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- This is the second version of a simple ray tracer written here at
- RPI. The second version expanded its capabilities with the inclusion of
- distributed ray tracing. Detailed information on what distributed ray
- tracing is can be found in the paper by Cook, Porter and Carpenter:
- "Distributed Ray Tracing", ACM Computer Graphics, Vol.18, Num.3, July 1984.
- New capabilities include: Gloss (blurred reflection), translucency
- (blurred refraction), penumbras (area light sources), motion blur, square
- intersection routine and a field of view options. The eye can be in any
- position now and can look towards any direction. Antialising can also be
- done using stochastic sampling. The old version was also supporting
- reflections, refractions and shadows using spheres.
- Here is a list of the files, and what does each file contain:
- bg.c: bgcolor() evaluates the background color for a given ray.
- initialize.c: initialize() does some useful setup.
- intersect.c: sphere() Intersection routine with a sphere.
- quad() Intersection routine with a square.
- intersect() Main intersection routine (calls sphere() ).
- main.c: main() Main body of the program.
- readfile.c: readfile() Reads in the input data.
- shade.c: shadow() Calculates the existance of a shadow ray.
- reflect() Find the reflection vector.
- refract() Find the refraction vector.
- shade() Calculate Phong's shading function.
- trace.c: quickcos() Calculate a fast cos between 0 and pi / 2.
- quickinvcos() Calculate a fast inverse cosine.
- rnd() Random number generator between 0 and 1.
- rand1() Random number generator between -1 and 1.
- grand() Approximate gaussian random number generator.
- sample_ray() Take a ray somewhere inside a solid angle.
- trace_a_ray() Trace a single ray.
- trace() Trace a single ray inside a solid angle.
- raytrace() Ray trace the whole picture.
- vector.c: vadd() vector addition.
- vsub() vector subtraction.
- vneg() vector negation.
- svproduct() scalar - vector product.
- vdot() dot product.
- vcross() cross product.
- norm() normalize a vector.
- ray.h: Include file for every file used in the raytracer.
- vector.h: Include file for every file using vectors.
- The ray tracer is written so it can be easily understood (at least
- that version), and it is fully commented. Nevertheless, probably it won't
- be understood by a newcomer.
- The format of the input file is as follows:
- <fov>
- <eye>
- <dir>
- <up>
- <time>
- <background>
- <iter>
- <light>
- <nos> <nosq>
- x y z r [ambient] [diff] [spec] refl r g b refr r g b width index
- refl_diffuse refr_diffuse tx ty tz
- x y z x y z x y z [ambient] [diff] [spec] refl r g b refr r g b width index
- refl_diffuse refr_diffuse tx ty tz
- where:
- fov field of view
- eye x y z components of the eye position
- dir x y z components of the eye direction
- up x y z components of the up vector
- time start and end time of the picture
- background a character specifying the background cuing as follows:
- n: no cuing. Background has a constant intensity of 0.2
- x: the intensity of the background depends of the x direction.
- y: the intensity of the background depends of the y direction.
- z: the intensity of the background depends of the z direction.
- iter number of samples per pixel.
- light x y z components and solid angle of the light source.
- nos number of spheres
- nosq number of squares
- [ambient] r g b components of ambient
- [diff] r g b components of diffuse
- [spec] r g b components of specular
- refl r g b reflection ratio and color of the reflection
- refr r g b refraction ratio and color of the refraction
- width specular width exponent
- index index of refraction
- refl_diffuse angle of diffusion when reflecting
- refr_diffuse angle of diffusion when refracting
- tx ty tz velocities on the specified axes.
- Hints:
- Each frame is a snapsot of a given time length. The time limits
- are specified in the input file. Each object has the capability to move
- during that time in a strait line. Motion blur is then observed. If you
- specify only one sample per pixel, then the blur won't be so good since
- it evaluates the color of the ray with only one try. The more samples the
- better, altough anything more than 20 or 30 doesn't do any good. 5 is a
- good approximation. You can produce penumbras by specifying an angle in
- the light source. That deviates from real life where each life has an area
- and the further away you are from the light source, the smaller the penumbras.
- Here, the size of the blurred shadow does not depend on the distance from
- the light source. The refl_diffuse and refr_diffuse produce non-sharp
- reflections and refractions. The argument is in degrees. Anything less
- than 15 or 20 is good, altough the closer to zero the better you can see it.
- Known bugs:
- Polygons appear completely shadowd if the order of the vertices
- is not right. I always forget which is the right order.
- ----
- The square is defined by only 3 of its points. The first and the
- second vertices specify one of the sides, and the first and third specify
- the second. If you assume that second and third specify a side, then you
- probably won't get the right result.
- The format of the output file is simple. In the beginning there are
- 2 integers (that can be read with fread() on a SUN) showing xsize and ysize
- of the picture. After that follow the pixels in scan-line order. Each pixel
- uses 3 bytes (one for red, green and blue), totalling 16777216 colors. You
- can change the format of that file to tailor your needs. It can be done
- easily by changing the funcion raytrace() in file trace.c
- If you want you can inform me with any bugs that the program might have
- or any features that you want the upcoming versions to have.
- Good luck!
- George Kyriazis
- kyriazis@turing.cs.rpi.edu
- kyriazis@yy.cicg.rpi.edu