home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 rem ****************************
- 12 rem * a new expert system prog *
- 14 rem ****************************
- 16 cd$=""
- 18 cd$(1)=left$(cd$,5)
- 20 cd$(2)=left$(cd$,11)
- 22 cd$(3)=left$(cd$,19)
- 24 it$=" the advisor [146]"
- 26 print"[147]";tab(12);it$
- 29 print"";tab(7);" bob garner april 1990 ":gosub482
- 30 print"[147]";cd$(2);tab(7);" setting the dimensions [146]"
- 32 dim t(10,10,10),a$(15),v$(15,15),c$(20),vt(10)
- 34 s1=1065:s2=s1+37:s3=1982:s4=s3-37
- 36 de$(6)="unknown factor"
- 38 gosub518
- 40 gosub 390
- 42 poke 53281,6:gosub466
- 44 rem ************
- 46 rem * the menu *
- 48 rem ************
- 50 print"";tab(11);it$
- 52 print""tab(13)"**the menu**"
- 54 printtab(10);"1. input data"
- 56 printtab(10);"2. view the data"
- 58 printtab(10);"3. save data"
- 60 printtab(10);"4. retrieve the data"
- 62 printtab(10);"5. change the data"
- 64 printtab(10);"6. analyse data"
- 66 printtab(10);"7. scratch data"
- 68 printtab(10);"8. disk directory"
- 70 printtab(10);"9. rank data"
- 72 printtab(10);"0. quit"
- 74 printtab(10)" type the number [146]"
- 76 get m$:if m$="" then 76
- 78 m=asc(m$):if m<48 or m>57 then gosub 516:m=0:goto76
- 80 on m-47 gosub88,92,202,272,320,354,536,402,484,232
- 82 goto86
- 84 goto50
- 86 goto42
- 88 sys 64760
- 90 rem *********************
- 92 rem * naming the system *
- 94 rem *********************
- 96 print"[147]";tab(11);it$
- 98 printtab(10);" naming the system [146]"
- 100 zz=1:print"what will you call the system"
- 102 print"being created":print"";:input na$
- 104 rem ********************
- 106 rem * the attributes *
- 108 rem ********************
- 110 print"[147]";tab(11);it$
- 112 printtab(9);" creating attributes [146]"
- 114 for t=1to6
- 116 print"attribute ";t;
- 118 print"";:input a$(t)
- 120 next
- 122 print"[147]"
- 124 rem **************
- 126 rem * the values *
- 128 rem **************
- 130 print"[147]";tab(11);it$
- 132 printtab(11);" creating values [146]"
- 134 for t=1to6
- 136 print"attribute - ";a$(t)
- 138 for s=1to3
- 140 print "value ";s;
- 142 print"";:input v$(t,s)
- 144 next:print"":next:print:print:gosub390
- 146 rem *****************
- 148 rem * the decisions *
- 150 rem *****************
- 152 x=1
- 154 print"[147]";tab(11);it$
- 156 printtab(11);" the decisions [146]"
- 158 print"what if you have all these"
- 160 fort=1to6
- 162 print
- 164 fors=xto3step3
- 166 printtab(5);s;"[157]. ";v$(t,s)
- 168 next:next
- 170 print"";:input "your decision :";de$(x)
- 172 x=x+1:if x>3 then 176
- 174 goto154
- 176 print"[147]";tab(11);it$
- 178 printtab(11);" the decisions [146]"
- 180 print"what if ";de$(1);"[146] and "
- 182 print"";de$(2);"[146] are mixed"
- 184 print"";:input "your decision :";de$(x)
- 186 x=x+1
- 188 print"[147]";tab(11);it$
- 190 printtab(11);" the decisions [146]"
- 192 print"what if ";de$(2);"[146] and "
- 194 print"";de$(3);"[146] are mixed"
- 196 print"";:input "your decision :";de$(x)
- 198 return
- 200 rem ***********************
- 202 rem * screen view of data *
- 204 rem ***********************
- 206 x=1:y=3
- 208 if y>6then 226
- 210 print"[147]";tab(8);na$
- 212 for t=xtoy
- 214 print"attribute ";t;"- ";a$(t)
- 216 print
- 218 for s=1to3
- 220 printtab(5);"value";s;"- ";v$(t,s)
- 222 next:next:print:print:print
- 224 gosub390:y=y+3:x=x+3:goto208
