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- ;
- ; Smooth scroller, Copyright A.Millett
- ;
- *=$9c00
- ;
- vic = 53248 ; Vic chip
- sprptrs = 33784
- hibits = vic + 16 ; MSB of sprite posns
- zptr = $fb
- zptr2= $fd
- zmsgptr = $fb
- kbhit = 198 ; Set if char typed.
- vdu = 32768 ; Loc of screen
- colram = $d800 ; Loc of color ram
- ;
- ; Jump vector table..
- dosmooth.
- jmp main
- resetsmooth.
- jmp init
- jspecialfx.
- jmp specialfx
- jdorotate.
- jsr dorotatechar
- jwait1scr.
- jmp wait1scr
- jfillvdu.
- jmp fillvdu
- jdo1dot.
- jmp do1dot
- ;
- .byte 0,0,0
- .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- ; Ok, flags start at $9c28
- ;
- msgptr. ; If any scroll of edge, this is ptr to new spr
- .word $9000
- msgloc.
- .word $9000
- chrsetloc. ; Loc of user def char set
- .word $8800
- index.
- .byte 0
- rmarg. ; Reset pos for new spr
- .byte 112
- lmarg.
- .byte 24
- hspacing. ; Horizontal spacing of sprites.
- .byte 46
- scolor. ; Sprite color
- .byte 1
- widemode. ; Double width sprites
- .byte 255
- wiggleflag. ; Set for jumping scroll
- .byte 0
- speed. ; Scroll speed in x/50 sec/dot
- .byte 0
- sproffset. ; Start of sprites
- .byte 127
- hline. ; Screen line for scroll
- .byte 224
- moveby2flag. ; Move scroll by 2 if bit 7 set
- .byte 0
- fillchar. ; Char for screen fill
- .byte 87
- tickchar. ; Char used for 'tick' fx
- .byte 209
- rotchar. ; Char rotated for moving background
- .byte 87
- rotlen. ; No of pixels to rotate
- .byte 7
- fillcolor. ; Color for screen fill
- .byte 0
- mask.
- .byte 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128
- wiggle. ; Vert wiggle factor
- .byte 7,5,4,3,2,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,2,3,4,5
- ;
- ;
- main.
- mainloop.
- jsr dorotatechar ; Rotate scrolling background
- ldx speed ; First wait for a time & sync to screen
- wloop.
- jsr wait1scr
- dex
- bpl wloop
- jsr do1dot ; Scroll message 1 dot..
- bit moveby2flag ; 2 dot move ?
- bpl no2move ; No..
- jsr do1dot ; Scroll message 1 more dot..
- no2move.
- lda kbhit
- beq mainloop ; No key hit, reloop..
- rts ; Ok, done!
- ;
- do1dot. ; Scroll 1 dot left,
- ldx #$00 ; Index into sprites
- ldy #$00
- sty index
- more.
- lda vic,x
- bne nohi ; No overflow..
- lda mask,y ; Get hi bit
- and hibits
- bne nonew ; Set, so clear..
- jsr newsprite ; Start a new sprite
- clc
- bcc nohi
- nonew. ; Lo byte overflow, clr hi bit
- lda mask,y
- eor # $ff ; Calc mask for hi bit
- and hibits
- sta hibits
- nohi. ; Ok, now set vert pos
- dec vic,x ; Move spr left
- ldy index
- lda #0
- bit wiggleflag ; Do we wiggle ?
- bpl nowiggle
- lda vic,x ; use hpos as index to wiggle
- and # $0f
- tay
- lda wiggle,y
- nowiggle.
- clc ; Now add in norm vert line
- adc hline
- sta vic+1,x ; Store vert pos for sprite.
- inc index ; Ok, next sprite..
- ldy index
- inx
- inx
- cpy # 8
- bne more ; next sprite..
- rts ; Ok, done!
- ;
- newsprite. ; Start a new sprite
- lda rmarg ; Start new sprite far right
- sta vic,x
- lda mask,y
- ora hibits ; Set hi bit
- sta hibits
- nextmsg. ; Advance message pointer
- inc msgptr
- bne getmsg
- inc msgptr+1
- getmsg. ; Get char from msg string
- lda msgptr ; Mov ptr to zero page
- sta zmsgptr
- lda msgptr+1
- sta zmsgptr+1
- ldy #0
- lda (zmsgptr),y ; Get msg char
- bne new2 ; Not null yet, so print..
