home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* ViewBitmap.m - implementation file to ViewBitmap class */
- /* Takes a bitmap, and displays it in a window with scrollers. */
- /* The bitmap can be saved as a TIFF file, and another object (such as an */
- /* activate menu) can be notified if the window is closed. */
- /* January 1990 Carl F. Sutter */
- /***************************************************************************/
- #import "ViewBitmap.h"
- #import <appkit/Window.h>
- #import <appkit/ScrollView.h>
- #import <appkit/Application.h> // for NXApp
- #import <appkit/Panel.h> // for NXRunAlertPanel
- #import <string.h> // for strcpy, strcat
- #import <stdlib.h> // for MIN
- #import <libc.h> // for file i/o
- @implementation ViewBitmap
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* newBitmap - show the bitmap in a new window */
- /***************************************************************************/
- + newBitmap:(Bitmap *)bmpIn
- {
- NXRect nxrBitmap;
- [bmpIn getSize:&(nxrBitmap.size)];
- self = [super newFrame:&nxrBitmap];
- bmpImage = bmpIn;
- nxsBitmap = nxrBitmap.size;
- strcpy( szTitle, "" );
- nxpTopLeft.x = nxpTopLeft.y = 100.0;
- [self setup];
- return( self );
- } /* newBitmap 1/23/90 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* newBitmap:title - show the bitmap in a new window with the given title */
- /***************************************************************************/
- + newBitmap:(Bitmap *)bmpIn title:(char *)szTitleIn
- {
- NXRect nxrBitmap;
- [bmpIn getSize:&(nxrBitmap.size)];
- self = [super newFrame:&nxrBitmap];
- bmpImage = bmpIn;
- nxsBitmap = nxrBitmap.size;
- strcpy( szTitle, szTitleIn );
- nxpTopLeft.x = nxpTopLeft.y = 100.0;
- [self setup];
- return( self );
- } /* newBitmap:title 1/23/90 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* newBitmap:title:topLeft: - display bitmap with given position and title */
- /***************************************************************************/
- + newBitmap:(Bitmap *)bmpIn title:(char *)szTitleIn topLeft:(NXPoint)nxpTopLeftIn
- {
- NXRect nxrBitmap;
- [bmpIn getSize:&(nxrBitmap.size)];
- self = [super newFrame:&nxrBitmap];
- bmpImage = bmpIn;
- nxsBitmap = nxrBitmap.size;
- strcpy( szTitle, szTitleIn );
- nxpTopLeft = nxpTopLeftIn;
- [self setup];
- return( self );
- } /* newBitmap:title:topLeft: 1/23/90 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* setup - make a new scrolling view with the bitmap and title */
- /* the bitmap is not copied, so the sender should not free the bitmap that */
- /* is sent! The origin id for the top-left of the window, since the top */
- /* shouldn't be pushed off the screen. */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - setup
- {
- ScrollView *scrollView; /* scroll view to hold bitmap */
- Window *win; /* window to hold ScrollView */
- NXRect nxrView; /* bounds of this view */
- NXRect nxrScrollView; /* bounds of enclosing ScrollView */
- NXRect nxrWinHeight; /* bounds of enclosing window */
- NXSize nxsScreen; /* size of screen */
- /* make the ScrollView, and put the View in it */
- nxrView.origin.x = nxrView.origin.y = 0.0;
- nxrView.size = nxsBitmap;
- [ScrollView getFrameSize:&(nxrScrollView.size) forContentSize:&(nxrView.size)
- horizScroller:YES vertScroller:YES borderType:NX_NOBORDER];
- nxrScrollView.origin.x = nxrScrollView.origin.y = 0.0;
- scrollView = [ScrollView newFrame:&nxrScrollView];
- [[scrollView setVertScrollerRequired:YES] setHorizScrollerRequired:YES];
- [scrollView setDocView:self];
- /* the "origin" is a top left coordinate, convert it to lower left */
- nxrScrollView.origin.x = nxpTopLeft.x;
- [Window getFrameRect:&nxrWinHeight forContentRect:&nxrScrollView
- [NXApp getScreenSize:&nxsScreen];
- nxrScrollView.origin.y = nxsScreen.height - nxrWinHeight.size.height - nxpTopLeft.y;
- /* make the enclosing Window, and put the ScrollView (and View) in it */
- win = [Window newContent:&nxrScrollView style:NX_SIZEBARSTYLE backing:NX_BUFFERED defer:NO];
- [win setContentView:scrollView];
- [win setTitle:szTitle];
- [win display];
- [win makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
- [win setDelegate:self]; /* want this view to get messages about it's window */
- return( self );
- } /* newWindow 10/13/89 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* windowWillResize - delegate message sent by window when user is resizes */
- /* don't allow window to get bigger than is necessary to show whole image */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - windowWillResize:sender toSize:(NXSize *)frameSize
- {
- NXRect nxrScrollView;
- NXRect nxrWinMax;
- /* find largest window necessary to hold bitmap */
- [ScrollView getFrameSize:&(nxrScrollView.size) forContentSize:&nxsBitmap
- horizScroller:YES vertScroller:YES borderType:NX_NOBORDER];
- [Window getFrameRect:&nxrWinMax forContentRect:&nxrScrollView
- /* prevent window fram from getting bigger than biggest necessary size */
- frameSize->width = MIN( nxrWinMax.size.width, frameSize->width );
- frameSize->height = MIN( nxrWinMax.size.height, frameSize->height );
- return( self );
- } /* windowWillResize 10/18/89 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* free bitmap on closing - this is probably not necessary if the window */
- /* will free instance variable objects on closing */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - windowWillClose:sender
- {
- [closeNotify windowWillClose:[self window]];
- [bmpImage free];
- return( self );
- } /* windowWillClose 10/27/89 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* drawSelf - simply composite the bitmap to the current focus */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - drawSelf:(NXRect *)r :(int) count
- {
- [bmpImage composite:NX_COPY fromRect:r toPoint:&(r->origin)];
- return( self );
- } /* drawSelf 8/16/89 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* setMiniwindowIcon: - set the icon for miniturized state like window */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - setMiniwindowIcon:(const char *)anIcon
- {
- [window setMiniwindowIcon:anIcon];
- return self;
- } /* setMiniwindowIcon 2/13/90 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* saveBitmapToTiff - save the bitmap in the given TIFF file */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - (BOOL)saveBitmapToTiff:(const char *)fileName
- {
- #define PERMISSION_MODE 0644 /* octal rw owner, r group, r others */
- NXStream *stream;
- int fh;
- /* get a standard C file handle, and then a NeXT stream */
- fh = open( fileName, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, PERMISSION_MODE );
- if (!(stream = NXOpenFile( fh, NX_WRITEONLY )))
- {
- [self errorAlert:"Couldn't open file for saving."];
- return( NO );
- }
- /* write the bitmap out as a TIFF file */
- [bmpImage writeTIFF:stream];
- /* close the stream and then the file handle */
- NXClose( stream );
- close( fh );
- return( YES );
- } /* saveBitmapToTiff 10/27/89 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* errorAlert - put the message in an alert panel */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - errorAlert:(char *)szMessage
- {
- NXRunAlertPanel( "ViewBitmap Error", szMessage, "OK", NULL, NULL );
- return self;
- } /* errorAlert 10/30/89 CFS */
- /***************************************************************************/
- /* setCloseNotify: - optional object to notify when the window will close */
- /***************************************************************************/
- - setCloseNotify:notify
- {
- closeNotify = notify;
- return( self );
- } /* setCloseNotify 1/31/90 CFS */
- @end