home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //======================================================================
- //
- // Portions written by FreemanSoft Inc.
- //
- // FreemanSoft disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied,
- // as to this source code's fitness for any particular use.
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- // For more information, use the following electronic mail addresses:
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- //======================================================================
- /*
- * DragView
- * Written by
- * Joe Freeman jfreeman@next.com
- *
- * This code has no warranty.
- * It is provided so that the consumer may maintain and modify it
- * at their own risk. Use this code at your own risk.
- */
- #import <appkit/View.h>
- @interface DragView:View
- {
- id delegate;
- NXImage *proposedImage; /* holds the proposed icon */
- NXImage *currentImage; /* holds the current icon */
- /* just for fun, record number of times */
- int exit_count; /* the user dragged stuff in and out. */
- }
- - setDelegate:anObject;
- /*========================================================================
- * notifies workspace to slide browser to that points
- *========================================================================*/
- - mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent;
- /*========================================================================
- *
- *========================================================================*/
- - (NXDragOperation) draggingEntered:sender;
- - draggingExited:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender;
- - (BOOL)prepareForDragOperation:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender;
- /*========================================================================
- * so someone can programaticly tell to grab an icon for a specific file
- *========================================================================*/
- - useIconForFile:(char *)aFullFilePath;
- /*========================================================================
- *
- * we suppor the notion of a current image and a proposed
- * that way we can flash a new icon but still get back to the
- * old when if the operation fails (user drags out or wrong type file)
- *
- *========================================================================*/
- /* does not free previous proposed */
- - proposedImage:theImage; /* make passed in icon, the proposed icon */
- /* frees old current NXImage */
- - currentImage:theImage ; /* make passed in icon, the current icon */
- - (NXImage *)currentImage;
- - abortProposedImage:sender; /* proposed icon not accepted use current */
- - acceptProposedImage:sender; /* make the proposed icon the currentImage */
- - clearCurrentImage:sender; /* we don't want an icon any more */
- @end
- @interface DragViewDelegate:Object
- {
- }
- - iconEntered:where; /* so window title is cute */
- - iconBogus:where; /* was determined to be invalid */
- - iconLeft:where; /* so window title is cute */
- - iconDropped:where; /* so window title is cute */
- - (BOOL) isFilePBValid:(Pasteboard *)aPB forView:sender;
- - (BOOL) acceptedFilePB:(Pasteboard *)pboard forView:sender;
- - userClicked:(int)numTimes at:(NXPoint *)clickPoint inDragView:sender;
- @end