- lda msgloc ; End of message, so reset msg to start
- sta msgptr
- lda msgloc+1
- sta msgptr+1
- clc
- bcc getmsg
- new2.
- bpl normlet ; No special effects
- cmp #128 ; Toggle wiggle ?
- bne new3
- lda #$80
- eor wiggleflag
- sta wiggleflag
- clc
- bcc nextmsg ; Another msg char..
- new3.
- cmp #129 ; Toggle 2 dot speed?
- bne new4
- lda #$80
- eor moveby2flag
- sta moveby2flag
- clc
- bcc nextmsg ; Another msg char..
- new4.
- and #$1f
- sta speed
- clc
- bcc nextmsg ; Another msg char..
- normlet. ; Ok norm letter in acc, store in sprite ptr
- ldy index
- clc
- adc sproffset
- sta sprptrs,y
- jsr specialfx ; Move line in ball chr
- rts
- ;
- specialfx. ; Move line in ball chr
- tya
- pha ; stash y reg
- lda tickchar ; Character to tick
- jsr setchrptr ; Set up (zptr) to char
- ldy #3
- lda (zptr),y
- pha
- iny
- lda (zptr),y
- dey
- sta (zptr),y
- pla
- iny
- sta (zptr),y
- pla
- tay
- rts
- ;
- dorotatechar. ; Rotate special char vertically for effect
- tya
- pha ; stash y reg
- lda rotchar ; Character to rotate
- jsr setchrptr ; Set up (zptr) to char
- ldy rotlen ; No to rotate
- lda (zptr),y ; Stash top one
- pha
- spec1.
- dey ; Ripple bytes down..
- lda (zptr),y
- iny
- sta (zptr),y
- dey
- bne spec1
- pla
- sta (zptr),y ; Reget top val and put at bottom
- pla ; Reget y reg
- tay
- rts
- ;
- setchrptr. ; Set up (zptr) to point to loc of char in Acc
- ldy #0 ; Clr hi byte zptr
- sty zptr+1
- asl a ; Mult char by 8
- rol zptr+1
- asl a
- rol zptr+1
- asl a
- rol zptr+1
- clc ; Add in chr address to chrset location
- adc chrsetloc
- sta zptr
- lda zptr+1
- adc chrsetloc+1
- sta zptr+1
- rts
- ;
- fillvdu. ; Fill vdu with (fillchar)
- jsr setcolor ; Fill color ram
- lda fillchar
- ldy #0
- fill1.
- sta vdu,y
- sta vdu+256,y
- sta vdu+512,y
- sta vdu+768,y
- iny
- bne fill1
- rts
- ;
- setcolor. ; Fill color ram with (fillcolor)
- lda fillcolor
- ldy #0
- fill2.
- sta colram,y
- sta colram+256,y
- sta colram+512,y
- sta colram+768,y
- iny
- bne fill2
- rts
- ;
- wait1scr. ; Wait for screen to finish
- lda vic+18 ; Current raster val
- cmp #250
- bcc wait1scr
- wait2.
- lda vic+18 ; Current raster val
- cmp #250
- bcs wait2
- rts
- ;
- init. ; Initialise sprite positions and switch them on
- lda #0
- sta hibits
- sta wiggleflag ; No wiggle to start
- sta moveby2flag ; Slow to start
- lda msgloc ; Reset message pointer
- sta msgptr
- lda msgloc+1
- sta msgptr+1
- ldx #0
- ldy #0
- lda lmarg ; Xpos index lo
- sta zptr
- stx zptr+1 ; Xpos hi
- init1.
- lda hline
- sta vic+1,x ; Set Y pos of sprite
- lda zptr
- sta vic,x ; Set sprite X pos lo byte
- lda zptr+1 ; Any hi bit for sprite?
- beq init2 ; Leave hi bit clr
- lda mask,y ; Set sprite(y) hi bit
- ora hibits
- sta hibits
- init2.
- lda scolor ; Ok, Set color for sprite
- sta vic+39,y
- lda sproffset
- clc
- adc #1 ; all sprite start spc
- sta sprptrs,y
- lda zptr
- clc
- adc hspacing
- sta zptr
- bcc init3
- inc zptr+1
- init3.
- inx
- inx
- iny
- cpy #8
- bne init1
- lda widemode
- sta vic+29
- lda #255
- sta vic+21 ; Switch on sprites
- rts
- ;