# These are the fields that will be displayed in the Info view.
Title Tailor, Your Key to PostScript Editing
Version 2.0a June 16, 1994
Description Tailor enables you to visually edit any PostScript document, including multi-page PostScript files imported from foreign platforms. You can move and reshape all types of graphic objects, recolor line-art, modify text, alter typefaces, and more.
# These fields determine where the installed package will go.
DefaultLocation ~/Apps
Relocatable YES
# This field should match the floppy disk label
DiskName Tailor_2.0
# This field states whether the package is a NeXTSTEP application
Application YES
# User is prompted with this field before deleting the package.
DeleteWarning Deleting this package will cause Tailor, Your Key to PostScript Editing, to stop working.
# This field states that we can have paths longer than 100 characters