home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 5 rem"[141][154]
- 100 [143] ********************************
- 110 [143] * very simple basic parser *
- 120 [143] * by jason finch *
- 130 [143] * *
- 140 [143] * enter command and it will be *
- 150 [143] * split (verb-noun form only.) *
- 160 [143] * *
- 170 [143] * check data at end for vocab. *
- 180 [143] ********************************
- 190 [141]500:[133]"loadprintwhat now";comm$:[143]"gosub
- 200 noun$="": verb$="": vb=0: no=0
- 210 l=len(comm$)
- 220 for x=1 to l
- 230 if mid$(comm$,x,1)=" " then x=l: goto 250
- 240 verb$=verb$+mid$(comm$,x,1)
- 250 next
- 260 v$=verb$:verb$=left$(v$,4)
- 270 f=0: for x=1 to nv
- 280 if verb$=vb$(x) then vb=x: f=1: x=nv
- 290 next: if f=1 then 320
- 300 vb=0: if v$=comm$ then 340
- 310 goto 330
- 320 if(len(v$)+1) >= len(comm$) then noun=0: goto 420
- 330 noun$=right$(comm$,l-1-len(v$))
- 340 n$=noun$:noun$=left$(n$,4)
- 350 f=0: for x=1 to nn
- 360 if no$(x)=noun$ then no=x: f=1:x=nn
- 370 next: if f=1 then 390
- 380 no=0: goto 420
- 390 goto 420:rem"[141][154]
- 400 :
- 410 :
- 420 [153] "sys verb: open"v$
- 430 [153] "sys noun: open"n$
- 440 [153]
- 450 [153] "sys verb number:open"vb
- 460 [153] "sys noun number:open"no
- 470 [153]:[153]:[153]"":[128]
- 480 :
- 490 :
- 500 [151]53280,5:[151]53281,11
- 510 nv[178]6: nn[178]4
- 520 [129] x[178]1 [164] nv: [135] vb$(x): [130]
- 530 [129] x[178]1 [164] nn: [135] no$(x): [130]
- 540 [142]
- 550 :
- 560 :
- 570 [131] get,drop,sear,look,eat,hit
- 580 [131] coin,key,door,appl