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- KA43/5 opens up the operating system of your Commodore 64. It gives you comprehensive
- internal commands and opens up for external commands. The internal commands are as you would
- expect, readily executable. The external commands are automatically loaded from the disk drive
- before they are executed.
- KA43/5 is a relocatable machine code (MC) utility. It will highly enhance the cooperation
- between your computer and any Epson (or IBM) compatible printer. The printer can either be
- connected to the CBM Serial port or to the User port. In the latter case the User port will act
- as a Standard Parallel Centronics port and the only hard-ware required is a simple straight
- through cable. Any character, even user defined characters can be printed with high speed. Text
- and high resolution (Hires) graphics can be intermixed in the same document. KA43/5 goes futher
- and is highly valuable even without a printer as it eases and extends the use of the disk
- drive. New external commands can easily be added at any time by the user himself.
- KA43/5 can safely be used as an utility for other programs, even other utilities. KA43
- wedges itself into the other programs and should therefore, if possible, be the last one to be
- initiated. All KA43/5 commands can be used both in direct and program mode except after an IF
- THEN command.
- Load and run KA43/5. Choose between Serial and Centronics printer and locate the
- MC-utility preferably at top of Basic RAM! If you choose this location, the program will lower
- the necessary pointers to protect itself. If in doubt go for the default values. Turn on any
- printer. You can now use OPEN 4,4 and PRINT#4 or CMD 4:LIST as normal.
- Character type for the printer (key in and press <RETURN>):
- _C0 CBM or your own definded characters printed exactly as used on the screen. The
- control codes you can use are CHR$(18) and CHR$(146) for RVS ON/OFF, CHR$(14)
- and CHR$(15) for Expand ON/OFF, CHR$(21) or CTRL U for toggling Underline
- ON/OFF, CHR$(8) for reduced linespacing (24/216") and CHR$(7) or CTRL G for Hires
- (parameters as preset by the _Gm,h,l command) intermixed with your text.
- _C0,x As above, except printer bit map density changed to x (default 76) for both text
- and Hires. Consult your printer manual. Try 76+128 if you have a Serial printer
- set for PET ASCII and not Standard ASCII (if so also use _C3 when not in _C0 mode).
- KA43/5 2
- _C1 Standard printer characters, upper/lower set as on screen (default).
- You can use your printers control codes.
- _C2 Standard printer characters with forced ASCII conversion. To be used when
- you will ensure character conversion from PET ASCII to Standard ASCII.
- _C3 Standard printer characters, emulation mode i.e. no character conversion.
- The value choosen will remain intact until you alter it or switch the computer off.
- Secondary address of the OPEN statement for device 4, the printer, have no effect. Listing of a
- program may require that you use _C0. All Commodore control codes will then be printed.
- The Character type mode will be disabled by warmstarting the computer (e.g hit RUN/STOP
- and RESTORE). Usually this will not disable the wedge. It is therefore easier to press:
- _C1<RETURN> than to make a SYS call to restart.
- _G Graphic dump of high-resolution screen. Can also be used for Multi-color,
- but you loose the colors. Keep RUN/STOP pressed to stop printing.
- _Gm As above with left margin set to m. Default is 0.
- _Gm,h As above, bit-map screen from location 256*h (i.e. h=high byte). Any value can
- be used. Most used values are 32,64,96 (default),160 and 224.
- _Gm,h,lL gives number of graphic lines to be printed. Default is 25. This command
- sets the parameters and returns without printing.
- _K Copy of text screen. You will get an exact copy as KA43/5 automatically seeks
- for the screen location and chr. set. Keep RUN /STOP pressed to stop printing.
- _Km As above with left margin set to m. Default is 0.
- _Km,1 As above with the one to denote reduced linespacing (24/216").
- _B0"T" Banner dump to screen of Text enclosed in quoation marks or string variable.
- _B1"T" As above to printer.
- _I Sets interrupt controlled screen dumps ON (does not work for Serial printers).
- KA43/5 automatically seeks the screen, it be text or Hires. Use CTRL K for
- printer copy. Disable with RUN/STOP RESTORE. The command will normally not work
- on protected programs or programs which disables the RUN/STOP and/or RESTORE keys.
- _D Directory is shown on the screen without erasing any Basic program.
- STOP the listing with the Space key.
- _E Any disk Error status is shown, i.e. disk status channel.
- _Ed Change the disk device numbers of KA43/5 commands. d to be a figure from 8 to 11.
- _E"C" Disk command, see your disk manual. Neither OPEN nor CLOSE are required.
- E.g. "C"="R0:BETTER=GOOD" which renames the program from "GOOD" to "BETTER".
- _M<Start adr.>,<End adr.+1>,"Name",<d>,1
- MC-save , d=1 for casette and d=8 for disk. Load with LOAD"Name",d,1.
- Remember to reset the Basic pointers after a MC load with NEW<RETURN>.
