home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * This is a slightly (just changed the args to fopen) modified version
- * of cdcomp.c to work with NeXT computers.
- * 9-1-92 Robert Elder
- */
- /********************************************************************/
- /* Voyager Image Decompression Program - C Version for PC, VAX, */
- /* and UNIX systems. */
- /* */
- /* Decompresses images using Kris Becker's subroutine DECOMP.C */
- /* which is included in this program in a shortened version. */
- /* */
- /* Reads a variable length compressed VOYAGER image and outputs a */
- /* fixed length uncompressed image file in PDS format with */
- /* labels, image histogram, engineering table and 800 lines of */
- /* 836 bytes (800 samples, 36 engineering bytes); or an 800 by */
- /* 800 array with FITS, VICAR or no labels. If used on a non- */
- /* byte-swapped machine the image histogram is un-swapped. */
- /* */
- /* Use the following commands to compile and link to produce an */
- /* executable file: */
- /* */
- /* On an IBM PC (using Microsoft C Version 5.x) */
- /* */
- /* cl /c cdcomp.c */
- /* link cdcomp/stack:10000; */
- /* */
- /* On a VAX: */
- /* */
- /* cc cdcomp */
- /* link cdcomp */
- /* */
- /* On a Unix host (Sun, Masscomp, NeXT) */
- /* */
- /* cc -o cdcomp cdcomp.c */
- /* */
- /* LIMS */
- /* This program has been tested on a VAX 780 (VMS 4.6), SUN */
- /* Workstation (UNIX 4.2, release 3.4), and an IBM PC */
- /* (MICROSOFT 5.1 compiler). When converting to other */
- /* systems, check for portability conflicts. */
- /* */
- /* HIST */
- /* JUL88 C driver to decompress standard Voyager Compressed images */
- /* by Mike Martin 1988/07/30 */
- /* */
- /* Inputs - Input file to be decompressed. */
- /* */
- /* Outputs - Output file containing decompressed image. */
- /* */
- /********************************************************************/
- #include <libc.h>
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define RECORD_BYTES 836
- /* pc i/o defines */
- #define O_RDONLY 0x0000 /* open for reading only */
- #define O_BINARY 0x8000 /* file mode is binary */
- /* vax i/o defines */
- #define RECORD_TYPE "rfm=fix" /* VAX fixed length output */
- #define CTX "ctx=bin" /* no translation of \n */
- #define FOP "fop=cif,sup" /* file processing ops */
- typedef struct leaf
- {
- struct leaf *right;
- short int dn;
- struct leaf *left;
- } NODE;
- /*************************************************************************
- Declare the tree pointer. This pointer will hold the root of the tree
- once the tree is created by the accompanying routine huff_tree.
- **************************************************************************/
- NODE *tree;
- /* subroutine definitions */
- void pds_labels();
- void fits_labels();
- void vicar_labels();
- void no_labels();
- int check_host();
- int get_files();
- long swap_long();
- void decompress();
- void decmpinit();
- /* global variables */
- int infile;
- FILE *outfile;
- int output_format;
- main()
- {
- char ibuf[2048],obuf[2048];
- unsigned char blank=32;
- short host,length,total_bytes,line,i;
- long long_length,hist[511];
- int out_bytes = RECORD_BYTES;
- int count;
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* get host information and input and output files */
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- host = check_host();
- host = get_files(host); /* may change host if VAX */
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* read and edit compressed file labels */
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- switch (output_format)
- {
- case 1: pds_labels(host);
- break;
- case 2: fits_labels(host);
- break;
- case 3: vicar_labels(host);
- break;
- case 4: no_labels(host);
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* process the image histogram */
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* need to know record_bytes,hist_count,hist_item_type,item_count.*/
- total_bytes = 0;
- length = read_var((char *)hist,host);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + length;
- length = read_var((char *)hist+836,host);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + length;
- if (host == 2 || host == 5) /* If non-byte swapped */
- for (i=0;i<256;i++) /* host, swap bytes in */
- hist[i] = swap_long(hist[i]); /* the output histogram */
- if (output_format == 1)
- {
- fwrite((char *)hist, 836,1,outfile);
- fwrite((char *)hist+836,length,1,outfile);
