home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 5 ifz%=0thenz%=1:poke631,32:poke198,1:load"p.code",8,1
- 10 rem *** preferences program
- 20 rem *** to demonstrate use of
- 30 rem *** pointer code.
- 40 rem *** by william phillips 1988.
- 50 :
- 60 gosub5010
- 70 gosub5220
- 80 gosub5180
- 90 gosub5260
- 95 ifpeek(49886)>0then90
- 100 x%=peek(49872)+256*(peek(49873)and1)
- 110 ifx%>25andx%<162then150
- 120 ifx%>164andx%<259then550
- 130 ifx%>260andx%<341thensys49274:printchr$(147):end
- 140 goto90
- 150 m%=0:gosub5320
- 160 poke684,7:poke679,1
- 170 gosub5260:ifpeek(710)=0then170
- 180 gosub5470
- 190 y%=s%-4
- 200 ony%goto210,250,290,330,390,540
- 210 m%=7:gosub5320
- 220 a%=peek(49413)
- 230 x%=7:y%=19:l%=31:n%=19:gosub5560
- 240 poke49413,a%:goto90
- 250 m%=12:gosub5320
- 260 a%=peek(49408)
- 270 x%=8:y%=23:l%=7:n%=1:gosub5560
- 280 poke49408,a%:goto90
- 290 m%=17:gosub5320
- 300 a%=peek(49396)
- 310 x%=9:y%=23:l%=7:n%=5:gosub5560
- 320 poke49396,a%:goto90
- 330 m%=22:gosub5320
- 340 poke684,3:poke679,1
- 350 gosub5260:ifpeek(710)=0then350
- 360 gosub5470:gosub5520
- 370 dc%=s%-12:ifdc%=3then540
- 380 dv%=dc%:ifdv%=2then80
- 385 dv%=1-dv%:goto80
- 390 m%=27:gosub5320
- 400 poke684,14:poke679,1
- 410 gosub5260:ifpeek(710)=0then410
- 420 gosub5470
- 430 g%=s%-13:ifg%=3then540
- 440 l%=0:ifg%=2thenl%=1
- 450 x%=14+g%:gosub5680
- 460 gosub5260
- 470 y%=peek(49886)
- 480 ify%<(x%+1)ory%>(x%+2)thengoto460
- 490 y%=peek(49885)
- 495 ify%<3ory%>2*(17-l%)thengoto460
- 500 p%=int((y%-3)/2)+l%
- 510 ifg%=0thentl%=p%
- 520 ifg%=1thenpoke49332,p%
- 530 ifg%=2thenpoke53287,p%
- 540 gosub5520:goto70
- 550 m%=32:gosub5320
- 560 poke781,6:poke782,10:sys58634:printchr$(158)"]"left$(y$,13):poke53269,0
- 565 t%=peek(49408):t1%=peek(49396):poke49396,0:poke49408,0
- 570 f$=""
- 580 poke781,6:poke782,11:sys58634:printf$;" ";chr$(157);:poke204,0
- 590 geta$:ifa$=chr$(13)then640
- 600 ifa$=chr$(20)andlen(f$)>0thenpoke204,1:print" "
- 605 ifa$=chr$(20)andlen(f$)>0thenf$=left$(f$,len(f$)-1):goto580
- 610 ifa$<" "ora$>"[218]"then590
- 620 iflen(f$)<13thenf$=f$+a$
- 630 goto580
- 640 poke204,1:iff$=""then800
- 660 m%=35:gosub5320
- 670 r%=0:geta$:ifa$="[212]"ora$="t"thenr%=1:f$=chr$(5)+chr$(14)+chr$(8)+f$
- 680 ifa$="[196]"ora$="d"thenr%=8:goto710
- 690 ifr%=0then670
- 700 m%=38:gosub5320
- 705 if(peek(1)and16)=16then705
- 706 geta$:ifa$=""then705
- 710 sys49274:savef$,r%,1
- 720 poke186,r%:poke184,1:poke185,1
- 740 f$="p.code":fori=1to6:poke53230+i,asc(mid$(f$,i,1)):next
- 750 poke183,6:poke187,239:poke188,207
- 760 poke251,0:poke252,192
- 770 poke781,93:poke782,195
- 780 poke780,251
- 790 sys65496:sys65484
- 800 sys49152
- 810 poke49408,t%:poke49396,t1%:goto540
- 3999 end
- 5000 rem *** initialise
- 5010 poke679,0:poke710,0:printchr$(147)chr$(14)chr$(8)
- 5020 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 5030 fori=685to709:pokei,1:next
- 5040 poke49332,1:poke49413,19
- 5045 poke49396,5:poke49408,1
- 5050 poke49872,128:poke49874,128
- 5060 poke49873,0:poke53287,1
- 5070 dv%=2:tl%=6
- 5080 dimc%(15),m$(40)
- 5090 fori=0to15:readc%(i):next
- 5100 z$="[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 5110 y$=" "
- 5115 k%=0:fori=0to8
- 5120 readx%,y%,l%,d%,q%,b%,v%,t$:m$(k%)=chr$(x%)+chr$(y%)+chr$(l%)+chr$(d%)
- 5130 m$(k%)=m$(k%)+chr$(q%)+chr$(b%)+chr$(v%)+t$:ford=1tod%:readm$(k%+d):next
- 5140 k%=k%+1+d%:next
- 5150 poke781,24:poke782,1:poke783,48:poke658,1:sys58634
- 5155 printchr$(153)"'[208]references' program by [215]. [208]hillips"
- 5160 sys49152:return
