home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
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- Welcome to EUROPEAN !
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- This program was designed to
- enable you to quickly learn
- a language. Learn the words
- and spelling first...learn
- the pronunciation later !!!
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- EUROPEAN uses menus with
- selection bars as you have
- discovered.
- -
- 'F1' selector bar up/left
- 'F3' selector bar down/right
- 'F5' abort selection
- 'F7' select option
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- ==========
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- Add Data
- --------
- -
- Use this option to add more
- vocabulary to the current file.
- Just press <RETURN> to abort.
- For each part of the vocabulary
- you can enter two lines of text.
- Press <RETURN> to get onto the
- next line.
- -
- -
- Ammend Data
- -----------
- -
- To DELETE or REPLACE a vocabulary
- item select this option. Move the
- selector bar to select options.
- Pressing <SHIFT> and 'F7' over
- the NEXT option will do the
- reverse - stepping backwards
- through the data.
- -
- -
- Delete Data
- -----------
- -
- If you confirm this option all
- data IN MEMORY will be deleted
- that means the current file
- you are working with - unless
- it has been saved. The prefix
- will be deleted as well.
- -
- -
- Search
- ------
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- First select which language you
- wish to search. Then input the
- 'search text' - all occurences
- of this will be listed. The
- routine uses FULL wildcat
- searching.
- -
- -
- Sort Data
- ---------
- -
- Use this to sort the data into
- alphanumerical order. Select
- the language to sort by - then
- leave the program to do the rest.
- NOTE. lowercase has priority over
- uppercase charecters.
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- ===========
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- See 'VOCAB FILES' menu to
- select independent helpfile.
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- ==========
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- Random Test
- -----------
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- Select the language you wish
- the 'questions' to be in.
- You will now be asked twenty
- random questions from the file
- in memory.
- -
- The current score is kept
- alongside 'Number'.
- -
- A wrong answer will result in
- the border changing to red and
- the correct answer given.
- -
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- Sequential Test
- ---------------
- -
- See Random Test.
- -
- In this case though you will
- be given each question in
- memory in sequential order to
- answer.
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- ==========
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- Local Search
- ------------
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- Use this to enter a word in
- one language and recieve the
- corresponding word in the
- other. Local search only
- searches the data in memory.
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- Global Search
- -------------
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- Searches every file in every
- language on disk.
- -
- -
- Selective Search
- ----------------
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- Use this function to choose
- the files to search. If
- you know which file the word
- appears in this will save you
- time!
- -
- -
- NB. The DICTIONARY function
- will NOT affect data in memory.
- -
- -
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- ===========
- -
- This facility enables you to
- print out vocabulary listings
- for easy reference.
- -
- It is designed to work in
- conjunction with the STAR LC-10
- printer. However it should
- work correctly with other
- printers as well.
- -
- -
- Print All
- ---------
- -
- This will print out all the
- vocabulary in memory - 18
- vocabulary items to a page.
- -
- -
- Print Some
- ----------
- -
- This will cycle through the
- vocabulary with you choosing
- which items to print.
- Use F1 F3 and F7 to select.
- Press F5 to abort.
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- ========
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- Select
- ------
- -
- Use this function to declare
- the languages you will be
- working with.
- -
- LANGUAGE1 will generally be
- English.
- -
- LANGUAGE2 will be the language
- you will be learning.
- -
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- File Prefix
- -----------
- -
- Use this to identify the disk
- files by language. The
- prefix is made up of three
- characters and is integrated
- into the file name. You
- could use the following to
- identify the files -
- -
- -
- 'GER' for German files.
- 'FRE' for French files.
- 'SPA' for Spanish files etc.
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- EUROPEAN written by
- Mark Skingle June 1990.
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- zzz