- /* pad out the histogram to a multiple of RECORD_BYTES */
- for (i=total_bytes;i<RECORD_BYTES*2;i++) fputc(blank,outfile);
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* process the encoding histogram */
- /* don't have to byte-swap because DECOMP.C does it for us */
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- length = read_var((char *)hist,host);
- length = read_var((char *)hist+836,host);
- length = read_var((char *)hist+1672,host);
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* process the engineering summary */
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- total_bytes = 0;
- length = read_var(ibuf,host);
- if (output_format == 1)
- {
- fwrite(ibuf,length,1,outfile);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + length;
- /* pad out engineering to multiple of 836 */
- for (i=total_bytes;i<RECORD_BYTES;i++) fputc(blank,outfile);
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* initialize the decompression */
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- printf("\nInitializing decompression routine...");
- decmpinit(hist);
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* decompress the image */
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- printf("\nDecompressing data...");
- line=0;
- do
- {
- length = read_var(ibuf,host);
- if (length <= 0) break;
- long_length = (long)length;
- line += 1;
- decompress(ibuf, obuf,&long_length, &out_bytes);
- if (output_format == 1)
- {
- count = fwrite(obuf,RECORD_BYTES,1,outfile);
- if (count != 1)
- {
- printf("\nError writing output file. Aborting program.");
- printf("\nCheck disk space or for duplicate file name on VAX.");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- else fwrite(obuf,800,1,outfile);
- if (line % 100 == 0) printf("\n line %d",line);
- } while (length > 0 && line < 800);
- /* pad out FITS file to a multiple of 2880 */
- if (output_format == 2)
- for (i=0;i<2240;i++) fputc(blank,outfile);
- printf("\n");
- close(infile);
- fclose(outfile);
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* subroutine get_files - get input filenames and open */
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- int get_files(host)
- int host;
- {
- char inname[80],outname[80];
- short shortint;
- printf("\nEnter name of file to be decompressed: ");
- gets (inname);
- if (host == 1)
- {
- if ((infile = open(inname,O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) <= 0)
- {
- printf("\ncan't open input file: %s\n",inname);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- else if (host == 2 | host == 3 | host == 5)
- {
- if ((infile = open(inname,O_RDONLY)) <= 0)
- {
- printf("\ncan't open input file: %s\n",inname);
- exit(1);
- }
- /****************************************************************/
- /* If we are on a vax see if the file is in var length format. */
- /* This logic is in here in case the vax file has been stored */
- /* in fixed or undefined format. This might be necessary since */
- /* vax variable length files can't be moved to other computer */
- /* systems with standard comm programs (kermit, for example). */
- /****************************************************************/
- if (host == 3)
- {
- read(infile,&shortint,2);
- if (shortint > 0 && shortint < 80)
- {
- host = 4; /* change host to 4 */
- printf("This is not a VAX variable length file.");
- }
- else printf("This is a VAX variable length file.");
- lseek(infile,0,0); /* reposition to beginning of file */
- }
- }
- output_format = 0;
- do
- {
- printf("\nEnter a number for the output format desired:\n");
- printf("\n 1. SFDU/PDS format.");
- printf("\n 2. FITS format.");
- printf("\n 3. VICAR format.");
- printf("\n 4. Unlabelled binary array.\n");
- printf("\n Enter format number:");
- gets(inname);
- output_format = atoi(inname);
- } while (output_format < 1 || output_format > 4);
- printf("\nEnter name of uncompressed output file: ");
- gets (outname);
- if (host == 1 || host == 2 || host == 5)
- {
- if ((outfile = fopen(outname,"wb"))==NULL)
- {
- printf("\ncan't open output file: %s\n",outname);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- else if (host == 3 || host == 4)
- {
- if (output_format == 1) /* write PDS format blocks */
- {
- if ((outfile=fopen(outname,"w"))==NULL)
- {
- printf("\ncan't open output file: %s\n",outname);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- else if (output_format == 2) /* write FITS format blocks */
- {
- if ((outfile=fopen(outname,"w"))==NULL)
- {
