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- Welcome to ImageViewer 0.9i
- ===========================
- ImageViewer is a freeware application that gives you the ability to display
- and convert between a multitude of image formats. Among the supported formats
- are:
- atkras Andrew Rasterfiles (binary and ascii) read
- gif Graphics Interchange Format read
- itex ITEX Framegrabber Files read write
- pbm Jef Poskanzer's Portable Bitmaps (binary) read write
- pgm Jef Poskanzer's Portable Graymaps (binary) read write
- ppm Jef Poskanzer's Portable Pixmaps (binary) read write
- jpg JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) read write
- macp MacPaint Documents read write
- mtek Mikrotek Scanner Files read
- eps PostScript Encapsulated Files read write
- ps PostScript (plain) write
- ras Sun Rasterfiles read write
- rle UTAH Run-length Encoded Rasterfiles read
- icon Sun Icon Files (old and new format) read write
- tiff Tagged Image File Format read write
- face USENET Face Files read write
- xbm X11 Bitmaps read write
- ilisp Xerox Interlisp-D Source read
- brush Xerox Brush/Press Files read
- ais Xerox Array of Intensity Samples read
- ImageViewer is built around a general image reader/converter/writer that
- automatically identifies the type of each image by examining the contents of
- the file. File types (extensions) are only used if the content detector
- fails. The displayed images can be scaled, resized, and copied to the
- pasteboard as TIFFs, but that's pretty much all.
- To change the size of an image, bring up the inspector panel and type in the
- new width and height (in pixels). You can also scale it proportionally by
- entering a single scale factor in the scale field, or two factors (X and Y)
- separated by a slash. Note that either of these operations will only change
- your view of the image. If you save it, it will still be in its original
- size.
- This version of ImageViewer also includes a minimal image filtering service
- that can translate the listed formats to TIFF. The service will automatically
- be activated when any application that uses the NXImage object and wants to
- import an image file but doesn't understand the format. Try it by installing
- ImageViewer in ~/Apps or /LocalApps and drag a non-TIFF image into an Edit
- window or a Mail message. You should see the icon turn into the real image
- inside the Edit/Mail window after a short delay. Note that you haven't
- changed the image file itself, ie. if you send that message, you're really
- sending the original image file, not a TIFF version of it.
- Some nits:
- Because ImageViewer nominally can create TIFF files with non-standard
- bits/sample that currently are unreadable on a NeXT, there is a switch in the
- preference panel that will avoid this problem by always creating TIFFs with
- bits/sample values that are powers of two. It is recommended that you always
- have this turned on, as the difference in saved storage space is minor.
- The print function will normally produce output suitable for your chosen
- printer. However, there are some circumstances under which it may create
- color PostScript while you only want grayscale. To avoid this, check the
- preference marked "Print using grayscale". (This used to be more of a problem
- under 2.X, so you probably won't need to worry about it.)
- There is now a default compression choice for TIFF images in the preference
- panel. Changing this will cause all TIFFs that you save to use the chosen
- compression. Note that colormapped images can only be saved with without
- compression; choosing either LZW or JPEG will cause the images to be
- automatically converted to grayscale or RGB before being saved.
- Sorry, alpha (transparency) is still not supported. Images will alpha will
- receive a white background and lose their transparency.
- What about "image"?
- "image" is a standalone command line converter based on the same conversion
- engine as ImageViewer. Please see the supplied man page for instructions on
- how to use it.
- Changes since the last version (0.9e or so):
- * Enabled optimized code that converts 8 bit CLUT images to 24 bit RGB. The
- code was already there, just not used (sigh). This will make ImageViewer
- decode all 8 bit CLUT images (eg. most GIFs) about 2x faster.
- * Made ImageViewer recognize and claim .GIF and .JPG files (with capitalized
- file types).
- * Added a trivial image filtering service that translates typed filenames
- to NXTIFFPboardType. Worked around a limitation in services that maximizes
- the number of send types to 16 by splitting up the declarations in batches.
- * Fixed bug in code using NXStreams that left image files mapped into memory
- even after they were closed. This should make ImageViewer much less of a
- memory hog.
- * Fixed a bug in the decoding of ASCII PGM images. The checkers are now
- correctly sized.
- * Fixed a bug in the code that demultiplies alpha out of 12 bit TIFF images.
- No more weird golf playing tints.
- * Added minimal GIF89a support and fixed a bug in the extensions processing
- code. Mostly the same as before; main difference is that comment fields will
- be printed on stderr.
- * Fixed byte ordering dependencies (two if I remember correctly). Fat (m68k,
- i386, NRW) compiles now work like a charm.
- * Removed Rainbow support. I don't think anybody uses it anyway.
- * Added minimal support for Windows BMP file format (does this work?)
- * Fixed swapped 16 bit input bug in Utah RLE decoder.
- * Made tiff decoder choose richest representation for multipart tiff files.
- (Yes, it would be nice to be able to keep them all, but my internal
- image representation can't handle it. Sorry.)
- * Fixed bug in grayscale resampling code (im_togray) that caused some printed
- images to come out really aweful.
- * Fixed some bugs that caused the right side of printed images to be
- truncated. Also reduced the margins.
- * Added a max window size preference that will limit new windows to the given
- width and height. ShrinkWrapped images will be scaled while ScrollViews
- will be clipped to conform.
- * Added a default compression preference to be used when saving TIFF files.
- Choosing anything else than "None" will cause NeXT's native TIFF routines to
- be used instead of my own homebrew code.
- Disclaimer:
- This is unsupported freeware; if it works, it works, if it doesn't, it
- doesn't. Give it to anyone you like, but please don't charge for it. I
- don't. Feel free to let me know about any problems, but please don't rely on
- them being fixed.
- ImageViewer is an application that I put together on my spare time while
- working at Rank Xerox EuroPARC. It is not a product of, nor condoned by NeXT
- Inc. in any way. Please don't bother them about problems or questions.
- (Etc, etc. I think you get the general gist.)
- Enjoy,
- Lennart Lovstrand
- California, May 1993
- lenlo@al.org, Lennart_Lovstrand@NeXT.COM