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- 10 rem ************************
- 20 rem * lite menus! o/s demo *
- 30 rem * created by *
- 40 rem * madhu surendranath *
- 50 rem * (c) copyright jan 91 *
- 60 rem ************************
- 70 poke 53280,0:poke53281,0:poke646,15:poke53272,23:printchr$(8)
- 80 print"[147][215]elcome to the [204][201][212][197] [205][197][206][213][211]! [146] demo"
- 100 print"[194]y [205]adhu [211]urendranath."
- 110 print"[204][201][212][197] [205][197][206][213][211]! will transform your way"
- 120 print"of creating menus. [201]nstead of writing"
- 130 print"complex routines in [205]/[195] to get"
- 140 print"highlight bars, this routine will do"
- 150 print"that job for you, and it is written in"
- 160 print"[194][193][211][201][195]!!"
- 170 print"[193]ll you have to do is setup a few"
- 180 print"parameters and a list of the subject"
- 190 print"headings."
- 200 gosub 990
- 210 print"[147][201]f your still not convicted that it "
- 220 print"could be so easy, watch this space "
- 230 print"[208][204][197][193][211][197][160][212][217][208][197][160][201][206] 5 [211][213][194][202][197][195][212][211]"
- 240 forj=1to5
- 250 print" (";j;")";:input o$(j):ifo$(j)=""then250
- 260 ln=len(o$(j)):ifln>len(o$(j-1))thendl=j
- 265 nextj
- 270 print"[208][204][197][193][211][197][160][212][217][208][197] [201][206][160][216] co-ord[160][198][207][210][160][212][200][197][160][204][201][211][212]"
- 280 print"x co-ord = ";:input x:ifx<1orx>30 then 280 :dx=x
- 290 print"[208][204][197][193][211][197][160][212][217][208][197][160][201][206][160][217] co-ord [198][207][210][160][212][200][197][160][204][201][211][212]"
- 300 print"y co-ord = ";:input y:ify<1ory>20 then 300 :dy=y
- 310 dx=x: dy=y:gosub 990
- 320 print"[147] [212]he list will be printed at:"
- 325 print"x=";x;" y=";y : x1=y
- 330 x=0:gosub12000:x=x1
- 340 for j=1 to 5
- 350 print tab(x);o$(j):
- 360 next j
- 365 gosub 990
- 370 print"[147][206]ow we have to put the bar in for the"
- 380 print"highlight. [206]ow we setup some variables."
- 390 print"[200]ere is a list of parameters :-"
- 400 print"[205][201][206] : [205]inimum number of the list"
- 410 print"[205][193][216] : [205]aximum number of the list"
- 420 print"[208][211] : [206]umber of lines from top of screen ([217] co-ord -1)"
- 430 print"[193] : [195]ontrol variable (set to 1)"
- 440 print"[212][193] : [206]umber of chars from left edge of the screen ([216] co-ord)"
- 450 print"and that is it."
- 460 print"[211]o in this case, the parameters are :-"
- 470 print"[205][201][206]=1:[205][193][216]=5:[208][211]=";(y-1);":[193]=1:[212][193]=";x;":"
- 480 print"[199][207][211][213][194]11000"
- 490 gosub990
- 500 print"[147][201]t is usually nice to surround the "
- 510 print"menu with a border."
- 520 print"[206]ow with [204][201][212][197]-[205][197][206][213][211]! no more looking"
- 530 print"for those graphic characters, just"
- 540 print"give x,y co-ords, x,y size length and"
- 550 print"a choice of one of the 3 surrounds."
- 560 print"[212]he surrounds are defined as :-"
- 570 print"[195][200]=1 : '[166]' hatched box"
- 580 print"[195][200]=2 : '[176]' square box"
- 590 print"[195][200]=3 : '(' circular box"
- 600 print"[217]ou can also change the colour if you"
- 610 print"wish."
- 620 gosub 990
- 630 print"[147][197]xample definition of a box."
- 640 print"[216]=10:[217]=8:[216]1=15:[217]1=8:[195][207][204]=4:[195][200]=1: [199][207][211][213][194]10000"
- 650 print"[206]ow you will see a box as defined...."
- 660 x=10:y=8:x1=15:y1=8:col=4:ch=1:gosub10000
- 670 print"[206]ext is a demo of random boxes of"
- 680 print"of random colours at random positions."
- 690 print"[212]o exit the next screen, press [211][208][193][195][197][146]"
- 700 gosub990
- 710 print"[147]":poke53272,21:printchr$(8):a=rnd(-ti)
- 720 x=int(rnd(1)*29)+1 : y=int(rnd(1)*13)+1
- 730 x1=int(rnd(1)*10)+1: y1=int(rnd(1)*10)+1:x1=x1+1:y1=y1+1
- 740 col=int(rnd(1)*15)+1 : ch=int(rnd(1)*3)+1
- 750 gosub10000
- 760 gets$:ifs$=" "then800
- 770 goto720
- 800 print"[147]":poke53272,23
- 810 print"[198]inal [211]ection - [204][201][212][197] [205][197][206][213][211]!"