- 226 print"[147]";tab(5)"these are your decisions"
- 228 print"":forg=1to5:printtab(6);de$(g):print"":print:next:gosub390:return
- 230 rem ********************
- 232 rem * ranking the data *
- 234 rem ********************
- 236 print"[147]";tab(11);it$
- 238 fort=1to6
- 240 print" values for attribute '";a$(t);"'"
- 242 fors=1to3
- 244 print""s;v$(t,s):next
- 246 print"":for r=1to3
- 248 ifr=1thens$="first ":goto254
- 250 ifr=2thens$="second":goto254
- 252 ifr=3thens$="third "
- 254 if s>1then printtab(10);"[145][145][145][145] ":goto 258
- 256 print""
- 258 print" which would you put ";s$
- 260 printtab(10)"";:inputc(r)
- 262 b$(t,r)=v$(t,c(r)):next
- 264 printtab(10)" ";
- 266 for s=1to3:v$(t,s)=b$(t,s):nexts
- 268 print"[147]":nextt:gosub390:return
- 270 rem *****************
- 272 rem * save the data *
- 274 rem *****************
- 276 print"[147]";tab(12);it$
- 278 print"are you sure (y/n)"
- 280 get b$:if b$="" then 280
- 282 if b$="n" then return
- 284 print"ok - i have the name file "na$" "
- 286 print"is this correct (y/n)"
- 288 get b$:if b$="" then 288
- 290 if b$="y" and len(na$)>=3 then 302
- 292 if b$="n" then 296
- 294 :
- 296 printtab(7);" type in the correct name [146]"
- 297 printtab(12);" then [return] [146]"
- 298 print:printtab(7);:input na$
- 300 if len(na$)<3 then printcd$(3);tab(11);" invalid entry [146]":gosub390:return
- 302 printtab(4);"creating ";na$;" disk file"
- 304 open 15,8,15
- 306 open4,8,4,na$+",s,w":gosub444
- 308 print#4,na$
- 310 for t=1to6:print#4,a$(t):next
- 312 fort=1to6:for s=1to3:print#4,v$(t,s):next:next
- 314 for t=1to5:print#4,de$(t):next
- 316 close15:close4:print:printtab(4);"file saved":gosub 390:return
- 318 rem *********************
- 320 rem * retrieve the data *
- 322 rem *********************
- 324 print"[147]";tab(11);it$
- 326 print"which file is to be retrieved"
- 328 print"";:input na$
- 330 if len(na$)<3 then printcd$(3);tab(11);"invalid input":gosub390:return
- 332 ta3=int((19-(len(na$)))/2)
- 334 printtab(ta3);"retrieving ";na$;"[146] data file"
- 336 open 15,8,15
- 338 open4,8,4,na$+",s"
- 340 input#4,na$
- 342 for t=1to6:input#4,a$(t):next
- 344 fort=1to6:for s=1to3:input#4,v$(t,s):next:next:gosub 444
- 346 for t=1to5:input#4,de$(t):next
- 348 close15:close4:zz=1
- 350 print"";tab(ta3);"data file ";na$;"[146] retrieved":gosub390:return
- 352 rem *******************
- 354 rem * change the data *
- 356 rem *******************
- 358 print"[147]";tab(11);it$
- 360 print"system name is ",na$;:input na$
- 362 for t=1to6
- 364 print"attribute ";t;"- ";a$(t);:input a$(t)
- 366 print
- 368 for s=1to3
- 370 print"value";s;"- ";v$(t,s);:inputv$(t,s)
- 372 next:next
- 374 print:print:print
- 376 print"these are your decisions"
- 378 for u=1to5
- 380 print"";u". ";de$(u):print:input"";de$(u)
- 382 next:print"":gosub390:return
- 384 rem ****************
- 386 rem * page control *
- 388 rem ****************
- 390 printcd$;tab(6);" space=continue [146] _ = abort [146]"
- 392 get sp$:if sp$=""then 392
- 394 if sp$=chr$(32) then return
- 396 if sp$="_" and zz>0 then tt=0:x=6:goto42
- 398 gosub516:goto392
- 400 rem *********************
- 402 rem * scratch data file *
- 404 rem *********************
- 406 open15,8,15
- 408 print"[147]expert systems"
- 410 print"continue and the data file will be"
- 412 print"scratched !"
