fi-6552 \ri1007 \ql \tx6652 \tx7030 \f1 \b0 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (void)\b setTag:\b0 (int)\i anInt\i0 Sets the NSActionCell\'27s tag to \i anInt\i0 . \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 {\f3 -} (int)\b tag\b0 Returns the NSActionCell\'27s tag. \
- \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \fi-6552 \
- \fi-6552 \pard \s0 \li100 \fi0 \ri1007 \tx478 \tx856 \tx1234 \fs28 \fs16 \
- \
- \fs28 \
- \fs16 \
- \
- \fs28 \fs16 \fs28 \
- \fs16 \
- \
- \fs28 \pard \s0 \
- \li100 \fi0 \ri1007 \fs16 \
- \
- \fs28 \
- \fs16 \
- \
- \fs28 }