Welcome to the NeXTanswers information retrieval system!
This system allows you to request online technical documents, drivers, and
other software, which are then sent to you automatically. You can request
documents by fax or Internet electronic mail, or you can transfer them by
anonymous ftp.
NeXTanswers is an automated retrieval system. Requests sent to it are
answered electronically, and are not read or handled by a human being.
NeXTanswers does not answer your questions or forward your requests.
To use NeXTanswers by Internet e-mail, send requests to NeXTanswers@next.com.
Files are sent as NeXTmail attachments by default; you can request they be
sent as ASCII text files instead.
To request a file, include that file's ID number in the Subject line or the
body of the message. You can request several files in a single message.
You can also include commands in the Subject line or the body of the message.
These commands affect the way that files you request are sent:
ASCII causes the requested files to be sent as ASCII text
SPLIT splits large files into 95KB chunks, using the MIME
Message/Partial specification
These commands return information about the NeXTanswers system:
HELP returns this help file
INDEX returns the list of all available files
INDEX BY DATE returns the list of files, sorted newest to oldest
SEARCH keywords lists all files that contain all the keywords you list
(ignoring capitalization)
For example, a message with the following Subject line requests
three files:
Subject: 2101 2234 1109
A message with this body requests the same three files be
sent as ASCII text files:
2101 2234 1109 ascii
This message requests two lists of files, one for each search:
SEARCH NetInfo domain
NeXTanswers will reply to the address in your From: line. To use a different
address either set your Reply-To: line, or use the NeXTanswers command
REPLY-TO <your-address>
If you have any problem with the system or suggestions for improvement,
please send mail to NeXTanswers-request@NeXT.com.
To use NeXTanswers by fax, call (415) 780-3990 from a touch-tone phone and
follow the instructions. You'll be asked for your fax number, a number to
identify your fax (like your phone extension or office number), and the ID
numbers of the files you want. You can also request a list of available
files. When you finish entering the file numbers, end the call and the
files will be faxed to you.
If you have problems using this fax system, please call Technical Support
at 1-800-848-6398. You cannot use the fax system outside the U.S & Canada.
To use NeXTanswers by Internet anonymous FTP, connect to FTP.NEXT.COM
and read the help file pub/NeXTanswers/README. If you have problems using
this, please send mail to NeXTanswers-request@NeXT.com.
If you need technical support for NEXTSTEP beyond the information available
from NeXTanswers, call the Support Hotline at 1-800-848-NeXT (outside the U.S. call +1-415-424-8500) to speak to a NEXTSTEP Technical Support Technician. If your site has a NeXT support contract, your site's support contact must make this call to the hotline. Otherwise, hotline support is on a pay-per-call basis.