- printf("\ncan't open output file: %s\n",outname);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- else /* write 800 byte records */
- {
- if ((outfile=fopen(outname,"w"))==NULL)
- {
- printf("\ncan't open output file: %s\n",outname);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- return(host); /* In case its been updated */
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* subroutine pds_labels - edit PDS labels and write to output file */
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- void pds_labels(host)
- int host;
- {
- char outstring[80],ibuf[2048];
- unsigned char cr=13,lf=10,blank=32;
- short length,nlen,total_bytes,line,i;
- total_bytes = 0;
- do
- {
- length = read_var(ibuf,host);
- ibuf[length]=NULL;
- /******************************************************************/
- /* edit labels which need to be changed */
- /******************************************************************/
- if ((i = strncmp(ibuf,"NJPL1I00PDS1",12)) == 0)
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* add the output file length to the sfdu label */
- /*****************************************************************/
- {
- strcpy(outstring,ibuf);
- strcpy(outstring+12,"00673816");
- strcpy(outstring+20,ibuf+20);
- fwrite(outstring,length,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + length + 2;
- }
- else if ((i = strncmp(ibuf,"RECORD_TYPE",11)) == 0)
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* change the record_type value from variable to fixed */
- /*****************************************************************/
- {
- strcpy(ibuf+35,"FIXED_LENGTH");
- length = length - 3;
- fwrite(ibuf,length,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + length + 2;
- }
- else if ((i = strncmp(ibuf,"FILE_RECORDS",12)) == 0)
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* change the file_records count to 806 */
- /*****************************************************************/
- {
- strcpy(ibuf+35,"806");
- fwrite(ibuf,length,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + length + 2;
- }
- else if ((i = strncmp(ibuf,"LABEL_RECORDS",13)) == 0)
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* change the label_records count from 56 to 3 */
- /*****************************************************************/
- {
- strcpy(ibuf+35,"3");
- length -= 1;
- fwrite(ibuf,length,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + length + 2;
- }
- else if ((i = strncmp(ibuf,"^IMAGE_HISTOGRAM",16)) == 0)
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* change the location pointer of image_histogram to record 4 */
- /*****************************************************************/
- {
- strcpy(ibuf+35,"4");
- length -= 1;
- fwrite(ibuf,length,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + length + 2;
- }
- else if ((i = strncmp(ibuf,"^ENCODING_HISTOGRAM)",19)) == 0);
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* delete the encoding_histogram location pointer */
- /*****************************************************************/
- else if ((i = strncmp(ibuf,"^ENGINEERING_TABLE",18)) == 0)
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* change the location pointer of engineering_summary to record 6*/
- /*****************************************************************/
- {
- strcpy(ibuf+35,"6");
- length -= 1;
- fwrite(ibuf,length,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + length + 2;
- }
- else if ((i = strncmp(ibuf,"^IMAGE",6)) == 0)
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* change the location pointer of image to record 7 */
- /*****************************************************************/
- {
- strcpy(ibuf+35,"7");
- length = length -1;
- fwrite(ibuf,length,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + length + 2;
- }
- else if ((i = strncmp(ibuf,
- "OBJECT = ENCODING",43)) == 0)
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* delete the 4 encoding histogram labels */
- /*****************************************************************/
- {
- for (i=0;i<4;i++) /* ignore these labels */
- {
- length = read_var(ibuf,host);
- }
- }
- else if ((i = strncmp(ibuf," ENCODING",9)) == 0);
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* delete the encoding type label in the image object */
- /*****************************************************************/
- else if ((host == 2 || host == 5) && (i = strncmp(ibuf,
- " ITEM_TYPE = VAX_INTEGER",46)) == 0)