- _A<Adr> Additional command. <Adr.> is the SYS call address and must be a figure. Later
- SYS calls to the same address are made with _A<RETURN> only. E.g. _A49152<RETURN>.
- KA43/5 3
- _A automatically seeks for an installed machine code monitor. List from the monitor
- to the printer with : OPEN 4,4:CMD 4:_A <RETURN>
- _X"NAME" External command which will load a machine code program and jump to the first
- address loaded. The command will substitute LOAD"NAME",8,1 and the SYS number,
- with no Basic pointers altered. Thus the command will have the same effect
- as if already in memory. To recall an already loaded and executed command just
- press _X <RETURN>.
- Parameters kan be passed. Eg. _X"AUTO",10,10 <RETURN>, or _X,10,10 <RETURN>.
- KA43/5 will protect itself from beeing overwritten by an External Command with
- an OUT OF MEMORY error and it will deny to load a Basic program starting at
- normal 2049.
- The best location of KA43/5 OPEN SYSTEM is usually at top of Basic RAM. This area is most
- often not used by any other program. A draw-back is that this may unnecessary reduce the space
- available for Basic programs. The lenght of KA43/5 is 2555 bytes. You may alternatively locate
- KA43/5 in ML-RAM somewhere from 49152 to 53248. If location 49152 is interfering with other
- programs, you can choose 50693 (=53248-2555).
- By locating KA43/5 at top of Basic RAM, the program will protect itself by lowering the
- pointers of Basic RAM top (=PEEK(55)+256*PEEK(56)). Start address ( <Adr.> ) will then be
- equal to this new RAM top (normally 38405).
- You may save the ML part by help of _M if you want. SYS<Adr.> to start up the program when
- it is loaded (and the computer is reset by NEW <RETURN>). If you at the same time want the
- program to protect itself from Basic i.e. lower the Basic top then SYS<Adr.+7>.
- Be sure your printer supplies its own linefeed after carrage return (i.e. after RETURN or
- CHR$(13) is received). Try to avoid using file no. 125 to 127 as they may be used by KA43/5.
- When _C0, _G, _K or _B are in operation, KA43/5 uses the first 2k of the RAM under the
- character ROM as a temporary store. This area is hardly used by any other program.
- KA43/5 will work with most programs without difficulty, but some programs may use all
- available RAM and then wipe it out. Let's look at some programs:
- KA19/2E BASIC :Locate KA43/5 at top of Basic RAM.
- D-BASE KA9 :Locate KA43/5 at top of Basic RAM.
- SPEEDSCRIPT 3.x :Locate KA43/5 at 50693. Load SpeedScript. POKE 2481,197. RUN SpeedScript
- KA43/5 4
- DOS WEDGE :by Commodore does not like the _. To change this to e.g. ' (=SHIFT 7),
- POKE<Adr.+104>,39 where <Adr.> is start-address of KA43/5.
- All KA43/5 command is then to be preceeded by ' ,e.g 'G.
- SIMONS BASIC :Insert the cartridge. Locate KA43/5 at top of Basic RAM.
- SOME POKE's can help you to customerise KA43/5 to your needs:
- POKE<Adr.+1776>,x x is number of lines _K will dump to the printer (25 by default).
- POKE<Adr.+2217>,x Where x is ASCII value of printing character used by _B (64 by default).
- POKE<Adr.+904>,x x is Control code used for underline (21 by default). POKE<Adr.+908>,128
- for overline instead of underline.
- POKE<Adr.+1736>,x Value of reduced linespacing is x/216" (24 by default). Disable this
- facility with POKE<Adr.+1705>,96.
- POKE<Adr.+2026>,2 CBM K instead of CTRL K for Interrupt kopi to printer. POKE<Adr.+2033>,36
- and the printing starts with only a touch on the CTRL (or CBM) key.
- POKE<Adr.+1711>,234 Five bytes at your choice, from <Adr.+1729> to <Adr.+1733> will be sent to
- the printer before the _G, _K and _B1 commands and when using CHR$(8) and
- CHR$(7) in _C0 mode (i.e. commands reducing the line spacing).
- The user port at the rear left side of the CBM64 can be hooked to a Centronics printer
- with a standard parallel cable. The same cable can also be used for Easy-Script, VizaWrite ,
- Final cartridge etc.. The cable can be wired as follows:
- CBM user port: A B C D E F H J K L M N
- Centr. DB-36 : 27 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 19
- You should always connect/disconnect the printer cable at the computer end when it is not
- connected to the printer, and disconnect the power cord of the printer when connecting the
- cable to the computer. This precaution will save wear on the IC (U2, type 6526) connected to
- the User port.
- KA43/5 OPEN SYSTEM introduces a new concept for your CBM 64. You can now let the computer
- grow as you expand your libary of external commands. Exsamples of external commands are:
- _X"DELETE",100-300
- _X"RENUMBER",100,10,400-600 (Renumber the old lines 400 to 600)
- _X"OLD"
- KA43/5 is written by K]re Aanestad 1988(c) for COMMODORE 64.
- KA43/5 5