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- All software in this package is available over the Internet somewhere
- in some form or fashion. Pencom provides these solely as a FREE
- SERVICE to co-Xist customers, and is no way repsonsible for any
- of the software in this package.
- We didn't write it. We don't support it. Almost everything in this
- package has been used by someone at Pencom, and if nobody cared
- for it or saw a use for it, it wouldn't be here. The exceptions are
- a couple of things we can't remember if anyone liked, but we threw
- them in since there wasn't time to test. You don't need any of
- these to use co-Xist, or do business with Pencom. They're here
- just to (hopefully) make your life a little easier.
- Nevertheless, it is UP TO YOU to determine which, if any, of these
- programs is of any use to you, and if so, what use that might be.
- Pencom makes no guarantees as to the usefulness, safety, or anything
- esle, regarding these programs. If you have security/virus/etc.
- concerns, feel free to peruse the source. Of course, building from
- source requires you to purchase the development packages.
- Some of these are not the latest versions. That's because we
- haven't needed the latest versions, or we haven't had time to
- get them and port them. If you need something newer, you'll
- have to check around the net. Sorry.
- If you have ported an X client to NEXTSTEP you think others would
- be interested in using, send email to co-Xist_info@pencom.com
- and we'll see about including it next time.
- Many X clients are provided in both source and binary forms (in
- the (src/ and bin/ directories, respectively). All copyrights,
- license notices, etc. are included with the source. Please read
- them and pay attention to them.
- There are also a few non-X programs that come in very handy for use
- with X, a few odd (we mean it) fonts, and a couple of docs that may
- prove useful.
- Additionally, there are some extra resource files here you may wish
- to use with your standard clients. These are in the app-defaults/
- directory . To use them, either replace the standard system-wide
- files (in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults) or in your home directory. If
- you don't want lots of resource files cluttering your home directory,
- you might create a directory for them ($HOME/app-defaults) and add
- this to your resource variable (XAPPLRESDIR or XUSERFILESEARCHPATH)
- as in the following examples:
- (csh)
- setenv XAPPLRESDIR $HOME/app-defaults/
- setenv XUSERFILESEARCHPATH $HOME/app-defaults:%D
- (sh or ksh)
- XAPPLRESDIR=$HOME/app-defaults/ ; export XAPPLRESDIR
- XAPPLRESDIR is less flexible, but will work for most cases. Note that
- the trailing slash in the example is required for XAPPLRESDIR.
- Freebies.files is a tar package. If the NEXTSTEP browser won't
- untar it for you, go to a terminal window, move to the directory
- you copied the file onto, and type
- tar xf Freebies.files
- These are not in an official NEXTSTEP package because many people
- will not want to install everything. The binaries need to be
- uncompressed with the "uncompress" command or "zcat" command (see
- NS docs). Each source package is tar'd and compressed. If the
- NS browser won't unpackage one for you, open a terminal window,
- move to the directory where you want the files, and use either
- uncompress or zcat, and tar, to put the source in a form you can
- access.
- ------
- If files are to be untar'd in place (obviously, this requires that
- the files have been copied from the CD to disk!):
- uncompress file.tar.Z
- tar xf file.tar
- rm file.tar
- If you want to untar directly from the CD, go to the destination
- directory and type:
- zcat full_file_path_name | tar xf -
- -------------------------
- Binaries & resource files have been compressed. To uncompress
- them, in a terminal window, type
- uncompress filename
- or
- zcat full_path_name > local_filename
- If you don't want/need binaries for multiple architectures, see
- the man page for lipo, and use lipo to extract the binary for the
- architecture you want.
- [NOTE: If the bullets don't line up, try a constant width font (such as
- terminal or courier).]
- User Utilities
- ==============
- Desktop Stuff
- -------------
- bricons - icon-based program launcher
- mrolo - rolodex (Motif) package
- mrolo - rolodex
- prolo - prints rolodex
- xr2mr - converts xrolo database to mrolo database
- xpostit - PostIt(tm) notes
- xrooms - xrooms package
- xrooms - partial implementation of Rooms for X
- wallpaper - root background manager (use with xrooms)
- xrset - xset for xrooms properties
- Color Programs
- --------------
- coloredit - color editor (requires non-TrueColor visual class)
- (Doug Young's Motif widget examples)
- palette - color selection package
- listcolors - lists system-wide RGB-based color names
- palette - color chooser program
- xco - color chooser program
- xcolors - color displayer program
- xtici - TEK HVC color editor (requires non-TrueColor visual class)
- Clocks & Calendars
- -----------------
- dclock - digital clock (with alarm, etc.)
- xcal - Peter Collinson's calendar package
- xcal - calendar with alarms and a notebook
- xcal_cal - interface to calendar(1) for xcal
- xchrom - color-based clock
- xclock - (actually xmclock) spiffier xclock with famous cat wall clock
- xdaliclock - color-melting clock
- Comm & Network Interfaces
- -------------------------
- Mosaic - WWW (WorldWide Web (hypertext net docs)) interface
- chimera - Mosaic-like WWW client using Athena widgets
- (needs another package to display images)
- viola - WWW (WorldWide Web (hypertext net docs)) interface
- xarchie-2.0.6 - ftp location server and front end
- xarchie-1.3 - older version of xarchie (different UI)
- xgopher - tunnel through internet to find designated docs
- xrn - news reader
- ytalk - multi-user chat/talk program (works with all others)
- Screen Savers/Keyboard Locks
- ----------------------------
- xlock - screen/keyboard locker with various graphics
- xnlock - screen/keyboard locker with customizable messages
- Drawing & Painting
- ------------------
- xfig - interface to fig package
- xpaint - paint program
- xpic - interface to pic
- Miscellaneous Utilities
- -----------------------
- xbiff - spiffier version of xbiff
- xbmbrowser - bitmap browser
- xfaces - mail notifier which shows pictures of senders
- xfed - font editor
- xhelp - help & doc interface
- xlogout - X logout button
- xmessage - popup message
- xmore - file displayer
- xpbiff - fancy mail notifier
- xrwho - rwho interface
- xshowfonts - font display tool
- xv - image viewer
- Developer Utilities
- ===================
- xscope - X protocol monitor
- Developer Libraries
- ===================
- Xaw3d - 3d version of Athena widgets
- Xpm - pixmap library
- Benchmarks
- ==========
- x11perf - "comprehensive" server performance benchmark
- xbench - "Xstones" server performance benchmark
- Games, etc.
- ===========
- acm - flight simulator
- dtop - Mac desktop fakeout
- netrek - multiplayer star trek game
- othello - othello
- roach - slightly spiffier, more optimized xroach
- svb - Spy vs Bob
- vine - draws vines on root window
- xasteroids - like the arcade game
- xboing - breakout game
- xmille - mille card game
- xneko - keep the mouse away from the cat
- xpt - periodic table
- xtetris - tetris
- Handy Things That Are Not X Clients
- ===================================
- shar - much better than version shipped w/ NeXTOS
- unshar - much better than version shipped w/ NeXTOS