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* change the record_type value from variable to fixed */
- /*****************************************************************/
- {
- strcpy(ibuf+35,"INTEGER");
- length = length - 4;
- fwrite(ibuf,length,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + length + 2;
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* if none of above write out the label to the output file */
- /*****************************************************************/
- else
- {
- fwrite(ibuf,length,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + length + 2;
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* test for the end of the PDS labels */
- /*****************************************************************/
- if ((i = strncmp(ibuf,"END",3)) == 0 && length == 3) break;
- } while (length > 0);
- /* pad out the labels with blanks to multiple of RECORD_BYTES */
- for (i=total_bytes;i<RECORD_BYTES*3;i++) fputc(blank,outfile);
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* subroutine fits_labels - write FITS header to output file */
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- void fits_labels(host)
- int host;
- {
- char ibuf[2048],outstring[80];
- unsigned char cr=13,lf=10,blank=32;
- short length,nlen,total_bytes,line,i;
- do
- {
- length = read_var(ibuf,host);
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* read to the end of the PDS labels */
- /*****************************************************************/
- if ((i = strncmp(ibuf,"END",3)) == 0 && length == 3) break;
- } while (length > 0);
- total_bytes = 0;
- strcpy(outstring,
- "SIMPLE = T ");
- fwrite(outstring,78,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + 80;
- strcpy(outstring,
- "BITPIX = 8 ");
- fwrite(outstring,78,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + 80;
- strcpy(outstring,
- "NAXIS = 2 ");
- fwrite(outstring,78,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + 80;
- strcpy(outstring,
- "NAXIS1 = 800 ");
- fwrite(outstring,78,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + 80;
- strcpy(outstring,
- "NAXIS2 = 800 ");
- fwrite(outstring,78,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + 80;
- strcpy(outstring,
- "END ");
- fwrite(outstring,78,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + 80;
- /* pad out the labels with blanks to multiple of RECORD_BYTES */
- for (i=total_bytes;i<2880;i++) fputc(blank,outfile);
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* subroutine vicar_labels - write vicar labels to output file */
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- void vicar_labels(host)
- int host;
- {
- char ibuf[2048],outstring[80];
- unsigned char cr=13,lf=10,blank=32;
- short length,nlen,total_bytes,line,i;
- do
- {
- length = read_var(ibuf,host);
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* read to the end of the PDS labels */
- /*****************************************************************/
- if ((i = strncmp(ibuf,"END",3)) == 0 && length == 3) break;
- } while (length > 0);
- total_bytes = 0;
- strcpy(outstring,
- fwrite(outstring,72,1,outfile);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + 72;
- strcpy(outstring,
- "EOL=0 RECSIZE=800 ORG='BSQ' NL=800 NS=800 NB=1 N1=0 N2=0 N3=0 ");
- total_bytes = total_bytes + 71;
- fwrite(outstring,71,1,outfile);
- strcpy(outstring,
- "N4=0 NBB=0 NLB=0");
- fwrite(outstring,18,1,outfile);
- fprintf(outfile,"%c%c",cr,lf);
- total_bytes = total_bytes + 20;
- /* pad out the labels with blanks to multiple of RECORD_BYTES */
- for (i=total_bytes;i<800;i++) fputc(blank,outfile);
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* subroutine no_labels - read past the pds labels */
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- void no_labels(host)
- int host;
- {
- char ibuf[2048],outstring[80];
- unsigned char cr=13,lf=10,blank=32;
- short length,nlen,total_bytes,line,i;
- do
- {
- length = read_var(ibuf,host);
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* read to the end of the PDS labels */
- /*****************************************************************/
- if ((i = strncmp(ibuf,"END",3)) == 0 && length == 3) break;
- } while (length > 0);
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* subroutine read_var - read variable length records from input file*/
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- read_var(ibuf,host)
- char *ibuf;
- int host;
- {
- int length,result,nlen;
- char temp;