- 414 print:print" [space] to continue - '_' to abort [146]"
- 416 get k$:if k$="" then 416
- 418 if k$=chr$(32) then 422
- 420 print:print:printtab(10)" scratch aborted !! ":gosub482:goto434
- 422 print"which file to be scratched"
- 424 print"";:input na$
- 426 print"are you sure [y/n]"
- 428 get a$:if a$="" then 428
- 430 if a$="y" then print#15,"s:";na$
- 432 print"ok ! back to the menu":gosub 482
- 434 close15:return
- 436 :
- 438 :
- 440 :
- 442 rem ***************
- 444 rem * disk errors *
- 446 rem ***************
- 448 input#15,en,em$,et,es
- 450 if en<20 then return
- 452 print"[147][158] disk error has occurred "
- 454 print"error number ";en
- 456 print"error message ";em$
- 458 print"track number ";et
- 460 print"sector number ";es
- 462 close 15
- 464 rem *****************
- 466 rem * screen edging *
- 468 rem *****************
- 470 print"[147]":poke53281,1:poke53280,6
- 472 for k=s1tos2:poke k,102:next
- 474 for k=s2tos3step40:poke k,102:next
- 476 for k=s3tos4step-1:poke k,102:next
- 478 for k=s4tos1step-40:poke k,102:next
- 480 return
- 482 for y=1to2500:next:return
- 484 rem **********************
- 486 rem * read the directory *
- 488 rem **********************
- 490 gosub466
- 492 print" this is the disk directory "
- 494 open 1,8,0,"$"
- 496 get#1,x$,x$
- 498 get#1,x$,x$,x$,x$
- 500 if st then close 1:gosub390:return
- 502 get#1,x$:if x$="" then printtab(5);chr$(34):goto498
- 504 if x$=chr$(34) then q=not q
- 506 if q then printtab(5);x$;
- 508 goto502
- 510 rem *******************
- 512 rem * screen reverser *
- 514 rem *******************
- 516 for l=1to10:sys 52992:gosub532: next:return
- 518 forj=52992to53018:readk:pokej,k:next
- 520 data 169,000,133,251,169,004,133,252
- 522 data 162,004,160,000,177,251,073,128
- 524 data 145,251,200,208,247,230,252,202
- 526 data 208,240,096
- 528 :
- 530 return
- 532 for k=1to80:next:return
- 534 rem ****************
- 536 rem * the analysis *
- 538 rem ****************
- 540 :
- 542 x=1:q=1
- 544 :
- 546 :
- 548 :
- 550 :
- 552 if tt>0 then 556
- 554 fort=1to6:c$(t)="unknown":next
- 556 :
- 558 ifzz=1thengoto574
- 560 a$(1)="attribute here"
- 562 t=1:for s=1to3
- 564 v$(t,s)="value here"
- 566 next
- 568 de$(f)="decision here"
- 570 :
- 572 print"[147]"
- 574 for t=1to6
- 576 gosub636:rem *print boxes*
- 578 printcd$(1);tab(9);a$(t):printcd$(2);
- 580 for s=1to3:printtab(5);s;"[157]. ";v$(t,s):next
- 582 :
- 584 if zz=0 then printcd$(3);de$(t):gosub390:return
- 586 rem ***********
- 588 rem * scoring *
- 590 rem ***********
- 592 :
- 594 printcd$;
- 596 get b$:if b$="" then 596
- 598 if b$="1" then vt(t)=3:goto606
- 600 if b$="2" then vt(t)=2:goto606
- 602 if b$="3" then vt(t)=1:goto606
- 604 gosub516:goto596
- 606 t(q,t,s)=vt(t)
- 608 :
- 610 if q>1 then tt=tt-t(q-1,t,s)
- 612 tt=tt+vt(t)
- 614 v=val(b$):c$(t)=v$(t,v):tt(q,t,s)=tt
- 616 if tt=x*3 then f=1:goto626
- 618 if tt=>(x*2)+1 and tt<=(x*3)-1 then f=4:goto626
- 620 if tt=x*2 then f=2:goto626
- 622 if tt=>x+1 and tt<=(x*2)-1 then f=5:goto626
- 624 if tt=x then f=3:goto626
- 626 if x<=5 then f=6
- 628 gosub668
- 630 if q=>2 then x=6:next:goto634
- 632 x=x+1:next
- 634 q=q+1:goto572
- 636 print"[147]";tab(11);it$
- 638 printtab(7);"[176][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][174]
- 640 [153][163]7);"peek peek
- 642 printtab(7);"[173][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][189]
- 644 [153]:[153]
- 646 [153][163]4);"orlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlen^
- 648 printtab(4);"[194] [194]
- 650 [153][163]4);"peek peek
- 652 printtab(4);"[194] [194]
- 654 [153][163]4);"peek peek
- 656 printtab(4);"[194] [194]
- 658 [153][163]4);"/lenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenlenexp
- 660 if zz=0 then return
- 662 print"type the number of your choice"
- 664 return
- 666 rem *********************
- 668 rem * the 'why' factors *
- 670 rem *********************
- 672 gosub466
- 674 print"";tab(11);it$
- 676 ta1=int((37-(len(na$)))/2)
- 678 print"";tab(ta1);na$;" says "
- 680 ta1=int((40-len(de$(f)))/2)
- 682 print"";tab(ta1)de$(f)
- 684 print"";tab(15)" because :"
- 686 for g=1to6
- 688 ta2=int((36-(len(a$(g))+len(c$(g))))/2)
- 690 printtab(ta2);a$(g);" is ";c$(g)
- 692 next
- 694 gosub390:return
- 696 rem *********