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- 10000 rem *****************************
- 10010 rem * lite menus! o/s version 1 *
- 10020 rem * created by *
- 10030 rem * madhu surendranath (16) *
- 10040 rem * (c) copyright jan. 1991 *
- 10050 rem *****************************
- 10060 if x=0 or y=0 or ch=0 then print"?undefined parameters error":stop
- 10070 if ch=1 then c$(1)="[166]":c$(2)="[166]":c$(3)="[166]":c$(4)="[166]":c$(5)="[166]":c$(6)="[166]"
- 10080 if ch=2 then c$(1)="[176]":c$(2)="[195]":c$(3)="[174]":c$(4)="[194]":c$(5)="[173]":c$(6)="[189]"
- 10090 if ch=3 then c$(1)="[213]":c$(2)="[195]":c$(3)="[201]":c$(4)="[194]":c$(5)="[202]":c$(6)="[203]"
- 10100 oc=peek(646):poke 646,col
- 10110 poke 781,y:poke782,x:sys 65520
- 10120 print c$(1);:for a=1 to x1-2
- 10130 print c$(2);:next:print c$(3)
- 10140 for a=1 to y1-2
- 10150 print tab(x) c$(4) tab(x+x1-1) c$(4)
- 10160 next a
- 10170 print tab(x) c$(5);:for a=1 to x1-2
- 10180 print c$(2);:next:print c$(6)
- 10190 poke 646,oc
- 10200 return
- 11000 rem ** flash/menu **
- 11010 if x=0 or y=0 or o$(1)="" then print"?undefined parameters error":stop
- 11020 y=ps+a
- 11030 poke 781,y:poke 782,ta:sys65520
- 11040 poke 199,1:print o$(a);:poke199,0
- 11050 get a$:ifa$<>""anda$<>"[145]"anda$<>chr$(13)then11050
- 11060 ifa$=""then b=a:a=a+1:goto11090
- 11070 ifa$="[145]"then b=a:a=a-1:goto11110
- 11080 ifa$=chr$(13) then zz=y:goto11130
- 11090 ifb=max thena=min:poke781,y:poke782,ta:sys65520:printo$(b):b=min:goto11020
- 11100 ifb<>max then poke781,ps+b:poke782,ta:sys65520:printo$(b):goto11020
- 11110 ifb=min thena=max:poke781,y:poke782,ta:sys65520:printo$(b):b=max:goto11020
- 11120 ifb<>min then poke781,ps+b:poke782,ta:sys65520:printo$(b):goto11020
- 11130 y=zz:forl=1 to 4
- 11140 poke 646,11:gosub11190
- 11150 poke 646,12:gosub11190
- 11160 poke 646,15:gosub11190
- 11170 next l
- 11180 return
- 11190 print"":forg=1to(zz-1):print"";:nextg:printtab(ta);
- 11200 poke199,1:printo$(a):poke199,0:forq=1to10:nextq
- 11210 return
- 12000 rem ** print at **
- 12010 if x=0 or y=0 then print"?undefined parameters error":stop
- 12020 poke 781,y:poke 782,x:sys 65520
- 12030 return