- union /* this union is used to swap 16 and 32 bit integers */
- {
- char ichar[4];
- short slen;
- long llen;
- } onion;
- switch (host)
- {
- case 1: /*******************************************************/
- /* IBM PC host */
- /*******************************************************/
- length = 0;
- result = read(infile,&length,2);
- nlen = read(infile,ibuf,length+(1*length%2));
- return (length);
- break;
- case 2: /*******************************************************/
- /* non byte swapped 16 bit host */
- /*******************************************************/
- length = 0;
- result = read(infile,onion.ichar,2);
- /* byte swap the length field */
- temp = onion.ichar[0];
- onion.ichar[0]=onion.ichar[1];
- onion.ichar[1]=temp;
- /* printf("length=%04x,result=%d\n",length,result); */
- nlen = read(infile,ibuf,length+(1*length%2));
- return (length);
- break;
- case 3: /*******************************************************/
- /* VAX host with variable length support */
- /*******************************************************/
- length = read(infile,ibuf,RECORD_BYTES);
- return (length);
- case 4: /*******************************************************/
- /* VAX host, but not a variable length file */
- /*******************************************************/
- length = 0;
- result = read(infile,&length,2);
- nlen = read(infile,ibuf,length+(1*length%2));
- /* check to see if we crossed a vax record boundary */
- while (nlen < length)
- nlen += read(infile,ibuf+nlen,length+(1*length%2)-nlen);
- return (length);
- break;
- case 5: /*******************************************************/
- /* non byte swapped 32 bit host without var support */
- /*******************************************************/
- length = 0;
- result = read(infile,onion.ichar,2);
- /* byte swap the length field */
- temp = onion.ichar[0];
- onion.ichar[0]=onion.ichar[1];
- onion.ichar[1]=temp;
- length = onion.slen;
- /* printf("length=%04x,result=%d\n",length,result); */
- nlen = read(infile,ibuf,length+(1*length%2));
- return (length);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* subroutine check_host - find out what kind of machine we are on */
- /* */
- /*********************************************************************/
- int check_host()
- {
- /* This subroutine checks the attributes of the host computer and
- returns a host code number.
- */
- char hostname[80];
- int swap,host,bits,var;
- union
- {
- char ichar[2];
- short ilen;
- } onion;
- if (sizeof(var) == 4) bits = 32;
- else bits = 16;
- onion.ichar[0] = 1;
- onion.ichar[1] = 0;
- if (onion.ilen == 1) swap = TRUE;
- else swap = FALSE;
- if (bits == 16 && swap == TRUE)
- {
- host = 1; /* IBM PC host */
- strcpy(hostname,
- "Type 1 - 16 bit integers with swapping, no var len support.");
- }
- if (bits == 16 && swap == FALSE)
- {
- host = 2; /* Non byte swapped 16 bit host */
- strcpy(hostname,
- "Type 2 - 16 bit integers without swapping, no var len support.");
- }
- if (bits == 32 && swap == TRUE)
- { host = 3; /* VAX host with var length support */
- strcpy(hostname,
- "Type 3,4 - 32 bit integers with swapping.");
- }
- if (bits == 32 && swap == FALSE)
- {
- host = 5; /* OTHER 32-bit host */
- strcpy(hostname,
- "Type 5 - 32 bit integers without swapping, no var len support.");
- }
- printf("%s\n",hostname);
- return(host);
- }
- long swap_long(inval) /* swap 4 byte integer */
- long inval;
- {
- union /* this union is used to swap 16 and 32 bit integers */
- {
- char ichar[4];
- short slen;
- long llen;
- } onion;
- char temp;
- /* byte swap the input field */
- onion.llen = inval;
- temp = onion.ichar[0];
- onion.ichar[0]=onion.ichar[3];
- onion.ichar[3]=temp;
- temp = onion.ichar[1];
- onion.ichar[1]=onion.ichar[2];
- onion.ichar[2]=temp;
- return (onion.llen);
- }
- void decompress(ibuf,obuf,nin,nout)
- /****************************************************************************
- *_TITLE decompress - decompresses image lines stored in compressed format *
- char *ibuf; /* I Compressed data buffer */
- char *obuf; /* O Decompressed image line */
- long int *nin; /* I Number of bytes on input buffer */
- long int *nout; /* I Number of bytes in output buffer */
- {
- /* The external root pointer to tree */
- extern NODE *tree;
- /* Declare functions called from this routine */
- void dcmprs();
- /*************************************************************************
- This routine is fairly simple as it's only function is to call the
- routine dcmprs.
