home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 poke788,52
- 12 ifz=1thenm$=ld$:gosub1200:goto1310
- 13 ifz=5thens$=ld$:gosub1220:goto1350
- 17 ifp=2then430
- 18 gosub999
- 19 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147][159]":printtab(11)chr$(18)"games list creator"
- 20 printtab(12)chr$(18)"written by j.kay":printtab(18)"[158]menu"
- 30 printtab(18)"[183][183][183][183]":print" [1] create a new list.":p=0
- 40 print" [2] add to an old list.":print" [3] create a new scrolling message."
- 50 print" [4] run games list."
- 51 print"[158]copyright commodore disk user 1990"
- 60 geta$:ifa$="1"thenmp=20000:ms$="(new list entry)":goto100
- 61 ifa$="2"thenms$="(old list update)":goto390
- 62 ifa$="3"then600
- 63 ifa$="4"then1010
- 64 goto60
- 100 print"[147]enter 'q' to finish"
- 101 print"press a key a key to begin...":gp=0
- 102 geta$:ifa$=""then102
- 103 print"[147]"
- 110 print" "
- 111 print"[154]^ maximum----title length ^"
- 112 print"enter game title"
- 120 print"games processed-";gp
- 121 print"[156]";ms$
- 123 print"[153]$=dir q=save-list[146]"
- 130 print"[159]*";
- 140 geta$
- 141 ifa$="$"then2000
- 142 ifa$="#"ora$=""then140
- 150 n=asc(a$):ifn=13thengp=gp+1:goto200
- 160 print"[157]";chr$(n);"*";
- 170 goto 140
- 200 forx=1024to1052
- 210 r=peek(x):ifr=42then290
- 220 pokemp,r:mp=mp+1
- 225 ifmp=3999 thengosub1600
- 226 ifmp=3999 then print"[147]out of memory,saving titles to disk now!":goto310
- 230 nextx
- 290 ifpeek(mp-2)=35thenifpeek(mp-1)=17then310
- 300 pokemp,35:mp=mp+1:goto110
- 310 pokemp-1,5:poke(mp),14:poke(mp+1),4:poke(mp+2),36:forx=3to11:pokemp+x,35:next
- 311 gosub1600
- 312 print"[147]clearing old file,please wait.....":open15,8,15,"s:the games":close15
- 313 print"saving 'the games' to disk,please wait.."
- 340 sys40000
- 350 print"save operation complete,any key for menu"
- 360 geta$:ifa$=""then360
- 361 goto19
- 390 gosub1600
- 400 print"[147]loading in games,please wait............":p=2:load"the games",8,1
- 430 print"[147]=-searching for end"
- 431 forx=20000to34880
- 435 print"";x
- 440 ifpeek(x)=36thenmp=x:goto460
- 450 next
- 460 pokemp-4,35:mp=mp-3:goto100
- 462 pokemp-4,35:mp=mp-3:goto100
- 600 print"[147]size of space(1-5)?"
- 601 geta$:ifa$=""then601
- 602 ifa$="1"thensb=1:goto649
- 603 ifa$="2"thensb=2:goto649
- 604 ifa$="3"thensb=3:goto649
- 605 ifa$="4"thensb=4:goto649
- 606 ifa$="5"thensb=5:goto649
- 610 goto601
- 649 forx=1to25:print:nextx:print"_end here"
- 650 lp=1024:poke1024,42
- 660 geta$:ifa$=""then660
- 670 p=asc(a$):q=p-64
- 671 iflp<>1024thenifp=20thenpokelp,32:pokelp-1,42:lp=lp-1:goto660
- 672 ifp=32thenq=32:fork=1tosb:pokelp,q:lp=lp+1:pokelp,42:next:iflp=>1974then700
- 673 ifp=32then660
- 674 ifp=13then700
- 675 ifp<65 or p>90 then 660
- 680 pokelp,q:lp=lp+1:pokelp,42:iflp=1974thengoto700
- 690 goto660
- 700 b=0:forx=1024tolp:u=peek(x):ifu=32thenu=0
- 701 poke49152+b,u:b=b+1:pokex,32:next:poke49152+(b-1),56
- 705 gosub1600
- 706 print"[147][158]scratching old file,please wait........."
