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- // Animator.h
- // By R. E. Crandall
- // You may freely copy, distribute and reuse the code in this example.
- // NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, as to its
- // fitness for any particular use.
- #import <objc/Object.h>
- #import <sys/time.h>
- #import <dpsclient/dpsclient.h>
- @interface Animator:Object
- {
- int mask, ticking, passcounter;
- DPSTimedEntry teNum;
- double interval, synctime, adapteddt, desireddt, t0, howOften;
- struct timeval entrytime;
- id target;
- SEL action;
- }
- - initChronon:(double)dt adaptation:(double)howoft target:(id)targ
- action:(SEL)act autoStart:(int)start eventMask:(int)eMask;
- - resetRealTime;
- - (double)getSyncTime;
- - (double)getDoubleEntryTime;
- - (double)getDoubleRealTime;
- - (double)getDouble;
- - adapt;
- - setBreakMask:(int)eventMask;
- - (int)getBreakMask;
- - (int)isTicking;
- - (int)shouldBreak;
- - setIncrement:(double)dt;
- - (double)getIncrement;
- - setAdaptation:(double)oft;
- - setTarget:(id)targ;
- - setAction:(SEL)aSelector;
- - startEntry;
- - stopEntry;
- - free;
- @end