- **************************************************************************/
- dcmprs(ibuf,obuf,nin,nout,tree);
- return;
- }
- void decmpinit(hist)
- /***************************************************************************
- *_TITLE decmpinit - initializes the Huffman tree *
- long int *hist; /* I First-difference histogram. */
- {
- extern NODE *tree; /* Huffman tree root pointer */
- /* Specify the calling function to initialize the tree */
- NODE *huff_tree();
- /****************************************************************************
- Simply call the huff_tree routine and return.
- *****************************************************************************/
- tree = huff_tree(hist);
- return;
- }
- NODE *huff_tree(hist)
- /****************************************************************************
- *_TITLE huff_tree - constructs the Huffman tree; returns pointer to root *
- long int *hist; /* I First difference histogram */
- {
- /* Local variables used */
- long int freq_list[512]; /* Histogram frequency list */
- NODE **node_list; /* DN pointer array list */
- register long int *fp; /* Frequency list pointer */
- register NODE **np; /* Node list pointer */
- register long int num_freq; /* Number non-zero frequencies in histogram */
- long int sum; /* Sum of all frequencies */
- register short int num_nodes; /* Counter for DN initialization */
- register short int cnt; /* Miscellaneous counter */
- short int znull = -1; /* Null node value */
- register NODE *temp; /* Temporary node pointer */
- /* Functions called */
- void sort_freq();
- NODE *new_node();
- char *malloc();
- /***************************************************************************
- Allocate the array of nodes from memory and initialize these with numbers
- corresponding with the frequency list. There are only 511 possible
- permutations of first difference histograms. There are 512 allocated
- here to adhere to the FORTRAN version.
- ****************************************************************************/
- fp = freq_list;
- node_list = (NODE **) malloc(sizeof(temp)*512);
- if (node_list == NULL)
- {
- printf("\nOut of memory in huff_tree!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- np = node_list;
- for (num_nodes=1, cnt=512 ; cnt-- ; num_nodes++)
- {
- /**************************************************************************
- The following code has been added to standardize the VAX byte order
- for the "long int" type. This code is intended to make the routine
- as machine independant as possible.
- ***************************************************************************/
- unsigned char *cp = (unsigned char *) hist++;
- unsigned long int j;
- short int i;
- for (i=4 ; --i >= 0 ; j = (j << 8) | *(cp+i));
- /* Now make the assignment */
- *fp++ = j;
- temp = new_node(num_nodes);
- *np++ = temp;
- }
- (*--fp) = 0; /* Ensure the last element is zeroed out. */
- /***************************************************************************
- Now, sort the frequency list and eliminate all frequencies of zero.
- ****************************************************************************/
- num_freq = 512;
- sort_freq(freq_list,node_list,num_freq);
- fp = freq_list;
- np = node_list;
- for (num_freq=512 ; (*fp) == 0 && (num_freq) ; fp++, np++, num_freq--);
- /***************************************************************************
- Now create the tree. Note that if there is only one difference value,
- it is returned as the root. On each interation, a new node is created
- and the least frequently occurring difference is assigned to the right
- pointer and the next least frequency to the left pointer. The node
- assigned to the left pointer now becomes the combination of the two
- nodes and it's frequency is the sum of the two combining nodes.
