This is the Readme file for the CHaRTSMITH 1.0 Demo Package
CHaRTSMITH(TM) is the presentation quality charting and graphing package for NEXTSTEP®. CHaRTSMITH combines high quality graphics and an intuitive user interface to make creating spectacular charts as easy as drag-n-drop. Multiple chart types, powerful template features, and a user-friendly interface make CHaRTSMITH your one-stop-charting application for NEXTSTEP. At the end of this document is a brief description of the features of CHaRTSMITH.
Installation Instructions
The CHaRTSMITH Demo application is packaged as a single tar'd and compressed file, Chartsmith_1.0.tar.Z. Uncompressing and untarring this creates the directory Chartsmith_1.0. Inside this directory are two packages. The first, Chartsmith.pkg, contains the CHaRTSMITH application. The second, ChartsmithFiles.pkg, contains additional information and sample files for use with CHaRTSMITH.
To install the application package, double-click on its icon in the Workspace Manager. This will launch the Installer application, if necessary, and open the package. Click the Install button. Choose the architectures you want CHaRTSMITH installed for and the location you want it installed; the default location is in your Apps directory. Then click the install button; this will install CHaRTSMITH on your system.
To install the additional files, perform the same steps as above on the other package. This will install the file ChartsmithFiles.rtfd. Open this document in Edit to see the additional files.
If you are running under NEXTSTEP 3.0 you will need to separately install the Chartsmith.service file (open ChartsmithFiles.rtfd to see it) in ~/Library/Services or /LocalLibrary/Services. To install this file, drag the services file icon out of ChartsmithFiles.rtfd to one of the two directories. If you are running NEXTSTEP version 3.1 or later you may ignore this file.
The version of CHaRTSMITH you have installed is an unlicensed demo version. All of the output functions are disabled; these incude: copying charts, dragging chart images to other applications, saving charts as images, and printing. Saving of CHaRTSMITH documents is enabled. To enable all of the functions of CHaRTSMITH, contact BLaCKSMITH for licensing information.
This version of CHaRTSMITH also does not include the on-line Help. These files have been removed to reduce the size of the package.
CHaRTSMITH supports multiple chart types
• Bar and stacked bar
• 2D and 3D pie
• Line
• Area
• Stacked area
• Hi-low
• Hi-low-open-close
• XY and scatter
• Compatible chart types may be mixed
CHaRTSMITH includes powerful Template capabilities
• Create templates from any chart
• Select indivual chart attributes for templating
• Drag-n-Drop templates on charts for easy formatting
• Browse personal and system templates
CHaRTSMITH provides many user-friendly interface features
• Drag-n-Drop colors to chart graphics
• Drag-n-Drop images to bars, backgrounds and boxes
• Preview of dragged colors
CHaRTSMITH has graphic tools to enhance your charts
• Text, line, box, image, and circle annotations
• Gradient filling for chart graphics
• Shadowed and colored text
• Log and semi-log grid types
It's easy to get data in and charts out of CHaRTSMITH
• Object link charts into other applications
• Import and Drag-n-Drop ASCII data files
• Copy and paste data, labels or both
• Chart from Services
• Object link data into CHaRTSMITH
• Save charts to EPS files
• Save charts to TIFF files with transparency
• Drag chart images out of CHaRTSMITH and into other applications
CHaRTSMITH runs under all versions of NEXTSTEP 3.x
• List $495
• Academic $99
For additional information contact
2100 Lee Highway, Suite 201
Arlington, Virginia 22201
(703) 524-6147 Voice
(703) 524-7215 Fax
NEXTSTEP is a registered trademark of NeXT Computer, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. CHaRTSMITH is a trademark of BLaCKSMITH, Inc.