- 820 print"[215]ith the five subject titles you "
- 830 print"typed in, [204][201][212][197][160][205][197][206][213][211]! will create a "
- 840 print"menu with a hi-light bar using the"
- 850 print"the techniques used during this demo."
- 860 print"[201] hope that this demo will help you "
- 870 print"create menus with the minimum of work."
- 880 print"[198]or further assistance, please read"
- 890 print"[195]ommodore [196]isk [213]ser."
- 900 gosub990:print"[147]":poke53272,21
- 905 print"[147]demo menu set up by you!! [146]"
- 907 print"[183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183]"
- 908 print" crsr [146] (execute) return [146] (select)"
- 910 x=dx:y=dy:x1=len(o$(dl))+2:y1=7:col=3:ch=2:gosub10000
- 920 print""
- 930 x=x+1:y=y+1:gosub12000
- 940 forj=1to5:print tab(dx+1);o$(j):nextj
- 950 min=1:max=5:ps=y-1:a=1:ta=x:gosub11000
- 960 forj=1to1000:nextj:print"";:forj=1to998:print" [146][157][157] ";:nextj:print"[147]"
- 970 poke53272,23:printchr$(8);
- 972 print"[147][212]hank you for using this demo."
- 974 print"[208]lease feel free to add [204][201][212][197] [205][197][206][213][211]! to"
- 976 print"your own programs, but it would be"
- 978 print"nice to see an acknowledgement for "
- 980 print"using it in your own creations."
- 982 print"[204][201][212][197][160][205][197][206][213][211]! menu system created by"
- 984 print"[205]adhu [211]urendranath. [202]anuary 1991."
- 989 end
- 990 print" [208]ress < [211][208][193][195][197] > [212]o [195]ontinue [146]"
- 992 gets$:ifs$=""then992
- 993 ifs$=" "then return
- 994 goto 992
- 999 end
- 10000 rem *****************************
- 10010 rem * lite menus! o/s version 1 *
- 10020 rem * created by *
- 10030 rem * madhu surendranath (16) *
- 10040 rem * (c) copyright jan. 1991 *
- 10050 rem *****************************
- 10060 if ch=1 then c$(1)="[166]":c$(2)="[166]":c$(3)="[166]":c$(4)="[166]":c$(5)="[166]":c$(6)="[166]"
- 10070 if ch=2 then c$(1)="[176]":c$(2)="[195]":c$(3)="[174]":c$(4)="[194]":c$(5)="[173]":c$(6)="[189]"
- 10080 if ch=3 then c$(1)="[213]":c$(2)="[195]":c$(3)="[201]":c$(4)="[194]":c$(5)="[202]":c$(6)="[203]"
- 10090 oc=peek(646):poke 646,col
- 10100 poke 781,y:poke782,x:sys 65520
- 10110 print c$(1);:for a=1 to x1-2
- 10120 print c$(2);:next:print c$(3)
- 10130 for a=1 to y1-2
- 10140 print tab(x) c$(4) tab(x+x1-1) c$(4)
- 10150 next a
- 10160 print tab(x) c$(5);:for a=1 to x1-2
- 10170 print c$(2);:next:print c$(6)
- 10180 poke 646,oc
- 10190 return
- 11000 rem ** flash/menu **
- 11010 y=ps+a
- 11020 poke 781,y:poke 782,ta:sys65520
- 11030 poke 199,1:print o$(a);:poke199,0
- 11040 get a$:ifa$<>""anda$<>"[145]"anda$<>chr$(13)then11040
- 11050 ifa$=""then b=a:a=a+1:goto11080
- 11060 ifa$="[145]"then b=a:a=a-1:goto11100
- 11070 ifa$=chr$(13) then zz=y:goto11120
- 11080 ifb=max thena=min:poke781,y:poke782,ta:sys65520:printo$(b):b=min:goto11010
- 11090 ifb<>max then poke781,ps+b:poke782,ta:sys65520:printo$(b):goto11010
- 11100 ifb=min thena=max:poke781,y:poke782,ta:sys65520:printo$(b):b=max:goto11010
- 11110 ifb<>min then poke781,ps+b:poke782,ta:sys65520:printo$(b):goto11010
- 11120 y=zz:forl=1 to 4
- 11130 poke 646,11:gosub11180
- 11140 poke 646,12:gosub11180
- 11150 poke 646,15:gosub11180
- 11160 next l
- 11170 return
- 11180 print"":forg=1to(zz-1):print"";:nextg:printtab(ta);
- 11190 poke199,1:printo$(a):poke199,0:forq=1to10:nextq
- 11200 return
- 12000 rem * print at *
- 12010 poke 781,y:poke782,x:sys65520
- 12020 return