- 707 open15,8,15,"s:message":close15
- 708 print"saving memory to disk,please wait......."
- 709 sys40059
- 710 print"save complete,press a key for menu....."
- 720 geta$:ifa$=""then720
- 721 goto19
- 950 data169,8,160,255,162,8,32,186
- 951 data255,169,9,162,100,160,156,32
- 952 data189,255,169,32,133,251,169,78
- 953 data133,252,169,251,162,183,160,136
- 954 data32,216,255,96,84,72,69,32
- 955 data71,65,77,69,83,77,69,83
- 956 data83,65,71,69,83,0,0,0
- 957 data0,0,0,169,8,160,255,162
- 958 data8,32,186,255,169,7,162,109
- 959 data160,156,32,189,255,169,0,133
- 960 data251,169,192,133,252,169,251,162
- 961 data0,160,196,32,216,255,96
- 999 forx=40000to40094:reads:pokex,s:next:return
- 1010 gosub1600
- 1011 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 1012 nl$="needs loading":bl$="being loaded ":ld$="loaded ":print"[147]"
- 1013 m$=nl$:s$=nl$:p$=nl$:e$=nl$:t$=nl$
- 1020 print"hit a key to load and run the games list":gosub1200
- 1030 geta$:ifa$=""then1030
- 1040 k=1:goto1300
- 1200 rem
- 1210 print"message-----";m$:ifk=1thenreturn
- 1220 print"the games---";s$:ifk=1thenreturn
- 1261 return
- 1300 z=1:m$=bl$:gosub1200:load"message",8,1
- 1310 z=5:s$=bl$:gosub1220:load"the games",8,1.
- 1320 z=5:s$=bl$:gosub1220:load"the games",8,1.
- 1350 print"press a key to run games list"
- 1360 geta$:ifa$=""then1360
- 1380 sys35300
- 1500 print""
- 1501 forf=1to16:print" ":next
- 1502 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]":return
- 1600 print"[147] insert 'the games' disk":print:print" then press return"
- 1605 geta$:ifa$=""then1605
- 1606 return
- 2000 print" ":gosub1500
- 2010 open1,8,0,"$"
- 2020 get#1,a$,b$
- 2025 forx=1to144
- 2030 get#1,a$,b$:get#1,a$,b$:c=0
- 2060 ifa$<>""thenc=asc(a$)
- 2070 ifb$<>""thenc=c+asc(b$)*256
- 2080 print""mid$(str$(c),2);tab(4);"[146]";
- 2090 get#1,b$:ifst<>0then2180
- 2100 ifb$<>chr$(34)then2090
- 2110 get#1,b$:ifb$<>chr$(34)thenprintb$;:goto2110
- 2120 get#1,b$:ifb$=chr$(32)then2120
- 2130 printtab(21);:c$=""
- 2140 c$=c$+b$:get#1,b$:ifb$<>""then2140
- 2150 print""left$(c$,3):gosub4000
- 2155 nextx
- 2170 ifst=0then2030
- 2180 print"blocks free[146]"
- 2190 close1:goto3000
- 3000 print"[156] $=directory t=typing [146]"
- 3100 geta$:ifa$=""then3100
- 3200 ifa$="$"then2000
- 3310 ifa$="t"thenprint"[145] ":goto123
- 3999 goto3100
- 4000 ifx=15orx=30orx=45orx=60orx=75orx=90orx=105orx=120orx=135thengosub4040
- 4010 return
- 4040 print"[156]anykey=continue t-typing"
- 4041 geta$:ifa$=""then4041
- 4042 ifa$="$"then4050
- 4043 ifa$="t"thenclose1:print"[145] ":goto123
- 4050 print""
- 4051 forf=1to16:print" ":next
- 4052 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]":return