home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 rem ********************************
- 20 rem * copyright cdu may 1991 *
- 30 rem * program written by j.finch *
- 40 rem * (tech-ed, cdu) *
- 50 rem * *
- 60 rem * '128 file protected' disable *
- 70 rem ********************************
- 80 :
- 90 poke53280,14:poke53281,6:print"[147][142]please enter name of program file",":";
- 100 open1,0:input#1,f$:close1:print:print"do you know the sector number on"
- 110 print"which this file can be found? press y/n[146]":poke198,0:z=0:s=1:f=0
- 120 geta$:ifa$="n"then170
- 130 ifa$<>"y"then120
- 140 print"the file is on track 18. please enter number of sector",,,":";
- 150 open1,0:input#1,s$:close1:s=val(s$):ifs<1ors>18thenrun
- 160 print:z=1
- 170 print"[147]searching...":open15,8,15,"i0":open8,8,8,"#"
- 180 print#15,"u1 8 0 18"s:input#15,e,e$,a,b:ifethen310
- 190 print#15,"b-p:8 0":get#8,t$:get#8,s$:nt=asc(t$+chr$(0)):ns=asc(s$+chr$(0))
- 200 print,,"[145](sector"s"[157]) ":forn=0to7:print#15,"b-p:8"5+n*32:fl$=""
- 210 forl=1to16:get#8,a$:fl$=fl$+a$:next
- 220 ifleft$(fl$,len(f$))=f$thenf=n+1:n=7
- 230 next:iff>0then270
- 240 s=ns:ifnt=18then180
- 250 close8:close15:print"[147]filename not found - press any key"
- 260 poke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0:run
- 270 print"[147]file found - unprotecting...":print#15,"b-p:8"2+(f-1)*32
- 280 get#8,a$:a=asc(a$+chr$(0)):print#15,"b-p:8"2+(f-1)*32
- 290 print#8,chr$(a and 191);:print#15,"u2 8 0 18"s
- 300 print"ok - it's done.":close8:close15:end
- 310 close8:close15:print"[147]disk error: "e$:print"press