- 5170 rem *** set device
- 5180 poke49884,dv%and2
- 5190 poke49337,dv%and1
- 5200 return
- 5210 rem *** print top line
- 5220 printchr$(19)chr$(c%(tl%))chr$(18)chr$(165)" [208]references [221] [211]torage [221]";
- 5230 print" [209]uit "chr$(167)chr$(146)
- 5240 return
- 5250 rem *** check fire
- 5260 ifdv%=2then5290
- 5270 f%=peek(56320+dv%)and16:iff%=16then5270
- 5280 return
- 5290 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)then5290
- 5300 return
- 5310 rem *** print menu
- 5320 x%=asc(left$(m$(m%),1)):y%=asc(mid$(m$(m%),2,1))
- 5330 l%=asc(mid$(m$(m%),3,1)):d%=asc(mid$(m$(m%),4,1))
- 5340 q%=asc(mid$(m$(m%),5,1)):b%=asc(mid$(m$(m%),6,1))
- 5350 v%=asc(mid$(m$(m%),7,1))
- 5360 poke781,x%:poke782,0:poke783,48:sys58634
- 5370 printtab(y%)chr$(b%)"[176]"left$(z$,l%)"[174]"
- 5380 ifq%=1thenprinttab(y%)"[221]"chr$(30)right$(m$(m%),l%)chr$(b%)"[221]"
- 5390 ifq%=1thenprinttab(y%)"[171]"left$(z$,l%)"[179]"
- 5400 fori=1tod%
- 5410 printtab(y%)"[221]"chr$(v%)m$(m%+i)left$(y$,l%-len(m$(m%+i)))chr$(b%)"[221]":next
- 5420 printtab(y%)"[173]"left$(z$,l%)"[189]"
- 5430 poke680,y%+1:poke681,y%+l%
- 5440 poke682,x%+1+2*q%:poke683,peek(682)+d%-1
- 5450 return
- 5460 rem *** flash bar
- 5470 t%=peek(49408):t1%=peek(49396):poke49396,0:poke49408,0:poke49871,0
- 5480 fori=0to14:poke679,1-peek(679)
- 5490 ford=0to18:next
- 5500 next:s%=peek(49886):poke679,0:poke49408,t%:poke49396,t1%:return
- 5510 rem *** clear window space
- 5520 printchr$(19)chr$(17)
- 5530 fori=0to17:printy$:next
- 5540 return
- 5550 rem *** handle accel & veloc
- 5560 poke684,15
- 5570 poke679,1:poke781,x%:poke782,y%:sys58634
- 5580 a$=str$(a%)+" ":printchr$(150)mid$(a$,2,2)
- 5590 gosub5260:ifpeek(710)=0then5590
- 5600 gosub5470
- 5610 p%=s%-(x%+1)
- 5620 onp%goto5630,5640,5650,5660
- 5630 a%=a%+1:a%=a%andl%:goto5570
- 5640 a%=a%-1:a%=a%andl%:goto5570
- 5650 a%=n%:goto5570
- 5660 gosub5520:return
- 5670 rem *** print colour blocks
- 5680 poke781,x%:poke782,0:sys58634
- 5690 printtab(2)chr$(158)"[176]"left$(z$,2*(16-l%))"[174]"
- 5700 printtab(2)"[221]"chr$(18);:fori=l%to15:printchr$(c%(i))" ";:next
- 5710 printchr$(146)chr$(158)"[221]"
- 5720 printtab(2)"[221]"chr$(18);:fori=l%to15:printchr$(c%(i))" ";:next
- 5730 printchr$(146)chr$(158)"[221]"
- 5740 printtab(2)"[173]"left$(z$,2*(16-l%))"[189]":return
- 8000 data144,5,28,159,156,30,31,158,129,149,150,151,152,153,154,155
- 8010 data2,1,16,6,1,154,155," [208]references "
- 8020 data"[193]cceleration","[201]nitial velocity","[205]aximum velocity","[195]ontrol device"
- 8025 data"[193]ttributes","[197]xit"
- 8030 data6,5,15,4,1,158,153,"[193]cceleration "
- 8040 data"[193]cceleration +1","[193]cceleration -1","[206]ormal accel.","[197]xit"
- 8050 data7,5,19,4,1,158,153,"[201]nitial [214]elocity "
- 8060 data"[201]nitial velocity +1","[201]nitial velocity -1","[206]ormal velocity","[197]xit"
- 8070 data8,5,19,4,1,158,153,"[205]aximum [214]elocity "
- 8080 data"[205]aximum velocity +1","[205]aximum velocity -1","[206]ormal maximum","[197]xit"
- 8090 data9,5,14,4,1,158,154,"[195]ontrol [196]evice"
- 8100 data"[202]oystick 1","[202]oystick 2","[203]eyboard","[197]xit"
- 8110 data10,5,19,4,1,159,155," [193]ttributes "
- 8120 data"[212]op line text","[212]op line background","[208]ointer colour","[197]xit"
- 8130 data2,9,22,2,1,159,154,"[211]ave [208]rogram and [195]ode ","[208]lease enter filename:",""
- 8140 data6,13,19,2,0,155,154,"","[208]lease enter device","([212])ape or ([196])isk"
- 8150 data8,15,22,2,0,154,155,"","[211]tart tape,","then press any key"