- ****************************************************************************/
- for (temp=(*np) ; (num_freq--) > 1 ; )
- {
- temp = new_node(znull);
- temp->right = (*np++);
- temp->left = (*np);
- *np = temp;
- *(fp+1) = *(fp+1) + *fp;
- *fp++ = 0;
- sort_freq(fp,np,num_freq);
- }
- return temp;
- }
- NODE *new_node(value)
- /****************************************************************************
- *_TITLE new_node - allocates a NODE structure and returns a pointer to it *
- short int value; /* I Value to assign to DN field */
- {
- NODE *temp; /* Pointer to the memory block */
- char *malloc(); /* Memory allocation function */
- /***************************************************************************
- Allocate the memory and intialize the fields.
- ****************************************************************************/
- temp = (NODE *) malloc(sizeof(NODE));
- if (temp != NULL)
- {
- temp->right = NULL;
- temp->dn = value;
- temp->left = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- printf("\nOut of memory in new_node!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- return temp;
- }
- void sort_freq(freq_list,node_list,num_freq)
- /****************************************************************************
- *_TITLE sort_freq - sorts frequency and node lists in increasing freq. order*
- long int *freq_list; /* I Pointer to frequency list */
- NODE **node_list; /* I Pointer to array of node pointers */
- long int num_freq; /* I Number of values in freq list */
- {
- /* Local Variables */
- register long int *i; /* primary pointer into freq_list */
- register long int *j; /* secondary pointer into freq_list */
- register NODE **k; /* primary pointer to node_list */
- register NODE **l; /* secondary pointer into node_list */
- long int temp1; /* temporary storage for freq_list */
- NODE *temp2; /* temporary storage for node_list */
- register long int cnt; /* count of list elements */
- /************************************************************************
- Save the current element - starting with the second - in temporary
- storage. Compare with all elements in first part of list moving
- each up one element until the element is larger. Insert current
- element at this point in list.
- *************************************************************************/
- if (num_freq <= 0) return; /* If no elements or invalid, return */
- for (i=freq_list, k=node_list, cnt=num_freq ; --cnt ; *j=temp1, *l=temp2)
- {
- temp1 = *(++i);
- temp2 = *(++k);
- for (j = i, l = k ; *(j-1) > temp1 ; )
- {
- *j = *(j-1);
- *l = *(l-1);
- j--;
- l--;
- if ( j <= freq_list) break;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- void dcmprs(ibuf,obuf,nin,nout,root)
- /****************************************************************************
- *_TITLE dcmprs - decompresses Huffman coded compressed image lines *
- char *ibuf; /* I Compressed data buffer */
- char *obuf; /* O Decompressed image line */
- long int *nin; /* I Number of bytes on input buffer */
- long int *nout; /* I Number of bytes in output buffer */
- NODE *root; /* I Huffman coded tree */
- {
- /* Local Variables */
- register NODE *ptr = root; /* pointer to position in tree */
- register unsigned char test; /* test byte for bit set */
- register unsigned char idn; /* input compressed byte */
- register char odn; /* last dn value decompressed */
- char *ilim = ibuf + *nin; /* end of compressed bytes */
- char *olim = obuf + *nout; /* end of output buffer */
- /**************************************************************************
- Check for valid input values for nin, nout and make initial assignments.
- ***************************************************************************/
- if (ilim > ibuf && olim > obuf)
- odn = *obuf++ = *ibuf++;
- else
- {
- printf("\nInvalid byte count in dcmprs!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Decompress the input buffer. Assign the first byte to the working
- variable, idn. An arithmatic and (&) is performed using the variable
- 'test' that is bit shifted to the right. If the result is 0, then
- go to right else go to left.
- ***************************************************************************/
- for (idn=(*ibuf) ; ibuf < ilim ; idn =(*++ibuf))
- {
- for (test=0x80 ; test ; test >>= 1)
- {
- ptr = (test & idn) ? ptr->left : ptr->right;
- if (ptr->dn != -1)
- {
- if (obuf >= olim) return;
- odn -= ptr->dn + 256;
- *obuf++ = odn;
- ptr = root;
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }