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- 10 rem ********************************
- 20 rem * installation program for *
- 30 rem * autoboot 128 *
- 40 rem * *
- 50 rem * cdu techno info - j.r. finch *
- 60 rem ********************************
- 70 :
- 100 poke53280,14:poke53281,6:print"[147]insert cdu disk (volume 3, number 11)"
- 110 print"into drive with device number eight,"
- 120 print"and then press 'return' to continue.":poke198,0
- 130 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)then130
- 140 print"searching for autoboot file...":open15,8,15,"i0":open2,8,0,"autoboot 128"
- 150 input#15,e,e$:ifethenprint"disk error:":printe$:close2:close15:end
- 160 print"[145]autoboot file found. reading info...":get#2,a$,a$:fori=0to253:get#2,a$
- 170 poke49152+i,asc(a$+chr$(0)):next:close2:input#15,e,e$
- 180 ifethenprint"disk error:":printe$:close15:end
- 190 print"[145]all information read. "
- 200 print"please insert disk onto which you want"
- 210 print"the autoboot block to be written, and"
- 220 print"press 'return' to check block status.":poke198,0
- 230 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)then230
- 240 print#15,"i0":print#15,"b-a:8 1 0":input#15,e,e$:ife=0then280
- 250 ife<>65thenprint"disk error:":printe$:close15:end
- 260 print"sorry, can't continue!!":print"the autoboot block on this disk has"
- 270 print"already been written on by another":print"program!!!":close15:end
- 280 print"autoboot block is free. writing info...":open8,8,8,"#"
- 290 print#15,"b-p:8 0":fori=0to253:print#8,chr$(peek(49152+i));:next:close8
- 300 input#15,e,e$:ife<>0thenprint"disk error:":printe$:close15:end
- 310 print"success!!![146] - but don't validate the disk"
- 320 print"if you do then the d.o.s. will think"
- 330 print"that the autoboot block can be used and"
- 340 print"it may write another file over the info!":end