# These are the fields that will be displayed in the Info view.
Title SaveIllustrator Keystone for Tailor
Version 2.0a June 16, 1994
Description This is a loadable module for Tailor. It enables you to save graphics from Tailor in Adobe Illustrator 3 format. Also, it copies AI3 format to the pasteboard, so that graphics transfered to applications such as Virtuoso remain fully editable !
# These fields determine where the installed package will go.
DefaultLocation ~/Library/Tailor
Relocatable YES
# This field should match the floppy disk label
DiskName Keystone
# This field states whether the package is a NeXTSTEP application
Application NO
# User is prompted with this field before deleting the package.
DeleteWarning Deleting this package will remove a Tailor Keystone !.
# This field states that we can have paths longer than 100 characters